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Thase Days o Auld Lang Syne

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 24th of October, 2008,
to part of Donald Garcia's 1910 'Jack Rabbit Rag',
played here by 'Perfessor' Bill Edwards.

Shud auld acquaintance noo be foryatten,
An ne'er aince mair tae be seen?
Lowes o luv thit first wur cweeled,
Syne doomed for ivver tae be geen?
An is yir kine hert noo grow'd sae cauld
Wi'in thon maist luvin breest o thine,
Thit ye canna, ivver tirn yir thochts
Tae thase days o auld lang syne?

Whaur, och whaur are yir gleg oot-cryins,
Voos ye makt tae me ma dear,
Aiths ye teuk an I tae ye,
Thit we aince scried sae lood an clear ?
His faith an trowth aa egg shallies grow'n
Tae the immortal Gweedlyheids divine,
Thit ye canna, ivver tirn yir thochts
Tae thase days o auld lang syne?

Wis it Cupid's fears, or its barbet's probs,
Thit makt speerits drap, syne sae fest decay?
Or anither's lure wi' his fantoosh wirth
Shivin in tae stail yir hert away?
Wis it doonsides shawn, lik fyow sov'reigns airn'd
Thit garr'd int'rest wane ne'er tae wax again,
An syne, redd oot an foryet
Aa thase days o auld lang syne?
Wis it Cupid's fears, or its barbet's probs,
Thit makt speerits drap, syne sae fest decay?
Or anither's lure wi' his fantoosh wirth
Shivin in tae stail yir hert away?
Wis it doonsides shawn, lik fyow sov'reigns airn'd
Thit garr'd int'rest wane ne'er tae wax again,
An syne, redd oot an foryet
Aa thase days o auld lang syne?

Shud auld acquaintance noo be foryatten,
An ne'er aince mair tae be seen?
Lowes o luv thit first wur cweeled,
Syne doomed for ivver tae be geen?
An is yir kine hert noo grow'd sae cauld
Wi'in thon maist luvin breest o' thine,
Thit ye canna, ivver tirn yir thochts
Tae thase days o auld lang syne?

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