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Fyles we sleep

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 21st March, 2005,
to Will E. Dulmage's 1927 music for 'Dreaming The Hours Away'.

Fan the douce-lik gloamin oor,
Gies rist tae leaf an floo'r,
Jasmine kythes hodden pooer,
Sypes waffs o' sich allure,
Thit fan wyse hoolets weeng,
Tae whaur heich brenches sweeng,
Up tap, they're hard tae taewit-taewoo ....

"We're keekin an winkin hale nicht lang,
Snitch meece, thit dae fowks muckle wrang,
Oot in the meenlicht, flicherin starn-licht,
Scrannin thon, aff an oan."
The jasmine its dreeftin waffs nar deen,
Wonner gin waarm sin micht come seen,
An fyle we sleep, the ools aye keep oan rakin the hale nicht lang.

Ools they keek'd an wink'd the hale nicht lang,
Fell'd meece, thit did fowks muckle wrang,
Oot in the meenlicht, flicherin starn-licht,
Scrannit thon, aff an oan.
The jasmine its dreeftin waffs nar deen,
Howpin thit waarm sin wid come seen,
Syne fyle we slept, wyse ools aye kep oan rakin the hale nicht lang.

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