I think all of you know
by know that my family and I, and later my dear girl friends, are coming
with me to Scotland. The first reason is to memorialize my mother, the
second to show good friends the land that begat me and people who are
"flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones" (as the poem goes), and the
third is just for me to have some quiet and reflective time as I enter a
new phase of life and relationships with all seven of my children now
grown up, adult, and moving on to successful and happy lives.
I'd like to share some
journaling thoughts and trip anticipations with my family and my
traveling companions about Scotland - my family so they'll be prepared
for "weird Mom" while we are in Scotland, and my friends so they'll have
an idea of the Scotland I love and remember from growing up in the home
of my mother and my grandmother, Charlotte Beat McIntosh.