At the beginning of 1881,
a rumour received currency that the War Office was about to abolish the
distinctive tartans of the Highland regiments, and to substitute some
new uniform tartan. The rumour naturally roused the feelings of all
Highlanders, and an agitation took place in which the Gaelic Society of
Inverness took an active part. A brief narrative of this agitation, and
our part in it, may be here given.
In 1877 a Committee on
Army Organisation proposed by Colonel Stanley, War Secretary in Lord
Beaconsfield’s administration, recommended that the connection should be
more closely drawn between the line battalions of a brigade, and that “
this could best be effected by their being treated as one regiment, such
regiment bearing a territorial designation, the line battalions being
the 1st and 2nd; the Militia battalions, the 3rd and 4th, &c., of such
territorial regiment, the depot being common to all, and being the last
battalion of the Series.”
In 1880 it was found
absolutely necessary to determine whether this proposal was to be
adopted or not; and Mr H. E. C. Childers, who was then War Minister in
the new administration, resolved to refer the matter to a small
Committee. This Committee had instructions to consider such questions,
“1. The territorial
designation which the regiment should bear, and whether it is desirable
to re-adjust the combination of the present linked battalions, having
due regard to the extreme inconvenience likely to be caused by such
“2. The record of
victories on the colours.
“3. Arrangements for
uniformity of clothing for the territorial regiments, including the
The Committee which the
Duke of Cambridge appointed to consider these matters, consisted of
Adjutant-General Ellice, Major-General Radcliffe, Major-General Buhner,
Elkington, Major-General
Sir Archibald Alison, Colonel 13. Macpherson, younger of Cluny
(Lieutenant-Colonel of the 42nd Highlanders) ; Lieutenant-Colonel
Briggs, 96th Regiment; and Mr George D. Ramsay, Director of Clothing.
While this Committee was
prosecuting its labours, the rumour above alluded to spread over the
land \ and the agitation was begun.
On 9th February 1881, the
Secretary, Mr William Mackenzie, drew the attention of our Society to
this rumour; and on his motion the meeting was formed into a Special
Committee, with power to add to their number, to watch over the
question; and power was given them to convene, if necessary, a public
meeting, to which leading and representative Highlanders should be
invited, in order to protest against the rumoured proposed change. The
same meeting authorised Lord Archibald Campbell to sign on behalf of the
Society a petition to the Queen and Mr Childers, which his Lordship was
promoting. The petition was as follows:—
“To the Queen’s Most
Excellent Majesty.—May it please your Majesty,—We, the undersigned,
believing that we represent the national feeling of Scotland, humbly
petition that the tartan dress hitherto worn by the various Highland
regiments as distinctive of the districts in which they were raised, and
in which dress they have fought with honour and glory in every part of
the globe, be not changed, believing that such distinctive tartans add
to the esprit de corps, and that such changes as are contemplated are
contrary to the instincts of every true Highlander.”
On Thursday, February
20th, one of our leading members, Mr Fraser-Mackintosh, in his place in
the House of Commons, asked whether alterations in the tartans worn by
kilted and trews regiments were contemplated; and if so, whether full
time would be allowed for the consideration of a matter so interesting
to many, before finally adopting any alterations. To this question, Mr
Childers replied as follows:—“In reply to my hon. friend, I can assure
him and the House that so delicate a matter as any alteration with
regard to the tartans of the Scotch regiments will not be decided upon
without full consideration—(Hear, hear)— but probably he is not aware of
the facts which have led to this matter becoming urgent. Since 1870 all
soldiers have enlisted, not for one, but for two regiments, and since
1873 all officers have been appointed, not to one, but to two regiments,
and they are liable to be transferred from one to the other at the will
of the authorities. For instance, the 42nd and the 79th are two Scotch
regiments, the men and officers of which belong to both. When the 42nd
was abroad it was fed by drafts from the 79th to the extent of 452 men
in four years; and now that the 79th is abroad vacancies in it have been
filled by drafts from the 42nd to the extent of 159 men in one year. So,
again, as to officers, two have recently been promoted from the 42nd to
the 79th, and the whole body of officers will before long be subject to
this liability of belonging to two regiments. It is evidently anomalous
and unnecessarily costly that officers should be compelled to keep two
sets of uniform, to say nothing of changing the uniform of the men, and
we think that the time has come when this anomaly should be put an end
to, and the two regiments have the same uniform. I understand that
several of these cases are being satisfactorily arranged, and I can
assure my hon. friend that we shall act with every consideration for the
feelings of the officers and their men in whatever changes may
ultimately be deemed necessary.”
On Monday, February 14th,
a meeting of the Special Committee appointed by our Society on 9th
February was held, when Mr Childers’ reply, above quoted, was
considered, and the following resolution thereanent adopted :—
“The Committee having in
view the unsatisfactory nature of Mr Childers’ reply to the question put
to him by Mr Fraser-Mackintosh in regard to the proposed change in the
tartans of the Highland regiments, resolves to organise a fuller meeting
of influential representatives of Highlanders, to be held in Inverness
on or before Friday, 4th March, for the purpose of considering the said
proposal, and taking such steps as may be resolved upon with reference
to the same.”
It was also resolved to
largely augment the Committee by the addition of the names of prominent
citizens; and Mr William Mackay was appointed its convener. In the first
place a circular in the following terms was extensively circulated :—
“Clann nan Gaidheal an
guaillean a cheile.
“Gaelic Society of
“Inverness, 22nd Feb.
“Sir,—The proposal by
Government to abolish the distinctive tartans of the Highland regiments
has caused great uneasiness, not only among Highlanders at home and
abroad, but also among patriotic Lowlanders and Englishmen; and the
Gaelic Society of Inverness have considered it their duty to appoint a
Committee of their members to watch its progress. In consequence of the
unsatisfactory nature of the statement made in Parliament by the
Secretary of State for War, in reply to Mr Fraser-Mackintosh’s question
on the subject, the Committee have resolved to organise a public meeting
for the purpose of considering the proposed change, and taking such
steps in regard to it as may be resolved upon. The meeting is to be held
within the Music Hall, Inverness, on Friday, the 4th day of March next,
at one o’clock afternoon, and it is the earnest desire of the Committee
that as many as possible of our leading and representative Highlanders
should attend. The question to be considered is one which affects
Highlanders in a special manner, and looking to the glorious part taken
by the Highland regiments in the history of Britain during the past
century, and the desirability of encouraging enlistments in the
Highlands, it must also be treated as one materially affecting the
future well-being of the Empire.
