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Graham Donachie's Stories
The Sixties

Long another World....
When I was but a Lad..
I laughed out loud......
Confidently proud...
Of the latest youthful fad.......

I dressed as ‘Mod’...
Slick Italian duds....
Pointed Italian shoes...
Thick as a fashion pin..
Gear of the Latest.....sleek, slim,thin.....
The look of a boychic Sin....

Lovely youth was I...
Long thick entangled hair...
And did the girl forget the tyme....
And in my arms the care.

For the Liverpool Sound was all the rage......
The new opium of the Youth...
And Lennon was the latest Sage...
So raw, cool and uncouth....

The beat went on...we were entranced...
This generation forever changed...

Long haired poof...
Thick lipped queer..
Prancing nancy lad.....
Words of wisdom and of warning....
From my ham- fisted dad......

No Joseph Locke...
This new radio voice.....
But he was my Hero.....
He was my choice....
‘Not Fade Away’...
The first big Hit.....
Blew my Jesuit teachings.....
All to bits.....

Fought with parents........
Left the house...
A lad, but of sixteen years......
A lanky slim and blinking youth...
Fighting back, the child like tears....
When facing grown-up truth....

But I was young..
And full of fun....
And knew all of lifes mysteries....
Or so I thought........
Until the night.....
Until she came to me.......

Those eyes...the sighs....
The silken thighs......
The apple-taste kiss....of lips..
So moist and sweet...
The love-lust heat......
The urgent thrust of hips........


So long ago...
Those heady years....
Of reckless deeds.....
And youthful fears....

But I’ve sown my seeds..
And I’ve cryed my tears....
As the memory fades.....
And the ending nears........

Long ago ..In another World
When I was but a lad,
I laughed out Loud.............

Read other stories from Graham Donachie


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