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Weekly Mailing List Archives
21st March 2008

Alastair McIntyreElectric Scotland's Weekly Email Newsletter

Electric Scotland - The No.1 Scottish History Site Aois - The Celtic Community
The Electric Scotland Article Service

Dear Friend

The weekend is nearly here and so it's time for your weekly newsletter from Electric Scotland :-)

You can view what's new this week on Electric Scotland at and you can unsubscribe to this newsletter by entering your email address in the form at the foot of this newsletter.

See our Calendar of Scottish Events around the world at 

Electric Scotland News
Scotland on TV
The Flag in the Wind
Article Service
The Scottish Nation
New Statistical Account of Scotland (1845)
Book of Scottish Story
Good Words - Edited by the Rev Norman MacLeod
Clan Information
Poetry and Stories
Sketches of The Character, Manners, and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland
Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland 1881
Household Encyclopaedia
Antiquarian Scottish Books in Adobe Reader format
The Scottish Tradition in Canada
Information from the St. Andrews Society of Singapore
Fallbrook Farm

This is the first newsletter from our new software so hope you all get it ok :-)

I've had some time out from email this week due to us trying to move to a new email server. It seems our domain is being attacked by spammers and so the move to a new server did not go well and we've had to backtrack while we seek a solution to our problem.

I've also been active on getting our new FAQ help system up and running and I have managed to answer some of those Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). You can see the new help system at

I've also been mired in paperwork having had to finalise by Company tax which is now all done and then my car lease had expired so needed to make the final payment to actually own it along with having to get a safety certificate and emissions certificate for it. As April is almost upon us it's also time to pay the annual car and house insurance and on top of all that now having to prepare my Canadian tax return. I do hate paperwork!!! And so I've been running all over the place this week.

Some of the stories in here are just parts of a larger story so do check out the site for the full versions. You can always find the link in our "What's New" section at the link at the top of this newsletter or on our site menu.

Scotland on TV
Visit their site at 

"Scotland on TV HQ is in Glasgow and spring has officially sprung here in the west of Scotland. This week saw the official first day of spring, and - despite forecasts of snow for the Easter weekend ahead - we're celebrating the sunshine, spring flowers and lighter evenings.

We've been out and about looking for signs of new life in preparation for this Easter weekend in Glasgow. In Pollok Park on the Southside, the visiting baby animals are the star attraction, but Easter wouldn't be complete without eggs, so it's time to get creative with decorative paint too. The buds are on the trees in Glasgow's leafy West End, and the Botanic Gardens is awash with the colour of daffodils, crocuses and blossoms - a promise of warmer days to come! A snapshot of spring in and around Glasgow can be found by clicking on this link:


This weeks Flag is compiled by Richard Thomson in which he has two stories, one Science Fiction story and the other about Council Tax. I enjoyed the picture of the cat sitting outside No. 10 :-)

In Peter's cultural section he is discussing Easter Eggs...

The custom of giving eggs at the time of the Spring Equinox was known to the early Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Gauls and many other people. This ancient fertility symbol was adapted by early Christianity in connection with the miracle of the Resurrection and the Feast of Eggs became attached to the celebration of Easter. In Scotland eggs were also used in the Beltane rites ( 1 May ), and like bannocks, were rolled downhill in imitation of the movement of the sun. In Christian times, the rolling of the egg is supposed to represent the rolling away of the the stone from the tomb of the risen Christ.

The practice of colouring the eggs is also ancient. The Persians dyed theirs red, and still use coloured eggs representing the flowers of the field. In Scotland, country bairns used to gather whin blossoms and other growing things with which to dye their eggs. Commercial Easter Eggs seem to dominate now-a-days but it is far more fun for bairns, of all ages, to make the real thing! Eggs are traditionally given out on Easter Sunday and lets revive the practise of rolling your Pasch ( Scots for Easter ) Egg.

Easter Eggs - take as many eggs as necessary, 1 pt of water, 2 teaspoonfuls salt and for decoration: onion skins, flower petals, cochineal or other colouring matter for dyeing. Put eggs, dyeing material and salt in a pan - bring to the boil slowly and simmer for about 20 minutes. The dyed eggs can be further decorated with paint and crayons with drawings and patterns. Just use your imagination. Sinsyne awa an rowe yir Pasch Egg!

You can read the Flag, listen to the Scots Language, enjoy the Scots Wit and lots more at

Christina McKelvie MSP's weekly diary is available at

The Article Service
Lots of interesting articles in this week. One was about a 50-year-old painting of Christ’s Crucifixion by cartoonist Dudley D Watkins, creator of The Broons and Oor Wullie, has been discovered at a private house in Lochgelly in Fife.

We got articles on Highland Games, views of a 6 year old, some poems, recipes, views on physical education and lots more to enjoy.

See these at

The Scottish Nation
My thanks to Lora for transcribing these volumes for us.

We are now onto the M's with Marr, Marshall, Martin, Martine, Mary Queen of Scots, Masterton, Maule, and Maxtone added this week.

Here is how Mary Queen of Scots starts...

