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Guid Thochts an' Wirds

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 22nd March, 2006,
to the tune of the song, 'Now is the Hour'.

Cam oan bittie bairn, an',
Saft drap doon oan yer knees.
Steek baith yer een, syne,
Hans clasped ticht gin ye pleese.

Spak douce tae yer Gweed,
Fer he taks guid tent o' ye;
Yer mum an' yer dad an' ither fowk,
Fa He aye luv dis gie.

Fit it is i' yer myn,
O' a' ye hiv moyened the day,
Gie tae Him yer muckle thenks thon's maist been,
Richt guid wirk an' seely play.

Syne tae yer ain sel,
Fan ye ging doon tae slep,
Prig thit fan the bricht o' mornin' cams,
Ye've throw it been saff kep.

Prig thit fan bricht o' morn cams,
Ye've been saff kep.

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