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Unexpeckit Widder

(Unexpected Weather)

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 22nd of September, 2011,
to Walter Donaldson's 1917 music for the song, "I've Got The Nicest Little Home in Dixie".

I hud jist sterted soomin fan the reyn cam fairly stottin doon;
Sich unexpeckit widder fan September comes aroon;
Espeeshully in Cyprus faar aye a bricht sin seems tae sheen;
Bit I winted tae kep soomin till weel efter it wis deen.
The pitter-patter reyn-draps an the jilpies leuked sae braw;
The waater feelin cweeler wis nae baithersome, nae-nae ava;
Ma neebors in thur kitchie lauched oot-lood fan seein me,
Bit I jist kept richt oan soomin an syne smilin merrily.

Bit a wee rummle up abeen fan reyn kept helter-skelt'rin doon
Gat me a-wonn'rin quaitly gif I wis a glaikit loon;
Fur forky-lichtnin cud be sae-fell fur ony chiel ootbye;
Sae I seen clim'd oot the waater an syne skycit tae git dry.
The splishy-sploshy reyn-draps an the jilpies deed awa,
Bit ma weet-tool hingin oan the chair I didnae luft, nae-nae ava;
Ma kimmer oan the doorstap lauched oot-lood fan seein me;
Neist she syne shakt her heid afore she speer'd, "Dae ye wint a wee dram o' bree?"

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