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Fit Cud Be Better Nor A Craft?

[What Could Be better Than A Croft ?]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 7th of June, 2011,
to Eleanor Young and Harry Squires' music for the 1950's song,
I'm Gonna Buy A One-Way Ticket To A Little One-Horse Town.

Maist ilka mornin in the simmer, I mynd cweeler lans,
Like the Scottish Grampians wi thur cauldrife hulls an glens,
Faar aye breezes anse cauld snellish winds blaa oan fowks ilk day,
Bickerin, blusterin weel kenned gates aroon an doon fae michty Bens.
Thase chiels fa live wi unca wedder, hale an fere maist affen be;
An tho' the sin there's fairly hairmless, an its sheenin's ne'er ow'r het,
Ain or twa o' them betimes micht git wee barks an chulls ulls;
Bit they just lern tae pit up wi sich dunts, an they dinna mane or fret;
Sae syne oan ilka mornin, reyn or snaa, they're aye aa roadit ... tae thur wirk
In the feedles wi thur ploos, anse wi thur harras redd an sherp;
Tae mak the best o' fit they've gat, an fit cud be better nor a craft ?
Losh! nae naithin they're awaar o', keps ull poortith days weel aff.
Aye keps poortith days awa ! ....... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... !

maist=most : ilka=every : simmer=summer : cweeler=cooler : lans=lands
cauldrife=chilly : hulls=hills : snellish=piercing cold : gates=routes : michty=mighty
hale an fere=healthy : barks=coughs : chulls=chills : ulls=illness : mane=moan
roadit=on the way : wirk=work : feedles=fields : ploos=ploughs : harras=harrows :
redd=ready : craft=croft : ull=nasty : poortith=poverty

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