Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the
5th of January, 2010,
to Ernest R. Ball's 1916 music for the WW1
song, 'Good
Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You'.
Oan hich Abbey Crag
quait-steed baul wytin men,
Wi Wallace at thur heid;
Thase kilted chiels fae hull an glen
Wid mak the Forth rin reed;
Fur auld Scotia's weal an wi targe an wi
steel They'd
brak prood Edward's chine,
An Stirling's Rock fae Inglishe yoke
Wid win its freedom syne. ....
Fae Stirling's Rock, a
ryped Rock, The
battle fierce wis seen;
At Stirling Brig o' widden rig,
The River Forth abeen;
The brig it be'in ow're narra,
The Inglishe horse gat stack,
An ain by ain wur slaachter'd
By claymores' jab an hack !
The waater smucht ran
bleed-reed Wi
hagger'd an the deid;
Fae castell wa the watchers saw,
An seen tyeuk aff at speed;
They heidit fur the border
As fest as they cud gang,
Fyle canny Scots delichted,
Sang lood the hale nicht lang.
Glossary: hich =
high quait = quiet steed = stood baul = bold
heid = head chiels - people hull = hill
reed = red weal
= welfare targe = shield brak = brake prood = proud
chine = chain ryped = stolen widden =
wooden rig = make-up
abeen = above narra = narrow stack = stuck
slaachter'd = slaughtered
waater = water smucht = choked bleed =
blood hagger'd = wounded
deid = dead castell = castle tyeuk = took
heidit = headed
fest = fast cud = could gang = go
fyle = while canny = prudent delicht =
delight lood = loud
hale = whole nicht = night lang = long |