“There is perhaps no
sentiment that enters so much into the character of the Scottish
Highlander, or that has so powerfully influenced- his history as a
soldier, as that embodied in the oft-quoted Ossianic precept, Lean gu
dluth ri cliu do shinnsir; and hitherto it has been the unvarying policy
of his leaders carefully to foster everything associated with his
forefathers’ fame, or tending to preserve the history and traditions of
the past. Guided by this policy, and knowing his men, Sir Ralph
Abercromby, at the battle of Alexandria, incited the Highlanders with
the simple but telling words, cMy brave IJighlanders, remember your
country, remember your forefathersSir John Moore’s brief address to the
clansmen who swept all before them on the field of Corunna was
‘Highlanders, remember Egypt:’ and during the memorable times of the
Crimea and Indian Mutiny, the Highlanders’ deep-rooted reverence for the
past and its associations were appealed to by Sir Colin Campbell, Sir
Henry Havelock, and others, with a result of which history will not
cease to tell. During Britain’s greatest struggles, the tartans which it
is now proposed to abolish were worn by the Highland regiments and
stained with the blood of their greatest heroes; but, notwithstanding
this—notwithstanding that the distinctive tartans remind our soldiers of
the clans and districts with which their regiments were originally
connected, and the brilliant actions fought by those who wore them in
the past, and that they have become as dear to them as the colours which
they would die to save, and notwithstanding the alarm and discontent
which, it is known, the proposal has caused among the officers and men
of the regiments interested —the Secretary for War has declared in
Parliament that in the opinion of the authorities the time has come for
the abolition of those tartans. If this opinion is to be acted upon,
there may be a paltry saving to the national exchequer; but the
principal link which connects the glorious past of our regiments with
the present will be broken, the individuality of the regiment will be
destroyed, esprit de corps will be weakened, and the most powerful
incentives to voluntary enlistment will be done away with. Our officers
and men, although opposed to the change, are not allowed to petition.
The people must therefore speak for them.
“I have been desired by
the Committee earnestly to request jour presence at the meeting on the
4th March. In the event of your being unable to attend, may I ask you to
have the goodness to favour me, at least three days before the meeting,
with such a letter as the Committee can make use of, stating whether or
not you disapprove of the proposed change.
“I have the honour to
“Your faithful Servant,
“William Mackay, Convener
of Committee, and Hon. Secretary of Gaelic Society.”
While the Gaelic Society
was actively engaged in the agitation in the North, Highlanders in the
South were no less zealous ; and on 17th February a most influential
meeting was held at Stafford House, the London residence of the Duke of
Sutherland, where an imitation of the fiery cross was sent round, and
resolutions passed to resist any interference with the tartans. This
meeting arranged for the presentation of the petition above quoted; and
here it may be mentioned that among those who signed it were his Royal
Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, 66 other Scottish noblemen, a large
number of members of Parliament, the Provosts and Chief Magistrates of
124 cities and towns in Scotland, and upwards of 50 associations, and
societies of Highlanders in Scotland and England. The total number of
signatures obtained was over 16,000.
The petition was
presented by Mackintosh of Mackintosh, a member of this Society ; and in
reply to it, Mr Childers communicated the following letter to The
Mackintosh :—
“War Office, 23d Feb.
“Gentlemen,—The petition
which you have done me the honour to hand to me deserves all respect and
attention, but I take this opportunity—the first which has presented
itself to me— to state to you, and through you to those who take an
interest in the subject in your petition, that the main designs
attributed to us in connection with the uniform of Highland regiments
have no foundation whatever in fact.
“It has never been my
wish or intention either to abolish distinctive tartans or to substitute
new-fangled patterns for the clan tartans now in vogue; and, least of
all, to diminish the number of regiments wearing the kilt. On the
contrary, I know enough of Scotland, and especially of Highlanders, to
wish to see the number of battalions wearing these picturesque and
popular uniforms increase, and whatever may have been the case in past
times, when frequent changes in tartans took place, I am anxious to
avoid perpetual alterations in the dress of the army, which for the most
part only result in the benefit of tailors.
“But it became necessary
to consider whether larger regiments should not be substituted for the
inconvenient linked battalion system now in force. We consulted the
Colonels of Scotch regiments, in order to see how, without making
unnecessary changes, regiments with the same uniforms might be formed
out of the existing battalions ; and I am happy to say that, when your
meeting was recently held, we had arrived at a satisfactory conclusion
with respect to all but two regiments.
“I hope, when I move the
estimates next week, to be able to state that we have reached a complete
solution of this intricate question; but, meanwhile, I am glad to be
able to give these assurances to you and those whom you represent.
“I have the honour to be,
“Your obedient Servant,
(Signed) “Hugh E. C.
On 25th February 1881,
the War Office Committee, which, as already stated, included Sir
Archibald Alison and Colonel D. Macpherson of Cluny, issued a unanimous
report; and we cannot do better than quote from it such portions as bear
directly on the Highland regiments, which we do as follows:—
“We have considered those
recommendations of Colonel Stanley’s Committee (1877) which form part of
our reference, and have taken evidence with regard to them from officers
of experience, both in the line and the militia. We have also had the
advantage of the opinions of Lieutenant-General Sir J. A dye,
Surveyor-General of Ordnance, and of Lieutenant-General Sir Garnet
Wolseley, Quarter-Master-General.
“The first point which
has occupied our attention—in view of the proposals of Colonel Stanley’s
Committee for the formation of territorial regiments being carried
out—has been whether it is advisable to alter in any way the present
combination of linked battalions, previous to their organisation in such
regiments. As this organisation may be final, it is evidently of high
importance to unite in the same regiment, battalions as closely allied
as possible both as regards local connection and regimental feeling.
“There are several
reasons for considering a readjustment of the present coupling of
regiments as desirable. In some cases traditional sentiment, in others
local considerations, or questions of clothing and uniform, point to the
fact that certain alterations in the existing linking would be attended
with advantage. Thus, the 43rd and 52nd, two regiments which formed part
of the old light division in the Peninsula, and which are, perhaps,
united by closer ties than any other regiments in the service, are
separated, while, on the other hand, the 26th Cameronians, a Lowland and
originally a Covenanter regiment, is linked to the strongly Highland
74th. As the 26th was originally raised for the purpose of opposing the
Highlanders, it is manifest that its regimental traditions, and the
feeling which these traditions always engender, must clash seriously
with those of the 74th.
“Again, at present the
71st and 78th are linked together, the former wearing the trews and the
latter the kilt. Such an arrangement added to the expense of the change
of clothing when a draft proceeds from the battalion at home to that
abroad, is unsightly on parade, and tends to keep up a feeling of
separation between the two battalions, detrimental to the proper working
either of the present linked battalion system, or to that proposal of
territorial regiments.
“In Appendix No. III.
will be found a scheme of re-linking, which it appears to us meets all
the cases where it is urgently required, and has the following
advantages:—It unites the 43rd and 52nd, and localises the Scotch
regiments satisfactorily, doing away with the inconvenience attendant on
the localisation of the 75th (a Scotch regiment) in Dorsetshire. It also
brings together regiments willing to wear the same tartan, and in many
cases having the same origin. It also adds one fresh battalion to those
which have to be recruited in Scotland.
“On the assumption,
however, that the present coupling of battalions continues, we have next
considered the most suitable titles for the new territorial regiments.
