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Blessing in Disguise

[Lyrics composed by John on 18th November, 2005 to the tune of 'This Ole House']

Our farm house it's very cosy.
Our farm house it is always warm.
Our farm house gives lots of comfort,
As it keeps out ev'ry storm.
But one day when in the shower,
A house guest he soon found out,
That this yellow plastic chamber,
Was where gremlins swam about.

But as this house guest was not a light weight.
This fellow he weighed near twenty stones.
He squeezed in to fill the chamber,
With more fat than skin and bones.
He reached up to turn the tap on.
This made the gremlins somewhat bold.
So the water they caused to spray on him
Came fast down as icy cold.

Our farm house it is very cosy.
Our farm house it is always warm.
Our farm house gives lots of comfort,
And ever keeps out ev'ry storm.
But one day when in the shower,
A house guest there he soon found out,
That this yellow plastic chamber,
Was where lots gremlins swam about.

So the house guest there was not too happy,
And he let out an almighty roar.
Then jumped up to turn the lever,
But crashed back hard upon the floor.
A fat right foot took the brunt of it,
And the gremlins smiled with glee,
When the plastic cracked and then opened up wide,
So no foot he then could see.

Our farm house it is very cosy.
Our farm house it is always warm.
Our farm house gives lots of comfort,
As it keeps out ev'ry storm.
But one day when in the shower,
A house guest there he soon found out,
That this yellow plastic chamber,
Was where gremlins swam about.

This left me with a tricky problem,
As beneath all of the wreckage there,
All the bathroom boards were rotten,
So no more weight would they then bear.
Though the guest when in the shower,
Got a somewhat rude surprise,
That accident is best seen by me,
As a great blessing in disguise.

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