Lyrics composed by John
Henderson on 21st May, 2006
to a tune compiled by Bandbox's novel software
that here has combined two tunes -
'Schottische' and 'Humouresque'.
Listen to the music here
Sichts an soonds o Heilan Games, thon steers the bleed o
Gin they aye loo bag-pipes' skwyles, or dincin aichtsome
Tossin the caber en ow'r en, wachty shots tae thraw;
Fowks rigg'd oot nait i tartan kilts, fit shaw-aff shanks
tae aa.
Jock Gunn aye spiks kinely wirds afore the verra stairt,
"Weelcam tae Camclashin Games, a howp ye're i guid hairt.
Tak tirn the feedle aroond, an chyse fit ye prefar;
Bit dinna be foryettin tae scoof a puckle o whuskies frae-oot
the bar."
Sichts an soonds o Heilan Games, thon steers the bleed o
Gin they aye loo bag-pipes' skwyles, or dincin aichtsome
Tossin the caber en ow'r en, wachty shots tae thraw;
Fowks rigg'd oot nait i tartan kilts, fit shaw-aff shanks
tae aa.
Baul loon doon frae Aiburdeen, sneck'd mony lassies' een.
Dincin quines sae tenty tae mair nor jist the sportin scene.
Eesewally the champion, fan thrawin i the ring,
The loon distract'd seen gaed aff sik feerst preeze i' 'heilan-fling'!
Sichts an soonds o Heilan Games, thon steers the bleed o
Gin they aye loo bag-pipes' skwyles, or dincin aichtsome
Tossin the caber en ow'r en, wachty shots tae thraw;
Fowks rigg'd oot nait i tartan kilts, fit shaw-aff shanks
tae aa.
Pipe band frae Aucterteuch, pleast mony deifen'd lugs.
Dronin an merchin aff tae mair nor jist the meesic scene.
Ne'er bein the champions, fan droonin oot the rest
They teuk Jock's advyce ... an sloped aff ... whaur?.... ye
maun hae guessed!