Our endeavour in this has been whilst abolishing all numbers (on the
principle laid down by Colonel Stanley’s Committee) to maintain to the
utmost everything that bears witness either to the local connection or
to the honourable distinctions alike of the line and the militia, which
united will form the new regiment. We hope by so doing to preserve, as
little impaired as possible, that esprit de corps which is so marked and
so valuable in the British Army. But we cannot conceal from ourselves
that the fusing together of so many regiments hitherto separate, and the
consequent alteration of titles and abolition of numbers surrounded with
historical associations will inflict a shock on the feelings of the
officers and men of those battalions which thus lose their cherished
designations. We trust, however, that this may be temporary only, and
that the hope expressed by Colonel Stanley’s Committee may be realised—namely,
that in process of time an enlarged esprit de corps will grow up, and
that the men of the territorial regiments will look back to the
traditions of former campaigns with no less pride than their
“On the subject of
clothing we concur in the recommendation of Colonel Stanley’s Committee,
that the uniform of all the battalions of the territorial regiment
(whether line or militia) should be the same.
“In the case of Scotch
battalions, the proper tartan to be adopted on the formation of the
territorial regiment must be a matter for special consideration for each
regiment. The question will be much simplified if the re-linking
proposed in Appendix III. be adopted. This scheme has been framed after
careful consultation with the Commanding Officers of the Scotch
regiments, and special regard has been had in it to the strong feeling
entertained by the men of various clans for their own special tartans.
We have ascertained that if it be carried out the two battalions coupled
together are willing in each case to adopt a common pattern for their
tartan. It would, however, necessitate the kilting of four additional
regiments, which would considerably increase the cost of their clothing.
This increase would be counterbalanced if the ostrich feather head-dress
now worn by kilted regiments were done away with. This head-dress is
costly, and is never worn on active service. As it has no national
origin, we recommend that it should be replaced by the true national
head-dress-—the bonnet. The saving thus occasioned would more than cover
the extra expense caused by the kilts. We would further suggest that all
non-kilted Scotch regiments wlrch do not already wear the trews should
adopt them.”
This table shows the
linking of the Scottish regiments prior to 1881 :—

On March 3rd, the Army
Estimates were introduced in the House of Commons; and on that occasion
Mr Childers spoke at some length on the question of army organisation.
Referring to the Highland regiments and the tartan question, he said—“
The special circumstances of some of the Scotch regiments require
particular treatment. I will describe them with a little detail, as some
most extraordinary misconceptions appear to exist about projects
affecting them and their uniforms which never entered my mind. At
present there are nine Highland regiments—the 42nd, 71st, 72nd, 74th,
78th, 79th, 91st, 92nd, and 93rd, wearing the kilt or trews; two double
battalion regiments, the Royal Scots and Royal Scots Fusiliers ; and
three single battalion regiments—the 26th, 73rd, and 90th, all localised
in Scotland, and one, the 75th, localised in England. We propose to
group these after a new arrangement in a manner which I will now
describe. 1st, the 72nd and 78th will form the Seaforth Highlanders,
kilted, and with the Mackenzie tartan; 2nd, the 92nd Gordon Highlanders
will remain at Aberdeen, and the 75th will become its second battalion,
and receive the same dress; 3rd, the 42nd will continue at Perth, and
the 73rd, which is a Perthshire regiment, formerly the second battalion
of the 42nd, will receive the same dress and form with it the Black
Watch ; 4th, the 79th will have their dep6t at Inverness, and will be
the odd battalion of the total 141 of the army ; 5th, the 91st and 93rd
will form a regiment, with their dep6t at Stirling. They will be dressed
in the kilt, wearing the tartan which, we understand, is common to the
Argyll and Sutherland clans; 6th, the 71st and 74th will be combined at
Hamilton as the Highland Light Infantry ; 7th, at Hamilton, also, will
be the 26th and 90th, formed into a Rifle regiment. The other two depots
— Edinburgh and Ayr — will remain unchanged. There will thus be nine
kilted battalions, and two in trews, as against five kilted, and four in
trews, as at present.”
This announcement on the
part of the Minister of War was hailed by Highlanders everywhere with
great satisfaction; and the agitation was at an end. Our meeting at
Inverness was called for the 4th March (the day after Mr Childers made
his statement), and there was, in the circumstances, little for it to
do. It, how* ever, afforded an opportunity for the feeling in the North
regarding the question to receive expression, and it is desirable that
the same should be placed on record, which we accordingly do.
The meeting was .held in
the Music Hall, Inverness, and there was a large attendance. Provost
Fraser presided ; and on the platform were—Mr Horatio Ross of Rossie;
Captain Chisholm, Glassburn; Dean of Guild Mackenzie, the Rev. A. C.
Macdonald, Mr Charles Mackay, Mr William Mackay, solicitor; Mr Wm.
Macbean, Union Street; Mr G. J. Campbell, solicitor ; Mr Colin Chisholm,
Inverness; Mr Fraser, C.E., and Mr Wm. Mackenzie, members of tl:e
Council of the Gaelic Society. Among those in the body of the hall were
Dr Simon of Glenaldie; Dr Mackay, Ardross Terrace; Major Fraser; the
Rev. Mr Fraser, Petty; Mr Robert Grant, of Messrs Macdougall & Co., &c.
Provost Fraser briefly
explained the object of the meeting, which, he said, was called in
compliance with the terms of a circular issued by the Committee of the
Gaelic Society of Inverness. Although, he continued, it is a proper
thing that we should not show the slightest indifference to so important
a matter as a proposed change in the distinctive tartans of the Highland
regiments, I think it right to say that the matter about which we are
met has been very much settled—(Cheers)— since steps were first taken in
regard to it. The object of our wishes has, I may say, been almost
attained. (Loud applause.) Such being the case, I think I may add that
as soon as this matter was mooted—as soon as it was stated that the War
Office contemplated certain changes in the distinctive tartans of the
Highland regiments—the authorities in Inverness did their very utmost to
forward the object that this Society has in view, and to oppose the
views that were attributed to the War Office. (Cheers.) I have had a
good deal of correspondence on the subject with Lord Archibald Campbell,
and that in a manner that should be satisfactory in the extreme to us
—(Hear, hear)—as showing the intense interest that has been taken in the
Highland regiments in high places throughout the country. I need not
enter into details, but I must mention that, on the 27th February, Lord
Archibald wrote me this letter—“ I would feel greatly obliged if you
will let some one read out this letter to the Highlanders who may be
present at your forthcoming gathering of the 4th March.” The letter
referred to is as follows :—
“14 Beaufort Gardens,
“27th February 1881.
