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Alastair's Move to the USA
24th September 2003

Today I went to the SNP conference in Inverness to see Peter and Marilyn Wright manning the Scots Independent Newspaper stand and also to see if I couldn't get some interesting photos of some personalities.  Also as I don't normally attend these political events it was going to be interesting to see who was there and what they were up to...

Peter and Marilyn Wright manning the SI stand. Peter has his all new all black kilt on!

Picture on right is Kenneth Fee, Editor of the Scots Independent Newspaper with his wife Margery

Pictures of Paul Scott, John Swinney, Leader of the SNP and Peter D Wright

The above three pictures show the preparation by Grampian TV for an interview with John Swinney

The above pictures are general shots of the conference

Nicola Sturgeon MSP and Fergus Ewing MSP

View over to the Kessock Bridge on the way into Inverness

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