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Aff Tae Fecht Fur Freedom

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 21st of September, 2011
to a solemn Scots Slow Air.

Dod speaks ....

"Och Belle dicht thase tears noo fae-oot yer een,
An syne dinna greet nae mair,
Fur me an oor John'll come back tae ye,
O sich ye can be fu shair.

Mynd fyle we're 'wa fechtin ull-Edward's men
Wi 'The Bruce' at Bannockburn,
John I'll weel proteck fur he is oor loon,
An ye'll hiv nae cause tae murn ....

Dinna be pit-oot thit we micht nae win
Fur oor men fur aa tae see
Wull seen trap the English in mershy grun
Faar sae mony'll droon or flee."

Belle replees .....

"Ay Dod I wull mynd fit ye've telt tae me
Fur I ken ye're seldom wrang,
An I prig Gweed's grace wull-syne ging wi ye,
An oor pairtin wull nae be ow'r lang."

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