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Guid Mornin' Gweed !

[Words composed by DDJ on 1st September, 2005 to the midi music of the 1922 song 'Why should I Cry Over You']

This mornin' fan, I hid jist wauken'd up,
An' saa the sin sheen abeen,
I sae saftly spak, "Guid mornin', Gweed,
Luik oot fer ilk fa's ma freen."

Richt awa' syne I shair thocht aboot ye,
Myowt'd a puckle, o' sich gweed-wirds,
Thit He wid gaird ye noo espeeshally,
An' kep ye awa frae dirds.

I thocht lang an' strang o' a' the seeliness,
The day micht hud i' a' o' its oors fer ye.
I weesh'd it a' jist fer ye because,
Nae lass cud brawer be.

I fan sae waarm an' guid in-by,
Douce thochts fer ye I syne hid tae sen.
I'm shair Gweed taks i' ma wirds aboot ye,
He acks oan them a', ... ye ken!

I thocht lang an' strang o' a' the seeliness,
Ilk day micht hud i' a' oors fer ye.
I weesh'd it a' jist fer ye because,
Nae quine cud brawer be.

I fan sae sae waarm an' sae guid in-by,
Kine thochts faur ye I syne jist hid tae sen.
I'm shair Gweed taks i' ma wirds aboot ye,
He acks oan them a', ... ye ken!

By-an'-by ... he acks oan them a' .... we ken!

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