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Pictures of Scotland
Set 12 - Castles of Scotland
Thanks to Linda for the pictures

Cawdor Castle
Cawdor Castle

Culzean Castle
Culzean Castle

Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle

Eileen Donan Castle
Eileen Donan Castle

Inverness Castle
Inverness Castle

Inverary Castle
Inverary Castle

Inverlocky Castle
Inverlochy Castle

Stirling Castle
Stirling Castle

Turnberry Castle
Turnberry Castle
I noticed that the photograph of Turnberry Castle on Electric Scotland is wrong. I read that the castle was demolished by Robert the Bruce in 1310 so that the English could not reoccupy it, and it was never rebuilt. In any case, all that is there now is a few piles of stones, nothing to indicate that a castle once stood there. The photo on Wikipedia shows a small portion of a wall. The Turnberry Lighthouse occupies part of the site. I lived in Ayrshire for 22 years and visited the site in the 1960s and can verify that there is no castle, not even any trees! Ed Bruce

Urquhart Castle
Urquhart Castle

Set 11 | Return to Picture Index | Set 13



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