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Na-Sayin a Puddock

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 6th January, 2007, to
Scully & Huntington's 1920 song, 'My Southern Rose'.

Auld loon Len ....
Wis oot fyles fishin .....
I' aa the easedom o his boat wis he.
A surpreese it fer shairly wis, fan he hard it -
An unco-lik vyce thit craiked, "Wull ye nae be luftin me?"
He leuk'd doon neest leuk'd aawhaur aroon aboot him,
Bit nae yin ataa ataa he syne cud see.
He nar jimped richt oot o his sark, fan aince mair cam
The vyce spier, "Wull ye nae cam luft me?"

Doon i' the river i' the sin's licht,
An sweemin, een sheenin bricht,
Wis the brawest puddock thit ain jist micht ivver see.
Len spak syne wi graun misdoot "Wis it ye noo fa spak oot?
Anse is it ma peer lugs fa are aince mair mislippenin me?"

Frae oot the river i' sin's licht,
The puddock craiked, "Twis me aa richt.
Am a nae bit brawer, clivverer nor ony fish?
An a'll becam jist the bonniest,
Byowtifu unman ye wid e're wiss,
Gin ye wull luft me up an gie me a luvin kiss."

Ay, a'll becam jist the bonniest,
Byowtifu unman ye wid e're wiss,
Gin ye wull luft me up an gie me ain wee kiss."

"A'll mak shair thit aa yer freens wull wiss thit they wur ye."
Syne Len leuked puddock lang an stracht i' the ee,
Lent wyes doon an it lufted wi'oot nary a wird,
An tentily pit it in-by pooch o' his jersey.

"Are ye glaikit spiered the puddock whaur it bided.
Did ye nae oonerstan aa fit a spak,
Thit a'd becam jist the bonniest,
Byowtifu unman ye wid wiss,
Gin ye wid luft me up an gie me ain wee kiss."

"A'm nae glaikit glamour puddock, tho' yer inveet wis kine,
It wis nae ain thit a cud ivver tak.
Ye micht becam jist the bonniest,
Byowtifu unman lads wiss fur,
Bit at ma age a prefar puddocks fa can spak."

"A'm nae glaikit glamour puddock, tho' yer inveet wis kine
It wis nae ain thit a cud ivver tak.
Ye micht becam jist the bonniest,
Byowtifu unman thit lads wiss fur,
Bit at ma age a prefar puddocks fa can spak."

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