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Scavenging Autumn Ants

Lyrics composed on the 24th of October, 2013, by John Henderson in Cyprus,
to part of George Formby's accompaniment to, 'My Little Stick Of Blackpool Rock'.

A regiment of ants one day
Came marching out to feed not play;
The crumbs upon our kitchen-worktop and sink
Were clearly in their sights as they didn't stop to blink,
But loaded their backs, then slowly made tracks
To wherever whence they'd come.
We watched and we waited, delaying to see
What cracks in our neat grouting had started their spree;
Then laughed as they found-out these holes were too wee
To let them plus food go free !

Our merriment soon turned to woe,
As crawling thither to and fro
Ants munched outside ev'ry escape-hatch until
The crumbs became crumlets that fitted the bill,
Which made their retreat, success not defeat ....
Instinctive victory?
We sprang into action with aerosol cans
That decimated all of their scavenging plans;
Then smiled for we'd found-out how they 'to a man'
Accessed our 'plain' bread and 'pan' !

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