Lyrics composed by
John Henderson on the 30th of May, 2011
to Guy Massey's 1924 music for The
Prisoner's Song.
Losh! the sun in the mornin is blithesome;
It maks me wint tae faist 'rise an sheen';
Gif it reyns 'cats an dugs', I tirn ower,
An bide ticht in ma bed till it's deen.
Ma gweedwife ilka morn's bricht an breezy,
Disnae maitter gif the wedder's coorse or nice;
She gings doon an she maks a herty brakfast,
Sae aft times ma porritch-aits are cauld as ice!
Jist as weel I prefar breid an butter,
Aye waash'd doon wi the strang tay I brew;
Nae a sair fecht tae me tae het the byler,
Bit tae scoor porritch-pats gars me grue! |