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Itchy Coos an Brammles

Lyrics screeved bi John oan 18th April, 2004 tae attachit teen,
Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

See aa thoan prickly busses up abeen thon hullrig
Wi sticky rase-hips syne sae redd tae pick
Ful muckle bucket loads o them is fit ye’re askit
Tae mak guid seerup sae nae wee fowks wull ging sick

Jist ful yer bucket fu o them tae airn a bawbee
Syne stert ye’re pickin aa ow'r again
Fur ye’ll be daen yer auld kwintry-as guid a sairvice
As dae acroass the seas oor starkly fichtin men

See aa thoan prickly busses up abeen thon hullrig
Wi itchy-coos aye there sae redd tae pick
Ful muckle bucket loads o them is fit ye’re askit
Tae mak guid seerup sae nae wee fowks wull ging sick

Ahinter days syne fan cams oan the Autumn weether
Wull fesh oan the brammle-buss-time wi’oot doots
Thon aye sae luscious juicey purpie stainin berries
Are ain o Naitur’s feenest jeely makin fruits

Jist ful wee punnet fu o them tae airn a thrupny
Syne stert yer pickin oot there aince mair
Fur ye’ll be daen aa yer faimly sich a faavour
Tae smaachr'in’ up ilk hauf-loaf oan thur brodie there

Oor war-time simmer days are nae meent fur a-wastrin
Thur days thit shid be weel-spent aye tae sair
Oor parents an aa ither sae-fell-hungert wee fowks
Wi aa the spunk ilk maun hiv tae surveeve mair

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