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Come Veesit

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 12th of January, 2012,
to Blair Gardiner's arrangement of, 'The Highland Cradle Song'.

veesit=visit; Nor=North; faar=where; Bens=Scottish Mountains; hich=high;
ow'r=o'er; ilk=each; heddery=heathery; fair=quite; fell=dangerous;
weel=well; wirth=worth; clim=climb; fan=when; nae=not; happ'd=cover'd;
goor=mud; hame=home; aft=oft; widder'd=weather'd; sich=such; syne=since then;
fun=found; strenth=strength; wame=belly/stomach; eesin=using; harns=brains;
whilk=which; wan=won; airn'd=earn'd; Sooth=South; hulls=hills; swap=sweep;
douce=peacefully; quait=quiet; burnies=small streams; lap=leap; waakies=paths;
gran=fine; aye=always; wanner=wander; pirr-winnies=light breezes; halesome=healthy;
lichtnin=easing/lightening; ilka=every; stap=step.

Come veesit oor Nor faar Bens toor
Hich ow'r ilk glen an heddery moor;
Fair fell in days o' winter,
Bit weel wirth the clim fan nae happ'd ow'r wi goor.
Yon Scotia's oor hame;
We honour its name,
Tho t'wis aft aflame
It widder'd sich shame;
Syne Scots hiv fun fame
Fae strenth o' thur wame,
An eesin thur harns whilk's wan them hard airn'd aclaim.

Come veesit oor Sooth faar hulls swap
Douce ow'r quait vales an burnies thit lap;
Gran waakies aye tae wanner,
Wi pirr-winnies halesome licht'nin ilka stap.
Yon Scotia's oor hame;
We honour its name,
Tho t'wis aft aflame
It widder'd sich shame;
Syne Scots hiv fun fame
Fae strenth o' thur wame,
An eesin thur harns whilk's wan them hard airn'd aclaim.

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