A pleasant crew member of a boat I skippered
once, was a red-hot IRA supporter. I will refer to him as Eamon Deacy,
as I have no wish to cause him or his family any embarrassment, but that
was not his real name, so readers will excuse the non-disclosure of his
true identity. He was a pleasant and hard-working man, and a great
conversationalist to have in the cabin. But he made no attempt to hide
his detest of the British occupation of Northern Ireland, or his deep
hostility to British soldiers for the murder of Irish nationalists over
the major part of the 20th
century. Yet Eamonn changed his attitude radically, and publicly decried
the leadership of the IRA, and did so in the pages of English
newspapers. What brought about the change?
His brother, an active IRA member, had been
interred in the notorious HM Prison Maze at Lisburn near Belfast,
(otherwise known as the H blocks, Long Kesh, or the Maze). This was some
ten tears before the hunger strikes of IRA prisoners during 1980 and
1981 when Bobby Sands died after 66 days without food. Another nine of
the prisoners died similarly by August of that year. But it was ten
years earlier that the IRA, looking for a martyr to stir support for the
cause, asked Eamon’s brother to go on hunger strike to the death. In
Eamonn’s view, knowing many of the men who wanted his brother to give
his life in this way, - they were cowards who would not skip a single
meal themselves. So his anger burst out in a public denunciation of
those IRA leaders. As it happened, his brother did not go on hunger
strike, and did not die.
Was Eamon very different from other Irishmen
of the Republic in those days ? Not really. Perhaps only in degree.
Having visited and worked in Ireland over many years, from 1949 onwards,
I would say almost all Irish Catholics (and many southern Ireland
Protestants) support the union of north and south in one free democratic
state outside of the United Kingdom. That is the natural position of the
vast majority. How many would support armed uprising or violence to
achieve the end, is open to debate, and much more difficult to assess.
But the history of treachery, and broken promises by British
Governments, and the brutal actions of English troops since the days of
Cromwell, is vividly embedded in the national consciousness, and
reflected in the many colourful republican and patriotic songs. In
consequence, ordinary Irish people would view IRA bloodshed from that
perspective, and, if not condoning it, would at least understand the
passions and sense of grievance that fostered the armed movement.
During the years my father and his brothers
fished around Ireland for the Dublin firm of H J Nolan & Co. (formerly a
Belfast firm), they encountered no hostility or unfriendliness. From the
Donegal hills to the Aran Isles, and to Bantry Bay, and all the small
harbours of the Free State in the 1940’s and 1950’s, the Scots fishers
were accepted as fellow Celts. Their fundamentalist Presbyterian or
non-conformist faith was no obstacle to the formation of lifelong
friendships. It helped that Scotland was viewed as being under an
English yoke as much as Northern Ireland. I suspect the Scots fishers
made no attempt to question that perception. The Northern Irish problem
was a political problem, - not a religious one.
This was also my own experience during the
15 years or more I worked with Moslem peoples in over ten countries
which had a majority of, or a sizeable number of, Moslem citizens. Those
countries included Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Nigeria, and
Turkmenistan. In each place I was treated with respect and courtesy, and
much kindness. I made no secret of my Christian faith, but that was
never an issue. The resentment towards the West (and chiefly the United
States), was due to political factors. The major problems were Western
control of Arab or Moslem resources of petroleum, and America’s reckless
readiness to bomb and invade any Moslem land on the pretence of
defending its own security.
But, back to Ireland, and the tensions of
the post-war period up to the formation of a coalition government in the
north, with representatives of political parties that stood for the
extreme positions of Republicans and Loyalists. Ireland and its
troubles, as has often been said, is a result of the “sins of our
fathers”. My own experience of more recent troubles and conflicts, in
places like South Africa and Cambodia, is that we have ultimately to
bury the hatchet, to turn away from perpetual hostility and revenge, and
to work for peace, justice and reconciliation. Why Ireland should be
different, or why the so-called Loyalists should perpetuate wars and
battles that took place 300 years ago, - I simply do not understand.
Worse still, why that should be done in the name of Christ is an
abomination, in my view. Martin Luther King wisely proclaimed that the
philosophy of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”
ultimately leaves everyone blind and toothless.
We need a new beginning and people with the
vision to see that. I thank God for the brave peacemakers on both sides
of the Irish conflict who have worked to achieve a lasting peace. And I
refer here, not to politicians, but to ordinary women and men, many of
whom lost loved ones during the troubles.
Most Irish persons supported the movements
to rid all of Ireland from the UK, though only a few would agree with
the violent means of the IRA. So it was hardly possible to have a
Catholic Irish friend who did not harbour national sympathies. Rather, I
suppose as it would be difficult to find ordinary Arabs in the Middle
East who did not want their lands to be free of American or Israeli
domination. However, and despite all of the violent background, and the
historical injustices that have beset Ireland, rather wonderfully, even
avowed Catholic nationalists and Protestant unionists can be great
friends cooperating effectively and in harmony. I knew some who were in
that category. Two who come to mind, Paddy Smyth and Bobby McCullough, a
fish merchant and a skipper of a large vessel, worked marvelously
together, though constantly teasing, and playing practical jokes on one
another. I also knew many Protestant skippers who lived and worked all
their lives in fishing ports like Killybegs in Donegal, and were
respected and valued members of that community. The core problem of
Ireland is political, not religious, and it relates to basic justice.
