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Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 1st of August, 2011,
to the traditional music for, 'The Rose of Allenvale'.

Yestreen I gaed ower the hull,
Tae bid fare-thee-weel tae ma Wull;
Wi the clan he maun mairch, syne meebe dee,
An micht nivver come back tae me .....
Bleak Culloden wis whaur they'd gang,
Tae strinthin the Heilan thrang;
They wid fecht ain an aa, at prood Chairlie's caa,
Richt seen the ull Inglishe dang!

The neist morn I gaed ower the hull,
Bit nae whaur in sicht wis ma Wull,
Frae mang thase in the thick'o't wha hid wan-oot,
The dool rizzon wis ne'er in doot ....
Fell Cumberland'd garred them flee,
Syne nae mercy hid he gied
Tae thase wha'd gien thur aa, at prood Chairlie's caa,
Nae mercy wis shawn ava!

yestreen = yesterday : gaed = went : hull = hill : bid = say : maun = must
mairch = march : dee = die : gang = go : strinthin = strengthen : thrang = throng
fecht = fight : ull = cruel : dang = defeat : neist = next : wan-oot = escaped
dool = sad : rizzon = reason : doot = doubt : garred = forced : shawn = shown : ava = at all

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