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A Blooming Shame

[One college maiden's lament]

Lyrics composed on the 21st of October, 2013, by John Henderson,
formerly of the Scottish School of Physical Education (SSPE),
to part of a George Formby accompaniment.

Students of SSPE were as agile as any honey bee,
And not only on the wing for their goals you see
Were alighting on many 'maid-blooms' free.
They would 'hover' around quite romantically,
And 'buzz' sweet-nothings oh so tunefully
That most we 'flowers' in great ecstasy
Gave up our nectar then spontaneously.
This filled these 'beaux' with so much 'buzz' energy
That they soon stole all our 'pollen' ... but gee .... hee-hee-hee
Such 'kissing' and 'slick-tickling' brought forth so much glee,
There was much satisfaction for these 'flick-flack' SSPE.
But alas alack some of us were 'stung'
As onto the 'compost heap' soon we were flung
To watch others 'fall' just like we had done
As the victims of these 'acrobats' fun. ... (Hum! Hum!)

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