“Gentlemen,—Though I have
reason to think that our prayers have been heard by the War Office
authorities, yet I cannot but rejoice to hear you are to gather together
on the 4th of March at Inverness. There is, gentlemen, so much that is
noble throughout the history of our beloved land, and so much that is
worth copying in the conduct of the Highlanders in bye-gone days, that I
feel you will not hold your meeting in vain. The movement begun here in
London is not a political one. Our admiration for those who fought of
old, down to quite recent times, consists in this—That the Highlander
did not know much about or care in byegone days much about politics in
the abstract. What lie did do, and care to do well, was the bidding of
the respective chiefs. That made their conduct noble. They did not in
byegone days discuss if their chief were on the right side or wrong
side. At his summons they were at his side. Gallant days of most
unselfish devotion ! We, I maintain, in our day ought to carry on the
traditions that inspired such love and devotion, and do all in our power
to perpetuate the touching, unquestioning, unswerving loyalty and
devotion of the true Highlander. It matters little to which party you
turn, the clansmen did their chiefs work nobly and well. It is this,
gentlemen, that in my eyes hallows the tartan plaid of all the clans.
The tartan plaid is the outward visible sign and symbol of days of the
great and unquestioning loyalty and devotion of your forefathers.
“I am, gentlemen, yours
(Signed) “ Archibald
This letter, continued
the Provost, is a very satisfactory one indeed, and one which should be
acknowledged as valuable to us all. (Cheers.) Nothing could be more
gratifying to us than the statement of the number of people who have
interested themselves in this whole subject. There signed the petition
to the Queen against the proposals that were attributed to the War
Office, one Royal Duke—(Hear, hear)—66 Scottish noblemen, many Members
of Parliament, 124 Provosts and Chief Magistrates, and from 16,000 to
20,000 other persons. (Cheers.)
Mr Wm. Mackay, solicitor,
read tlie following report by the Special Committee of the Gaelic
Society of Inverness :—
The proposal to tamper
with the distinctive tartans of the Highland regiments was received by
all interested in these regiments and acquainted with their past history
with profound regret and surprise; and the Gaelic Society of Inverness
appointed a Committee to take such steps in regard to the matter as they
might deem necessary. In consequence of the statement made in Parliament
by the Secretary for War, in reply to Mr Fraser-Mackin-tosh’s question
on the subject, the Committee resolved to organise this public meeting;
and on the 22nd ult. a circular was issued, and the meeting was
advertised in the newspapers. On the 23rd,
Mr Childers wrote to The
Mackintosh, disclaiming the “ main designs” attributed to the War
Office, but, as his letter was not considered entirely satisfactory, it
was resolved still to hold the meeting. The statement made by Mr
Childers last night in Parliament seems, so far as we can judge from the
brief telegraphic report, to have been satisfactory, and it is pleasant
to hope that there is now no necessity for taking the main steps for
which this meeting was called. At this season the most of our leading
Highlanders happen to be in the South, and, owing to the inclemency of
the weather (all the railways leading to Inverness being to-day blocked
in consequence of the snow-storm), a large number of noblemen and
gentlemen, who take a deep interest in our movement, are unable to be
with us to-day. Some of them have already taken part in the agitation in
connection with the petitions which have been presented to the Queen and
the Secretary for War. I have, however, received numerous letters, and
as these strongly reflect the deep feeling which exists among all
classes against any interference with the tartans, I shall, with your
permission, refer to some of them, it being absolutely impossible,
within the time at my disposal, to read them all.
The Duke of Montrose
writes :—
“The idea of changing the
tartans of the Highland regiments is repugnant to the feelings of every
Scotsman, and I hope from the answer given by Mr Childers to Mackintosh
of Mackintosh. that no alteration will be made.”
The Earl of Lauderdale
writes :—
“From my heart I trust
that the wishes of the gallant Highland regiments will be respected, and
that the proposed abolition by Government of the distinctive tartans
will not be carried into effect. The regiments have worn them 011 many a
hard-fought field in all parts of the world, and in my humble opinion
nothing is so likely to discourage enlistment amongst Highlanders as a
change in their national dress, for every soldier has a proud
recollection of the clan with which his regiment was formerly
The Earl of Errol writes
“I am happy to embrace
the opportunity of recording my emphatic protest against the
determination of the Secretary of State for War, as announced in
Parliament, for the immediate abolition of the distinctive tartans as at
present constituting the ancient and cherished garb of our National
The Earl of Mar and
Kellie writes :—
“I am entirely opposed to
any such change, as 1 believe it is calculated seriously to impair that
esprit de corps so essential to efficiency of our army. I have seen
lately many letters in the public press taking various views as to the
origin and antiquity of the clan tartans. It appears to me that such
discussions are of little value as regards the question at issue. It is
sufficient for me to know that the tartans now worn by the different
regiments have distinguished them for very many years, and that both
officers and men value them highly. And I believe the proposed change,
dictated by petty economy, is not only distasteful to the army, but
contrary to the feelings and wishes of all true Scotchmen.”
The Earl of Wliarncliffe
writes :—
“I cannot attend your
meeting on March 4th, but heartily sympathise with its object. As a
Stuart by birth, and a Mackenzie by inheritance, I feel entitled to a
strong feeling on the subject, and cannot express strongly enough my
indignation with the pettifogging economy of the present War Office with
regard to the dress of the Highland regiments.”
Lord Lovat says :—
“I heartily appreciate
the object of your meeting, and my name is on the petition that was
forwarded from Stafford House. I hate the idea of our Highland regiments
losing their distinctive tartans, or their old names, or numbers, or any
individual distinctions. These are the things that keep a regiment,
officers and men, together, that rally them in the fight, and make them
mindful of their regimental honour when at home. To a Highlander nothing
is so dear as liis clan tartan. Whilst a soldier his regiment is his
clan. If worth anything, all his feelings, and his hopes, and desires
are with his regiment; and instead of doing away with all that makes his
regiment dear to him, each thing that increases his esprit de corps
should be encouraged.”
Lord Sinclair writes :—
“In acknowledging your
circular of the 22nd, I most sincerely hope that the Highland regiments
may never be deprived of the tartans worn by them with such pride in all
parts of the world. I beg to express my cordial sympathy with the object
of the meeting to be held at Inverness on Friday next, the 4tli March,
and regret much the impossibility of attending in person on that
Lord Middleton expresses
regret at being unable to attend this meeting, and states that he is
strongly against the abolition of the distinctive tartans of the
Highland regiments ; and Lord Archibald Campbell has addressed a
spirited appeal, which has already been read to you.
Our northern Members of
Parliament—Lochiel, Sir George Macpherson-Grant, and Mr
Fraser-Mackintosh—have written strongly deprecating the threatened
change ; and, as you are aware, Mr Fraser-Mackintosh has taken an active
part in the agitation.
Cluny Macpherson, himself
an old 4 2nd officer, and the father of the present Colonels of the
Black Watch and the Sutherland Highlanders, writes that he highly
approves of the object of this meeting, in which he takes the deepest
Professor Blackie writes
“I shall deprecate in the
strongest terms any abolition of the dress of the Highland regiments.
The tartans are the bearers of historical associations ; and historical
associations are the soul of the military character; whosoever tampers
with the traditional dress of the Highland regiments weakens the moral
force of the army, which, as Napoleon said, are two-thirds of the
battle, lied tape and pipe-clay never yet made good soldiers.”
