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Bless Oor Hoose

[Adaptation of the lyrics of 'Bless This House' into Scottish Doric by John Henderson on the 3rd of September, 2005 ..... from Helen Taylor's original composition in 1927]


Bless oor hoose, O Gweed we bid.
Mak it saaf a' us tae hid.
Tak tent waas e'en guid an' stoot,
Keppin' wint an' tribbles oot.
Mak shair reef an' lums stye braw,
Syne proteckin' ain an' aa.
Bless frint door sae it wull be,
Ayewyes apen tae luv frae Thee.

(Brief Interlude)

Bless thon windaes clair an' bricht,
Lattin' by Yer Hivvenly licht.
Gaird ... ingle ... cheers .... 'roon,
Far reek .... taks gweed-wirds abune.
Bless the fowks we bide amang,
An' kep us frae daen wrang.
Tak tent us sae we micht be,
Guid eneugh tae bide wi' Thee.
Bless us ain day we micht ludge,
Ivverlastin' .... oor guid Gweed wi' Thee.

The Original .....

'Bless this House'


Bless this house, O Lord we pray,
Make it safe by night and day . . .
Bless these walls so firm and stout,
Keeping want and trouble out . . .
Bless the roof and chimneys tall,
Let thy peace lie overall . . .
Bless this door that it may prove,
Ever open,
To joy and love . . .


Bless these windows shining bright,
Letting in God's Heavenly light,
Bless the hearth, the painting there,
With smoke ascending like a prayer!
Bless the folk who dwell within,
Keep them pure and free from sin . . .
Bless us all that we may be,
Fit O Lord to dwell with thee . . .
Bless us all that one day we may dwell,
Everlasting .... O Lord! With Thee!

Words and Music by Helen Taylor
and May H. Morgan ( a.k.a. Brahe ), 1927

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