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Stories from House of Tartan
Iron Horse Tartan
Woven by "House of Tartan"

Mary Ann Ackerman,  Larry Stump and Donald Ackerman
Mary Ann Ackerman,  Larry Stump and Donald Ackerman

Mary Ann Ackerman

The colors were patterned after the age old Iron Wolf clan's black and grey tartan of the 1400's with the red, white and blue stripe added for the USA. We have 55 members to date. Some more active than others, but all have something to give and contribute to this group.

Our History is that, not unlike the Iron Wolf Clan who, while not bound by a single family last name in common, were bound by a common goal. 

We are a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who were all at one time stationed together by the United States Armed Forces in and around Stuttgart, Germany and the surrounding area.  In the motorcycle world, identity can be a tricky thing. Not wishing to be prey to the motorcycle "gangs" and neither wanting to be bound by Harley Owner Group laws, ( which eliminate all other makes of motorcycles other than their own) we felt a deep need for kinship and identity.

Larry StumpOur ties with Scotland stem from one of their great motorcycle rallies held annually in Aviemore. Where Don Ackerman was rather adopted by a few of the local bikers there, and deemed fit to wear a kilt, with much pomp and ceremony, I might add.  te he  ;) And ultimately where he proposed to me, I might add!

And so now we are a little band of bikers, who meet at regular "gatherings of the Clan" - our monthly get togethers, where we ride our motorcycles in from all parts of the US , and sometimes Europe and UK as well, for biker games, good food, great fun, song and dance, a little beer and ale, telling of tall tales,  and a meeting much like any  Clan Gathering or Family Reunion. Sometimes only a few can attend, sometimes more> But always everyone of us know we are welcome and belong.

( do you know the difference between a Fairy Tale and A Biker Story? - One starts out "Once upon a time..." and the other starts out "No shit, there I was..." )

Most of us are still connected to the Armed Forces, and this has been a trying year for our friends and families and our "Scottish Heritage" gives us courage and strength, a brief reprieve, fond memories, and a breath of fresh air.

Donald AckermanIt is sometimes hard to describe how we got started and why the connection to Scotland, and maybe you had to be there to understand, maybe not, I am never sure! But our military family is important to us, and our Biker Military Family is ever growing, and our "We were all stationed together in Europe Family" is so unique and so special it is hard to put to words. We road the highways and byways of Europe, UK , and beyond, together. We became each others' family. We rode in celebration, we rode in honor of, we rode together. We were there for each other, for Mother's Day , for Father's Day -  births of children, for deaths in the families -  for Christmas, For New Years', for those days that only US citizens celebrate, like Thanksgiving, and 4th of July  and we rode.

If you have anything you would like to ask, or if I have not explained it very well, please feel free to ask me anything you like. It is most difficult to put into words.

Mary Ann, Iron Horse Bard

Ackerman Spirit

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