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Poems from Kenneth J Shaw
A Trip Doon the Watter

Sailing doon the watter,
Frae Glesga tae Dunoon,
Wae the paddles at thur fullest,
We'd get thur awfy soon,
The music played as we stood on deck,
An the sights so much tae see,
Doon past Dumbarton Castle,
A magic sight tae see,
Sailing past Helensburgh,
An roon the bend,
We could see the Holy Loch,
On this Glesga fair weekend,
The sun wis shining brightly,
As we entered quaint Dunoon,
Wae its tea rooms and its cafes,
We wid go an eat ther soon,
Fish n chips fur dinner,
An a big ice cream tae end,
A walk aboot the shops,
An a postcerd we wid send,
An later on aboot eight o'clock,
We steamed away once more,
Up the Clyde tae Glesga,
Alang the Rivers shore,
Wae a couple a drams an the music,
The trip hid been jist braw,
A sail doon the Clyde on the Waverley,
Ye jist cannae beat it at awe.
Copyright Kenneth J Shaw

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