However, IRA gun-running was to affect my
family’s legacy of peaceful fishing in Ireland, some years after we had
returned to Scotland. The family, through Nolan’s operated four fine
fishing boats. They were the Kincora, the Casamara, the
Moravia and the Kittiwake. The first two were Irish built, -
constructed at the fine yard of John Tyrrell and Sons in Arklow. The
second two were Scots-built, from the boatyards of Buckie in Banffshire.
Three of the vessels were taken to Scotland in the later 1950’s and
re-registered under INS (Inverness) numbers. The fourth vessel, the
Casamara, remained in the Republic. She was a fine 65 foot boat,
very seaworthy, and built of pitch pine, with a mahogany cabin said to
be from wood washed up after a shipwreck. The wood had originally been a
gift to the King of England from an African state. No Irishman would
have had a conscience about using that salvaged timber for his own
After the Scots fishers left, the Casamara
was sold initially to the O’Driscoll family in Castletown Berehaven.
That family had a long tradition of fishing there from the remote County
Cork port, and they used the Casamara successfully for some
years. The boat then changed hands again, and after 1980 was acquired by
Dun Laoghaire owners. Then in 1985 it made at least three arms shipment
voyages from Libya to the IRA in the Republic.
Commanded by an Adrian Hopkins of Dun
Laoghaire from where we often fished, Casamara was reported to
have carried consignments of from 10 to 16 tons of weapons and
ammunition, including AK 47 rifles, pistols, anti-aircraft machine guns
and rocket launchers. Also in the cargo were a million rounds of bullets
and thousands of mortar shells. General John de Chastelain who inspected
arms that the IRA had put out of use, identified some as coming from the
Casamara shipment. I find it hard to believe that that lovely 65 foot
seiner built by Tyrrell’s of Arklow in the late 1940’s, which was manned
by such fine crews of fishermen and which had harvested fish all round
the emerald isle for 30 years, was to be used for the murderous weapons
trade in the 1980’s.
Hopkins was reported to have used three
vessels over a 2 to 3 year period, - the Casamara, the Villa,
and the Eksund. At one time he changed the Casamara’s name
to avoid detection. He and his Eksund crew, including IRA member
Gabriel Cleary, were arrested by French authorities in the Bay of Biscay
in 1987, and spent the next 3 years in French jails. Released on bail,
Hopkins made his way to Ireland where he was picked up by Gardai police
in Limerick. Numerous reports, including Ed Moloney’s 2003 book, The
Secret History of the IRA, claim that the arms shipments were
financed and organized by one Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy, a wealthy pig farmer
whose property adjoined the Irish Republic border.
Books and reports describe Murphy as a
veteran IRA commander, and its most lucrative smuggler. It was also
suspected that he was behind the brutal murder of Eamon Collins near
Murphy’s farm. Collins had been a witness against Murphy in a British
court case. Thomas Murphy was said to be on the beach at Clogga Strand
in County Wicklow when the Casamara discharged her cargo of weapons and
ammunition. In 2006, Northern Irish and Republican police raided
Murphy’s farms after British police had searched over 240 properties in
England, valued at £ 55 million, that were believed to be part of an IRA
money-laundering operation. What happened to the Casamara afterwards, I
have not been able to ascertain.
In contrast to the IRA crewman mentioned at
the start of the chapter, there was a regular visitor to my father’s
boat who was to make a significant contribution to peace and
reconciliation in the north, some years later. I refer to Dr John Robb
who as a surgeon at Lismore Hospital Ballymena, had often to repair the
horrendous damage done to human bodies by the indiscriminate bombs. His
father Dr John Charles Robb, a pioneer in medical and hospital work,
served in Downpatrick Hospital for many years. My father was placed
under his care in 1953 when he was landed unconscious from a brain
hemorrhage due to excessive hours at sea without sleep. Thankfully, my
father recovered, and in the process he got to know the Robb boys,
Johnny and Jimmy, both of whom were to spend some time at sea with us
later when on vacation. They were great fun, keen rugby players, and
real gentlemen. Both graduated as medical doctors, though Jimmy had
intended a different line of work, but changed to medicine after a
life-changing visit to Calcutta where he observed human misery and
suffering to an extreme degree.
Johnny became a renowned surgeon, often
operating on bomb victims with horrific injuries, at the Lismore
Hospital as mentioned above. He was made an honorary Senator by the
Dublin Government in appreciation of his efforts to promote peace in the
north. I mentioned his name to the Rev Iain Paisley during the
conversation we had on a flight from Rome to London many years ago. The
leader of the Democratic Unionists said, “ahh, ... - he’s all mixed
up. But, … he is a very good surgeon”. |