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Scot of the Year 2009
Awarded to the Hon Flora MacDonald

Here are some pictures from this event held on 7th April 2009 at the St Andrews Club, Toronto. Clicking on the images will bring up a larger version.

Nola Crewe and Flora MacDonald's sister

On the right Nola Crewe and Flora MacDonald

On the right Neil Fraser, Alan MacKenzie and Marie Fraser

On the right the Centre for Scottish Studies at the University of Guelp

Chef Tom Lewis

On the left Mike Russell, Scottish Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution and on the right last years Scot of the Year winner, Donald Stewart with his wife.

On the right David Hunter, Chairman of the Scottish Studies Foundation

And thanks to Marie Fraser for the next three pictures :-)

Alastair McIntyre and Neil Fraser

On the left Neil Fraser, Alastair McIntyre and Alan MacKenzie and on the right the Hon Flora MacDonald and Prof. Liz Ewan.

Videos in Real Media where the sound is fine but video low quality to keep file size low.

Roddy Hart, singer/songwriter (2.5Mb)   The 2 fiddle Players (1.9Mb)

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