Dr Charles Mackay, tlie
poet, and Dr G. F. Macdonald, London, write vigorously against the
threatened change; the latter adding—
“A French general once
said, *Happily the Highlanders are few or they would conquer the world.’
Truly they have emphatically the qualities which make the best soldiers.
Yet a change was proposed such as would blow up the splendid edifice of
our army from the very foundation. It has been my lot in life to travel
much in various parts of the globe, and whether it be in the United
States or the colonies, scarcely a Highlander can be found who does not
retain his fond affection and natural pride in the garb which has ever
led the van where deeds of prowess and daring have been the admiration
and astonishment of the world.”
The officers who have
communicated with me are unanimous in their disapproval.
Colonel Ross of Cromarty
says :—
“Having had the honour in
my youth of serving in one of our most distinguished Highland regiments,
[ know well what a strong esprit de corps exists in them, and 1 should
deeply deplore if anything were done so calculated to impair this
feeling as the alteration of those historic old tartans which our
Highland regiments have worn victoriously in every quarter of the
Colonel Duncan Baillie of
Lochloy says :—
“I fully concur in the
object of the meeting to be held on the 4tli of March, but I regret that
I shall not be able to attend, as I am not permitted to sign a petition
to the Secretary of State for War, being in command of the troops in
this district. I trust that Mr Childers has reconsidered the question,
and will not alter the tartan of our Highland regiments.”
Major Rose of Kilravock
“ All I can do is to
assure you of my utter disapproval of the proposed change in the
regimental tartans, and of my entire approval of the Society’s patriotic
resolution to ward off an innovation so unnecessary, so ill judged, and
so distasteful to Highlanders of every rank and degree.”
Major Ramsay of Barra,
Banffshire, “ cordially concurs in the views entertained by all
Highlanders (he may say all Scotchmen) that the proposed alteration in
the tartans of the Highland regiments should be resisted.”
Major Rose of Tarlogie “
thoroughly believes that it would be a great mistake in every way to
abolish the. distinctive tartans of the Highland regiments,” and
Major Rose of Viewmount
says :—
“ I can assure you that
no person attending the meeting can more heartily condemn the proposed
change than I do. . . .
I firmly believe that if
the old regimental tartans are tampered with, the esprit de corps of all
the regiments will be so broken that no amends made hereafter will heal
the breach.”
Captain Hector Munro,
younger of Foulis, says :—
“I fully sympathise with
the object of the meeting, and no one would be more sorry than I to see
the grand old tartans, with their traditions, snuffed out by red tapeism.”
Captain Douglas
Wimberley, in a letter full of valuable suggestions, says : —
“I thoroughly sympathise
with your object, viz., to preserve each of the Highland regiments
intact and distinct, and having served for some years in the 79th, and
being adjutant of the regiment, I well know how distasteful to both
officers and men any approach to amalgamation was, is, and always will
be. . . .
I hope that your meeting
will be unanimous in sending a strong protest against any alteration
tending to interfere with the individuality of the regiments we love and
Another officer still on
duty says :—
“Being an officer in a
Highland regiment myself, it is needless for me to state how totally I
disapprove of such a change. Such an interference with the individuality
of the Highland regiments means little short of the effacement of these
regiments, the extinction of all esprit de corps, and the greatest
degradation that the officers and men could be subjected to.”
Mrs Campbell, yr. of
Lochnell, writes, in the absence of her husband, an enthusiastic letter,
in which she states that Mr Campbell’s whole sympathies are with us.
Brodie of Brodie writes
“The object for which the
meeting has been called has my full sympathy, as I think it is highly
undesirable that the tartans of our Highland regiments should be in any
way interfered with.”
Mr Mackintosh of Holme
says :—
“I have much pleasure in
assuring you that the object of the meeting has my entire sympathy. . .
I may say, however, that I have been glad to observe from the later
utterances of Mr Childers that the matter is likely to be settled as we
could wish, without outraging Highland feelings, which I do not believe
was ever really intended, but that the changes which seem to have been
contemplated were resolved upon thoughtlessly and without
Mr Malkin of Corrybrough
states :—
“I should join with you
in sincerely regretting that anything should be done to wound the just
pride of the Highland regiments in their brilliant histories. I trust,
however, that better counsels will prevail.”
Mr Macpherson-Campbell of
Balliemore says :—
“The object of all true
Scotchmen should be to preserve the national costume and the regimental
tartans of the Highland regiments, and I entirely agree with the object
of your meeting.”
Mr Dugald Stuart of
Lochcarron states : —
“I am very pleased that
there is a movement to protect our Highland regiments from invasion, and
I trust and hope that we will succeed.”
Mr W. Thomson Sinclair of
Freswick writes :—
“I will not lose this
opportunity of expressing my disapproval of the Government threat to
abolish the distinctive tartans of our brave Highland regiments, and
hope that such a strong and spontaneous expression of natural
indignation will be called forth against this attempt to meddle with the
ancient tartans, as will in future prevent any tampering with the
beautiful garb of old Gaul.”
Dr Cameron of Lakefield
says :—
“I much regret that it
will not be in my power to be with you in the body on the 4tli, but you
may be sure I shall be heart and soul with you when you are met for so
good an object.”
Mr Inglis of Newmore
writes : —
“The object of the
meeting has my fullest approval, and I trust that the result of the
movement may cause the Government to re-consider their, in my opinion,
unwise decision.”
Mr Robertson of Kindeace
“I am pleased to have
this opportunity of publicly expressing my deep-rooted conviction of the
very undesirable step the Government have taken. I can only look upon it
as the work of meddling civilians wiio know no esprit de corps, and
fancy General Service suits all men, little understanding the feelings
of a soldier, and certainly not those of a Highlander.”
Mr Henderson of Stemster,
convener of the county of Caithness, states:—
“I cordially approve of
the object of your meeting. So-called army reformers might pause in the
changes so frequently made. . . I cannot understand how any body of men
can over look the influence in regiments of esprit de corps, and what it
has done on so many battle-fields, and there cannot be a stronger proof
of the immense value of this feeling or sentiment than the fact that,
though Highland regiments are frequently composed of recruits from other
parts of the kingdom or drafts from other regiments, these Highland
regiments have invariably maintained the same character as the finest
soldiers in the world.”
Mr Douglas Maclean,
Northampton, writes :—
“I fully agree with the
object for which your meeting is called, and trust it may assist the
movement in favour of the tartan. I hope that the intention of doing
away with the linked battalion may remove the only reason for such an
impolitic and most undesirable proceeding as the interference with the
regimental tartans, which are not only loved and valued by the wearers,
but highly honoured and prized by the whole nation, English and Irish as
well as Scotch, and thoroughly respected by other nations.”
Mr Macdonald of Skeabost
writes : —
“After the assurance
given by Mr Childers, I think we may make ourselves perfectly easy that
the talked-of change in the regimental tartans will not be carried out;
yet, all the same, I think, you are quite right in having the meeting on
the 4th, were it only to show the Government how very strongly and
unanimously we feel on the question.”
