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Hame Is Aye In Ma Memory

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of April, 2010,
to Krackauer's 1922 tune called 'Paradise'.

Hame is aye in ma mem'ry,
Fyle I dover ilk ev'n;
Ma myn aft mangs tae traivel
An re-veesit guid days noo lang geen;
But sich is jist a gyte noshun,
As I shud richtly ken,
An tho' I try foryettin
Ma thrang harns draa me backlins again.

Feerst tae Stirlin's Caussieheid as a bairnie,
An tae Fa'kirk neist as a laddie;
Syne to Banknock an oot tae Cambusbarron
As the youthheid braw hames I had.

Cam historical days bidin Bannockburn ways,
Syne afore I gaed an gat mairrit,
Fan we baith sattled doon in Torbrex, Stirlin toun
Till awa tae auld Glesga we flittit.
Och there wur a fyow mair;
Mebbe sax ... I'm nae shair !

Ay, hame is aye in ma mem'ry,
Fyle I dover ilk ev'n;
Ma myn aft mangs tae traivel
An re-veesit guid days noo lang geen;
But sich is jist a gyte noshun,
As I shud richtly ken,
An tho' I try foryettin
Ma thrang harns draa me backlins again.

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