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Wee Gutsy Moose

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on 4th February to Bud De Sylva's 1923 music to the song 'Minnie the Mermaid

Wee Gutsy Moose wid,
Rin, roon hoose,
Frae oot a bore hod i kitchie wa.
An his maist espeeshull trait,
Wis chyse pudd he'd wint aet,
Thit Ma keuked verra broon bit alloo'd cweel braw.
Till cam dool fack, fell mistak he did mak,
Fan i het ashet he cowped oan his back!

Fit a stramash hid peer wee Gutsy, sich limmer,
Doon i the beilin yella chyse.
Squallached fyle he waachled.
Shair wis sairly trachled.
Turk wi bein ramshy an unwyce.
Bit lick'ly Ma his lood skwyles she hid hard,
An sneckit oan his, tail--eyn.
Syne, fan ceested 'wa intae hine neuk o kitchie,
He wan doon bore i jist ain sten.

Syne moral o this ma canny binder isnae havers!
Noo hearken ilka youthheid moose.
Jist forgat thon waarm chyse.
It tae sik is unwyce.
Bide yer time aroon a fowks' bit hoose.
Wyte oontill Ma alloos chyse tae ging auld.
Syne snitch it fan hoor's, jist, richt.
Bit, mynd tak guid tent gin a trap is i kitchie,
Tae spang oan ye an haud ye ticht!

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