Mr John Mackay of Ben
Reay says :—
“I approve most heartily
of the object of the meeting—the retaining unaltered the tartans of our
kilted regiments. ‘ My heart warms to the tartan,’ is a saying as often
uttered by the Lowlander as by the Highlander, and why? Because so many
of the Lowland youths have enlisted into the Highland regiments, that
the spirit of the Gael has through them been diffused throughout the
whole of Scotland ; and thus the people of the Lothians, Tweedside,
Annandale and Galloway are as proud of the kilted regiments as the
Highlanders themselves, and as tenacious of their distinctive dress as
the natives of the North. Hence, when a petition was brought to
Dalbeattie the other day praying that there should be no change in the
dress, the sheets were filled without any canvassing within twenty-four
Mr John Mackay, Hereford,
says :—
“I am certain that the
sense of your meeting will be thoroughly Highland, and strongly
condemnatory of the intended action of the War Secretary. All
Highlanders are agreed that the proposal is a thoughtless interference
with their most cherished sentiments and most heroic reminiscences. ‘
Let well alone ’ must be the watchword of the Inverness meeting.”
Mr Mackintosh Shaw,
London, author of the "History of Clan Chattan” and the “Clan Battle of
Perth,” writes :—
“I am not sure whether,
after Mr Childers’ letter to The Mackintosh last week, the meeting
convened for the 4th inst. will be held. I trust, however, that it will
be held, for that letter was not altogether satisfactory, and I think
that Inverness should place on record its opinion of the tartans of the
Highland regiments. ... I beg to express my entire disapproval of any
change whatever either in the tartans, the names, or the numbers of the
Highland regiments.”
Mr Sinclair Macleay,
London, writes to say that we have his cordial support.
Mr Thomas A. Croal,
Edinburgh, says :—
“I am glad to know that
the heather is on fire on this absurd project of the War Office. Every
member for a Scottish constituency should be called on to assert his
independence on this question.”
Mr Dixon, Inveran, states
: —
“I am entirely with you
in opposing the abolition of the distinctive tartans of the Highland
regiments. There is a distinct and peculiar history, fame, and glory
connected with each particular tartan, and it seems to me a national
duty to impress this most important fact on the Government, who appear
to be most unaccountably ignorant of it, and I should rather say to
ignore it.”
Mr John Scobie, Lochinver,
Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Sutherland, writes with reference to
the threatened change:—
“I earnestly hope that
every effort will be made to avert such an untoward and direful measure,
which would certainly be most damaging in its effects in quenching that
military ardour which has ever distinguished the Highland regiments in
all parts of the world. Their hearts would be cold indeed if they did
not warm to the sight of the tartan, and the stirring notes of the
bagpipes. There could not be any greater discouragement to recruiting
throughout the length and breadth of the Highlands and Isles of Scotland
than the proposed change if carried out.
Mr Mollison, Dochfour,
states :—
“Although not really a
Highlander, I sympathise most thoroughly with the united and determined
effort now being made to resist any interference with the distinctive
tartans of our dauntless Highland regiments.....The very idea of such a
change shows an ignorance of, and a want of sympathy with, the fiery
zeal of the genuine Highland soldier, and must be resisted to the end.”
Mr William Chisholm,
Barnyards, writes :—
“If our Government will
be foolish enough to commit this sad mistake, I have no doubt it will
create a good deal of bad feeling in all our Highland regiments, as well
as all over Scotland.’'’
Mr Andrew Clunas,
Glenmazeran, writes :—
“What a pity that any
member of our Ministry should dream of abolishing any of the distinctive
tartans of our brave Highland Regiments.”
Mr John Cameron,
Tomchrasky, states that :—
“‘Like every Highlander,’
he entirely disapproves of any change in the direction suggested.”
Mr Mackinnon, Ostaig
House, Skye, says :—
“t highly and heartily
disapprove of the proposed abolition of tartans in our Highland
regiments.” '
Mr Wm. Mackenzie,
Dingwall, writes :—
“Like every other true
Highlander, I deeply sympathise with the object you have in view.” And
Mr John M. Nimmo, Wick,
writes in similar terms.
Mr Colin S. Macrae, W.S.,
Edinburgh, says :—
“I highly approve of the
step you are taking, and have myself been at considerable trouble in
forwarding petitions with the same object to London. The letter of Mr
Childers published today looks as if the Government had yielded, but it
appears to me that the Capital of the North is still bound to declare
itself emphatically against tampering with our Highland regiments.”
Sheriff Nicolson,
Kirkcudbright, writes :—
“I have already expressed
my sentiments on the subject in question, and think it unnecessary now
to say very little more. I think Mr Childers has got sufficient proof
that the abominable proposal which he got credit for, but now
repudiates, is utterly offensive to Scottish feeling, Lowland as well as
Highland, and that the sooner any meddling with Highland tartans and
traditions is abandoned the better for the British army. All this I feel
beyond expression.”
I am glad to say that the
clergy, who are not usually supposed to exhibit a martial temperament,
have on this occasion strongly shown their Highland sympathies.
Thus the Rev. Alexander
Macgregor, Inverness, writes :—
“The uncalled for
movement on the part of Government to modify, and perhaps eventually to
do away with, the distinctive tartans of our noble Highland regiments,
has justly aroused, not only the universal disapproval, but likewise the
heart-felt indignation of all the natives of ‘Tir nam beann, nan gleann
’s nan gaisgeach.’ ”
The Rev. Dr Clerk,
Kilmallie, says:—
“I know not that any
words of mine are needed to deepen the conviction so generally
prevailing (I am glad to see) of the glaring impolicy of changing the
long established and venerated garb of our Highland regiments. But let
me say that I am old enough to have conversed with many men who suffered
from the proscription of the Highland dress by the Government of the day
in 1747, and I can never forget the terms in which they spoke of the
deep sense of degradation felt by them when deprived of their national
dress, nor the bitterness of their hatred of those who had so degraded
them. . . Our regiments possess the feeling which actuated our clansmen.
Their dress, their music, and every distinctive badge which goes to
constitute their individuality are all associated in their minds with
memories of gallant deeds and heroic endurance in the past. These
memories tend much to stir them up to heroism in the present; and the
breaking up of these associations is at variance with the lessons of
history, as well as of the lawrs of the human mind, is unpatriotic, and
opposed to common-sense.”
The Rev. Dr Maclauchlan,
Edinburgh, writes : —
“I have no difficulty in
saying that while, as a minister, the question of regimental tartans is
not one that touches me much, yet as a question of national interest it
does touch me ; and I believe that our English statesmen could not do a
more foolish thing than to meddle, as they propose, with a matter of
this kind in a way to offend all our national sympathies. I wish you all
The Rev. Dr Masson,
Edinburgh, says :—
“The Highland regiments
have made their tartans their own by a history which is at once the
pride of the Highlands and the inspiration of the Highlanders. . . The
traditions and esprit de corps of the Highland soldiers are woven into
the warp and woof of his tartans, and I protest that these ought not to
be tampered with, except for reasons of the utmost weight and urgency.”
