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Rise An Sheen

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 30th of May, 2011
to Guy Massey's 1924 music for The Prisoner's Song.

Losh! the sun in the mornin is blithesome;
It maks me wint tae faist 'rise an sheen';
Gif it reyns 'cats an dugs', I tirn ower,
An bide ticht in ma bed till it's deen.

Ma gweedwife ilka morn's bricht an breezy,
Disnae maitter gif the wedder's coorse or nice;
She gings doon an she maks a herty brakfast,
Sae aft times ma porritch-aits are cauld as ice!

Jist as weel I prefar breid an butter,
Aye waash'd doon wi the strang tay I brew;
Nae a sair fecht tae me tae het the byler,
Bit tae scoor porritch-pats gars me grue!

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