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A Summer in Scotland
By Jacob Abbott (1876)


Having spent a month or two during the last summer in rambling among the Highlands of Scotland, I have written the following account of my adventures for the amusement of my pupils, and of such other readers as may honor these pages with a perusal. The narrative is strictly a personal one. The work does not pretend to give a geographical, historical, or statistical account of Scotland, but only a simple narration of the adventures of a traveler rambling in a romantic country in search of recreation and enjoyment alone. In writing the account, I have attempted nothing more than to reproduce for the reader a picture of the scenes, such as they were, which presented themselves to my attention. The book, therefore, claims no higher province than that of offering a rational source of entertainment to the reader in leisure hours.

Abbott's Institution, New York, Jan., 1848.

A Summer in Scotland
By Jacob Abbott (1876) (pdf)

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