The Rev. Mr Campbell,
Glen-Urquhart, says :—
“This is a matter in
which every true Highlander ought to take a deep and personal interest,
and use his influence in every legitimate way to prevent any change in
the time-honoured costume so inseparably connected with the brilliant
victories and immortal deeds of our heroic ancestors in every part of
the world. . . . I highly approve of the object of your meeting.”
I shall not encroach more
on your time by reading further extracts, but shall conclude by stating
that the Provosts of the Burghs of Kirkwall, Tain, and Fortrose have
written in their official capacities warmly approving of the objects for
which this meeting is called. (Cheers.)
Mr Mackay added that the
statement of Mr Childers, made since the report was drawn up, was
satisfactory. Instead of five as before, we would now have nine Highland
regiments wearing the kilt. Apparently the Goverment would have some
difficulties in dealing with the 74th Regiment, but our hope should be
that, in the modifications that were in view, as little change as
possible would be effected. (Cheers.) Mr Mackay read the following
telegrams just received :—
From the Provost of
Thurso.—“Your circular intimation has given great satisfaction in the
North, but the snow-block on the railway—(Laughter)—has made it
impossible for Caithness to be represented at your meeting.” (Applause.)
From Mr
Fraser-Mackintosh, M.P.—“Statement satisfactory (Mr Childers’.) Nine
kilted, two trews, as against five and four. 79th only odd battalion.
Headquarters, Inverness. (Applause.) Suggest now, as the practical
outcome of this agitation, that your meeting recommend a new regiment,
joined to the 79th, styled the Inverness Highlanders.” (Cheers.)
This, added Mr Mackay, if
carried out, would give us ten kilted regiments instead of five.
The Chairman said, in
looking at the interest taken in the subject throughout the kingdom, he
almost felt a kind of regret that Mr Childers’ had taken the wind out of
our sails—(Laughter) but if we had lost a great deal of enthusiasm, we
had at least gained our object. (Applause.)
Captain A. M. Chisholm,
Glassburn, said—Mr Chairman and gentlemen, I have come down from
Strathglass expressly for the purpose of taking part in the proceedings
of this day— (Applause) — and I do so with great pleasure, particularly
in view of the fact that since this agitation—or rather “rising” of the
Celtic spirit of the North—commenced, the War Office has made an
announcement which all Highlanders will receive with hearty
enthusiasm—(Cheers)—for not only are the five kilted regiments to
continue to wear their distinctive tartans, but they are also to be
strengthened by additional second battalions, with the exception cf the
79th ; and further, other four regiments, now wearing either the trews
or ordinary trousers, are to be raised to the dignity of kilted
regiments—(Hear, hear, and loud applause)—a distinction which I, as an
old Highland officer, feel sure they will all highly appreciate. Let me
for a moment glance at the new arrangements. To begin with my old
regiment, the Freiceadan Dubh, you will observe that none of its
distinctive features are to be obliterated, and that it is to be
strengthened by restoring to it, as its second battalion, the 73rd
Perthshire Regiment. (Applause.) This 73rd Regiment, I may mention, was
originally the second battalion of the 42nd, but in the year 1786 it was
formed into a separate regiment. At the resolution to restore it its
ancient tartan, and link it with its parent stem, I for one rejoice. Let
me next glance at the 78th and 72nd Highlanders—two regiments in which I
feel sure the North will always manifest the deepest interest. The 72nd,
whose original number was the 78th, was raised by Kenneth, Earl of
Seaforth, and as it was largely recruited by the Macraes of Kin-tail,
you will readily understand that I, being half a Macrae myself, and over
and above a Kintail man, have always taken a warm interest in its
welfare. (Applause.) In course of time it was deprived of its kilt and
Mackenzie tartan, but I now rejoice to learn that both the kilt and
Mackenzie tartan are to be restored to it, and that henceforth it will
be linked with the gallant Ross-shire Buffs. Both these regiments were
raised by the Seaforth family, and under the new order of things they
will, as of yore, be called Seaforth’s Highlanders. (Loud cheers.) The
79th Cameron Highlanders, you will observe, is to have its headquarters
at Inverness—a very fitting arrangement. The 92nd Gordon Highlanders
will have their headquarters in Aberdeen, and will receive the 75th
(originally a Highland regiment) as its second battalion. The 75th, of
course, will henceforth wear the Gordon tartan kilt. The 91st
Argyllshire Highlanders will no longer wear the trews, and is to be
linked with the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, and both are to wear the
tartan which is common to the clans of Argyll and Sutherland. The other
two Highland regiments—the 71st and 74th—are to wear the trews as at
present, but which tartan is not stated.* These, gentlemen, on the
whole, are changes which I, as a Highlander—and, I am sure, Highlanders
all over the world—hail not only with satisfaction, but with pride and
gratitude; and I. think that Mr Childers and the War Office authorities
deserve the best thanks of Highlanders for these praiseworthy steps to
augment the number and generally strengthen the kilted regiments of the
British army. (Loud cheers.) The primitive garment of the Highlander is
preserved in the uniform of the Highland regiments. (Applause.) The
tartan regiments are representative of the clans from which they
originally sprang. The tartan embodies a clan name, and represents a
district. (Applause.) It is the name, and not the number, of the
regiments by which they are famed in history, and that name is the name
of the tartan. The tartans are certainly much older than the regiments
which have worn clan tartans. The 42nd tartan is 140 years old at any
rate. (Cheers.) The first regiment on Britain’s battle-roll wearing the
tartan was the 42nd Regiment—the old Black Watch. But, gentlemen,
The tartan worn by these
two regiments is the Mackenzie, when I reflect on the happy culmination
of this tartan agitation, I feel that it is now quite unnecessary for me
to trespass further on your time, and I will simply conclude by moving
the resolution which has been placed in my hands, viz.:—
“That this meeting
(called to protest against the reported contemplated changes in the
tartans of the Highland regiments) now record its satisfaction at the
statement made last night in Parliament by the Secretary of State for
War, and express its conviction that the decision now come to by the War
Office, not to abolish any of the distinctive tartans, is alike politic
and patriotic.” (Loud cheering )
Mr William Mackay,
solicitor—I have been asked to second this as representing the Gaelic
Society; which consists of upwards of 400 members scattered all over the
world. If we had met yesterday, before Mr Childers made his statement, I
have no doubt our resolutions would have been very different from what
they will now be; but as Mr Childers has made a statement which we
consider to be very satisfactory, we are very happy to be able to
acknowledge it, and to hope that no change will ever be made in the
future in the direction lately contemplated. (Cheers.)
The resolution was
unanimously carried.
Dean of Guild Mackenzie,
in a word, moved—
“That the resolution now
passed be signed by the Chairman on behalf of the meeting, and that one
copy thereof be forwarded to Her Majesty the Queen, and another to the
Secretary of State for War.”
