Lyrics composed by
John Henderson on the 25th of March, 2013,
to Earl Lebieg's 1923 music for the song, 'Sleep',
played here by Jim Bottorff.
twa=two; braw=good-looking; loons=infant boys; goons=gowns;
happed=wrapped; guid=good; ticht=tight; nicht=night; sic=such;
sicht=sight; thit=that; aye=always; waarmed=warmed; hert=heart;
garr'd=caused; seen=soon; stert=start; teen=tune; fow'r-four;
bricht=bright; een=eyes; sang=sing; ay=yes; luved=loved; bairns=infants;
ilk=each; fyle=while; licht=light; frae=from; ee=eye; flicher'd=flickered;
thur=their; vyces=voices; tee=too/also; jyned=joined; alang=along;
fair=quite; soond=sound; wi'oot=without; mains=moans;
Twa, braw, loons, snug in thur bed-goons,
Happed-up guid an' ticht fur the nicht .....
Sic a bonnie-like sicht thit aye waarmed ma hert,
An' garr'd me seen stert
Tae hum-oot a teen fur thase fow'r bricht een.
Sang, sang, sang, ay I luved tae sang
Fur they bairns ilk nicht, fyle the licht ....
Frae ilk ee flicher'd bricht an' thur vyces tee,
Jyned alang wi' me
'Till fair soond they'd be wi'oot mains or gee. |