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The Last Steam Train In Stoon Station

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 19th of March, 2012,
to Ray Hubbell's 1916 music for the song, 'Poor Butterfly'.

The last steam train ... in Stoon Station's sidings
Lay there alone .... when I heard a moan ...
"Our engine's entrails have fused;
Our tender never is used; .... our once prim coaches abused;
It makes us groan!
For years and years ..... we'd go down to Blairstairs;
Then turn round there .... with more passengers;
All our Stoon engineers ...well maintained our pistons and gears,
But now the rust's .... getting worse from tears."

Beside them stands ... their old driver mourning,
As his sad voice ... tells of days gone by;
He looks me straight in the eye,
Then rages, "I don't know why ... they're left to rot 'neath the sky,
And slowly die!"
I said, "Dear Sir .... I have come to buy them;
For placement in .... my steam-rail museum;
With lots work clearing stains ..... they'll become the best of all trains,
Thus pride regain ..... that will never wane."

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