Mr G. J. Campbell,
solicitor, seconded. The War Office, he said, raised a war-cry against
the Highlanders, but the Highlanders raised their slogan in Parliament,
and that slogan has been heard, and the War Office has been defeated.
(Applause.) I think it speaks very well for the enthusiasm of the
Highlanders on this important question of distinctive regimental
tartans, that even after the War Office has given in, 500 or 600 of the
leading citizens of Inverness and the country round come here to attend
this meeting at the middle of the day, on a very bus}7 market day.
(Applause.) I have no doubt that had the War Office not given in as they
did, we would have had an attendance here of some thousands instead of
500 or 600. (Applause.) We could never allow the distinctive tartans to
be taken away and the Highlanders stamped out.
The resolution was passed
The Chairman—I am glad to
see that we are so unanimous ; indeed, I never expected that we would be
otherwise. I have now to propose, in terms of Mr Fraser-Mackintosh’s
suggestion, that as a practical outcome of the agitation on this
question, we should recommend that a new regiment be joined to the 79th
Regiment, and that the body thus formed be styled “ The Inverness
Highlanders.” (Cheers.) That is a proposal which I am sure will meet
with the approbation of every one present. (Applause.)
The proposal was seconded
by Mr Colin Chisholm, and adopted.
The Chairman—I move next
that we accord a hearty vote of thanks to Lord Archibald Campbell.
(Cheers.) The amount of correspondence which Lord Archibald Campbell has
had all over the country in regard to the Highland regimental tartans
has really been enormous. He has, as this shows, taken an intense
interest in the tartan question from the beginning, and I am glad to
have the pleasure of proposing a vote of thanks to him. (Cheers.)
Mr Horatio Ross said he
had come to the meeting to listen and look on, and did not expect to be
asked to make a speech. However, he had got on his feet, and would be
happy to do his best. (Applause.) He had the pleasure of proposing a
vote of thanks to a body of gentlemen who had taken a leading interest
in the question as to a change of the Highland regimental tartans, and
to whom they were on this account deeply indebted. (Applause.) For
himself, he must say that when he heard that the War Office authorities
were going to meddle—to tamper with— the regimental tartans to the
extent of making them largely uniform, he really did not know whether
his indignation or astonishment was the more profound. (Laughter and
applause.) All soldiers clung fondly to, and were inspired by,
traditions of their regiments, which distinctive uniforms and colours
helped to keep continually before them, and among none of our soldiers
was the feeling so strong as amongst the members of the Highland
regiments. (Cheers.) To ask the officers or men of these regiments to
give lip their tartans seemed to officers and men about as bad as asking
Highland chiefs, like the Duke of Sutherland, and Cluny, and others, to
give up theirs, and they had viewed the change recently contemplated
with indignation, astonishment, and contempt. (Cheers.) The Highland
regiments had ever given a good account of themselves. In the Crimean
War they never retired without glory from any battle into which they
entered. (Cheers.) And even as regarded the lamentable disaster in South
Africa the gther day, it was something to be proud of that the small
body of Highlanders there—viz., one company of the 92nd Regiment, stood
at their posts like men to the very last, and died there as only the
bravest of soldiers could do. (Cheers.) That showed that the old blood
still ran in the veins of the men of our Highland regiments. (Cheers.)
As to the question of the tartans, when he read an account of the
meeting at Stafford House, and noted that the meeting had been attended
by so many influential gentlemen deeply interested in the Highlands, he
made his mind quite easy as to the result. He was quite sure that the
War Office authorities and the Government would see that they had made a
mistake. It was a mistake beyond a doubt, but if the authorities now
tried to rectify the mistake that was all they could be asked to do.
(Cheers.) He moved that the meeting accord a vote of thanks to the Duke
of Sutherland, The Mackintosh, and others of the Committee at Stafford
House. (Cheers.) He need say nothing to insure that motion being
received with approbation by the meeting. And with regard to the meeting
it was not absolutely required, as they had carried their point before
they met, but he was very glad that they should have had a meeting
notwithstanding. Here, in the capital of the Highlands, it would never
have done had they not, whenever the proposal to change the tartans was
mooted, given sign of their disapprobation. (Applause.) He was glad, he
repeated, that they had come there that day, and he was glad also to see
that the old spirit had not died out. Neither Highlanders nor Lowlanders
had forgotten their old motto, “Nemo me impune lacessit.”
Provost Fraser—We are all
glad to have Mr Ross with us. His presence is a token that the old
spirit of which he speaks has not died out. (Cheers.)
On the motion of Mr
Fraser, C.E., it was agreed to give a hearty vote of thanks to Mr
Fraser-Mackintosh for the active part he took in calling attention to
the tartan question in Parliament. Mr Mackintosh would do more if it
were necessary, said Mr Fraser, but he did all that was necessary.
The meeting then ended.
While the meeting was
assembling a piper in full Highland costume played at the entrance to
the hall, and when the meeting was separating he appeared on the
platform, and played “Let Whig and Tory a’ agree.”
The record of the tartan
agitation may appropriately be brought to a close by quoting the
following poems—the first by Lady John Manners, and the second by Mr
William Allan, Sunderland :—
Dear to each soldier’s
Highland heart
The tartan of his clan,
Symbol of glory and of pride
To every Highland man.
Whether he dwell ’mid Athole’s hills,
Or where the 'binding Tay,
By Birnam’s glens and forests fair,
To ocean wends its way ;
Or nearer to the Northern star,
Where snows the mountain crown,
And towering over silver lakes,
Stem peaks of granite frown.
In every country, far or
Where Highland men are known,
The tartan plaid is greeted still
With homage all its own.
Still to the pibroch’s stirring strains
On many a foreign shore,
The Highland clans press nobly on
To victory as of yore.
True to traditions of the past,
rue to their ancient fame,
May Caledonia’s children add
Fresh glories to her name.
O touch not the tartan our
forefathers cherished;
Destroy not the emblem they fought in of yore;
Though chieftains and clansmen for ever have perished,
O leave us the badge which in honour they wore.
Alas ! though the might of the Highlands is broken,
Still dear to our hearts is their glorious fame,
The tartan ! the tartan ! we love as the token
Of men who were noble in deed and in name.
o touch not the tartan,
’tis honoured in story,
Old Caledon’s heroes beneath it have bled;
How often on terrible battlefields gory
Hath victory followed where Highlanders led.
From ties which are sacred, O who shall us sever?
The garb of tradition alone we shall wear :
The tartan ! the tartan ! we’ll part from it never—
A foeman is he who our anger would dare.
0 touch not the tartan, as
Gaels we’ll retain it,
A vile foreign garment we’ll manfully spurn,
No cowards are we, so we’ll bravely maintain it,
While love, pride, and worth in a Highlander burn.
Arise ye bold Campbells, ye Camerons rally,
Ye Gordons and Sutherlands rush to the van;
Arouse in your thousands from mountain and valley ;
Y our slogan—the tartan and name of your clan! |