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Poems from Kenneth J Shaw
The S.S.Politician

Loaded with Whisky,
She sailed through the night,
But the sea was as rough as could be,
The crew did their best as they sailed through the Isles,
But hit rocks around quarter to three,
They all got off board and into a raft,
And managed to make it to shore,
Alerted the locals of this tragic event,
And the cargo she had in her store,
Making sure they were safe,
And out of harms way,
The locals set out on their boats,
This cargo was here for the taking,
And they'd take all as long as she floats,
They filled their boats with all they could,
Sailed back and forth till dawn,
Hid their cargo everywhere,
Until the ship was down and gone,
Customs and police arrived at the scene,
And interviewed every man that they could,
Some of the locals could hardly stand !
And the rest just not understood !!!
And still to this day on Eriskay,
There's still a few bottles that appear,
And out of the 24,000 missing,
I wonder how many were here ?
Copyright Kenneth J Shaw

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