Lyrics composed by
John Henderson on the 5th of January, 2012
to Ian Powrie's playing of the tune, 'Beverley
The Old Year held moments of rapture and sadness;
The New Year hides meantime all that may come your way;
But with firm resolution face up to what happens
By meeting each challenge with a smile ev'ry day.
Turn smiles into action that softens misfortune,
And share joy's occasions when at work or at play;
Faithful friendship and kinship are flow'rs of existence;
In dislike and selfishness lie seeds of despair.
It's easy to preach on how lives should be led, but
It's harder to live out all the roles aforesaid.
But with due recognition of love's saving graces,
Your happiness here may soon be taken as read.
May this year for you overflow with contentment,
Despite any trials that you may have to bear.
Keep on loving and giving and caring, but be wary
The ways of this world are oft not all fair and square. |