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Veesitors Fae Fremmit Lans

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 16th of January, 2013,
to Jim Reeves' song, 'Anna Marie'.

Gif ye've ne'er aince traivell'd ower tae Scotia,
Ye'll nae ken the 'pleesurs' thit ye've missed,
Like daffin' wi' loons or wi' quinies,
An' the thoosands o' midgies ne'er kissed!

List ma freens .....
Weer a clan kilt, an' spik wi' a lilt, an' as shair's shair ye wull be
Weel woo'd weel loo'd by ilk chiel fa sees ye,
Noo yon is gran, d'aint ye gree?

Tak ma wird ......
Ging doon the glens, an' clim up the Bens, tak a wee dip in the sea;
Doon nips o' bree wi' ilk chiel faar ye be,
Yon tee'll be gran ye maun gree?

Noo thit ye hiv stravaig'd aa ow'r Scotia,
Did ye fin the 'pleesurs' whilk I spak,
Fur I am weel kent as a blether
Fa aft kirns-up his binders wi' fack?

"Waal, good Scot ......
We wore the kilt, and spoke with a lilt, e'en learn'd to say 'Fit like noo!'
Twas liked we thought from the smiles that we got,
So all went well thanks to you."

Losh, ma freens ......
Noo I'm shair affa gled, fae aa fit I said, midgies teuk the dole,
Fur aft thur ull-knaps fan reyn tirns aff its taps
Maks Scotia sae wicket tae thole!

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