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Party Time

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 31st of January, 2016,
to Lew Brown and Edgar Leslie's 1914 music for their song,
"It is Going To Be A Cold, Cold Winter".
N.B. Brown and Leslie's lyrics for their song are held under copyright
by the USA Library of Congress.

Singing along is a popular pastime,
And a jaunty song it seems that this is going to be;
It will make you happy, just wait and see
While it is bouncing around from key to key,
It's going to give such immeas'rable pleasure
As you join in with me;
So loosen your tonsils with doh-soh, doh-rey,
And we'll then be on our way.

Chorus One :

Yeah I am going-to have a super party
With pink bubbly there,
Plenty to spare.
It is sure to be a hot affair,
Drinking, eating, dancing,
That is not the least surprising.
"It quite soon was a noisy party"
That's what all the neighbours said,
For they'd had to put in earplugs, tightly,
And then wander to an early bed.

Repeat Chorus One: "Yeah I am ....etc.


New Chorus Two:

No I'm not going to have another party
With pink bubbly there,
Plenty to spare
That is sure to be a hot affair,
Drinking, eating, dancing
That is not the least surprising,
Others next can host pink-champagne parties,
And to them I'll gladly go;
All these may disturb their neighbours also,
If they don't keep noise and music low.

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