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Poems from Kenneth J Shaw
Loch Ness

In the Highlands of my homeland,
There's a Loch so cold and deep,
Shadowed by Urquhart Castle,
Where the creatures never sleep,
It's said beneath the waters,
There's a monster folk have seen,
Pictures have been taken,
But the proof has never been,
They say her neck is ten foot long,
She has two humps on her back,
Some say pre historic,
Her skin an ashen black,
Late at night when the water's calm,
And the sun's gone down to rest,
She's usually seen on the Western Shore,
Where she thinks it's safe and best,
Scientists,Professors and other sorts,
Have all done tests up there,
They've done all different types of things,
But they've never found her lair,
It's said there's a secret passage,
Where she makes her way to sea,
And I hope she never will be found,
But that's a personal thing to me.

Copyright Kenneth J Shaw

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