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Gavottin tae the Flute

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I hid ayeways wint'd blaw a trombone weil,
Bit ma lips goat sair an' seen begood tae peel.
Sae I chynged richt ow'er tae a spleet-new flute,
Fin oot I couldna mak it toot!

Gaed tae git sim leernin hoo tae mak swak soons,
Howpin seen I wid be playin dinse-tae tunes.
Naithin lik sich music cam frae oot ma flute,
Fan I fin I couldna faist-'neugh tootle toot.

'Toot, Toot, Peep, Peep, Deedle, Deedle Dee,'
Gin tunes' fing'rin wis jist awricht ye see.
Squawkin an' Squeakin, Schraichin an' Squealin,
Insteed smaachrieness cam-ben-flute-frae-me.

Practeese, loats practeese, herd an lang,
Fing'rin an braithin cam oan sang,
Brocht-'boot ma dream o 'Encore, pleese toot',
Efter guid-lik dinse tune oot ma flute.

I hid ayeways wunt'd blaw a trombone weil,
Bit ma lips goat sair an seen begood tae peel.
Sae I chynged richt ow'er tae a spleet-new flute,
Fin oot I couldna mak it toot!

Gaed an goat mair leernin hoo tae mak swak soons,
Kennin seen I shid be playin dinse-tae tunes.
Noo gavottin music smeethly poors frae flute,
Fan I dae richt clivverly faist tootle toot.

[Wirds gaither'd thegither by DDJ oan 18th March, 2005]

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