MARY STUART, Queen of Scots, celebrated for her beauty, her accomplishments, her errors, and her misfortunes, was born at the palace of Linlithgow, December 8, 1542. She was the daughter of James V., by his queen, Mary of Lorraine, of the family of Guise. Her father dying when she was only eight days old, she became queen, and was crowned at Stirling, September 9, 1543. After an ineffectual attempt on the part of Cardinal Bethune to obtain the regency, the government of the kingdom was, during her infancy, vested in the earl of Arran. The two first years of her childhood were spent at Linlithgow, under the care of her mother; and the following three years at Stirling, under the charge of the Lords Erskine and Livingstone. Owing to the distracted state of the country, she was subsequently removed, for a few months, to the priory of Inchmahome, a small island in the beautiful lake of Menteith, Perthshire, where she had for her attendants and companions four young ladies of noble rank, all named like herself Mary, namely, Mary Bethune, niece of the cardinal; Mary Fleming, daughter of Lord Fleming; Mary Livingstone, daughter of one of her guardians; and Mary Seton, daughter of the lord of that name. At the age of six she embarked at Dumbarton for France, where she was instructed in every branch of learning and polite accomplishment. Besides making herself mistress of the dead languages, she spoke the French, Italian, and Spanish tongues fluently, and devoted much of her time to the study of history. Through the influence of the French king and her uncles, the Guises, she was married, April 20, 1558, to the dauphin, afterwards Francis II. of France, who died in 1560, about sixteen months after his accession to the throne. On her marriage she had been induced, by the persuasion of the French court, to assume, with her own, the style and arms of queen of England and Ireland, an offence which Elizabeth never forgave, although, as soon as Mary became her own mistress, she discontinued the title.

The widowed queen soon found it necessary to return to Scotland, whither she was invited by her own subjects, and arriving at Leith, August 19, 1561, she was received by all ranks with every demonstration of welcome and regard. At first the committed the administration of affairs to Protestants, her principal advisers being her natural brother, the Lord James Stuart, prior of St. Andrews, and Maitland of Lethington, and so long as she abided by their counsel her reign was mild, prudent, and satisfaction to her people. In August 1562 she made a progress into the north, where, by the aid of her brother, afterwards created earl of Moray, she crushed the formidable rebellion of the earl of Huntly. In February 1563 occurred at St. Andrews the execution of the young and accomplished French poet Chatelard, who, having fallen deeply in love with his beautiful mistress, had twice intruded himself into her bed-chamber, for the purpose of urging his passion. It was the wish of her subjects that the queen should marry, that the crown might descend in the right line from their ancient monarchs, and she had already received matrimonial overtures from various foreign princes. The ardour of youthful inclination, however, rather than the dictates of prudence, led her to prefer her cousin, Henry Lord Darnley, to all her suitors. This young man, whose only recommendation was the elegance of his person and manners, was the eldest son of the earl of Lennox, who had been forced to seek refuge in England, in the reign of James V., and Lady Margaret Douglas, daughter of the earl of Angus and the queen dowager Margaret, sister of Henry VIII.; and after Mary herself, he was the nearest heir to the crown of England, and next to the earl of Arran in succession to the crown of Scotland. The royal nuptials were celebrated July 29, 1565, in conformity to the rites of the church of Rome, of which Mary was a zealous adherent, while the majority of her subjects were Protestants.

You can read the rest of this account at

You can read the other entries at

New Statistical Account of Scotland (1845)
The first volume I am dealing with is the one on Aberdeenshire. There are some 85 parishes in this volume and a write up on each.

This week have added...

Parish of Birse at

Here is a bit from the account...

Name.—The name of the parish is derived from a Gaelic word signifying bush, and seems to express what was formerly the general appearance of the district in which it is situated.

Extent, &c.—The parish is of great extent, being on the south side along the top of the Grampians, and on the west side from the top of the Grampians to the river Dee, about ten miles long-On the north side, it is about eight miles long, and on the east it is about six miles. This parish forms the south-east point of Aberdeenshire; and is bounded on the east by the parish of Strachan, which is in the county of Kincardine, and along the Grampians; on the south, by a part of the same parish, and by Loch-lee, in the county of Forfar; on the west, by a mountain rang of the parish of Aboyne, which extends down to the river Dee; and on the north, partly by the said river, and by a section of Aboyne, which stretches to the south of the Dee.

The ancient history of the parish is involved in much obscurity, like that of many others. The multitude of tumuli, however, scattered in all directions on the mountain sides, would indicate that it was the scene, in former days, of battle and of blood. One immense cairn exists in the woods of Finzean, though now much beneath its original size; and on the adjacent hill are to be seen a great number of smaller cairns or tumuli; while a little farther eastward a long granite stone, such as was used in ancient times to mark the grave of some eminent person, was dug up a good many years ago, and now stands on the top of the hill of Corsedarder. These appearances taken in connection would lead us to the belief of some serious battle having taken place, and that a chief had been killed on the spot alluded to. But whether that chief was, as has been said, an ancient king or prince of Scotland, named Dardanus, cannot now be ascertained. It is far from unlikely that many of the tumuli every where visible, mark the resting-place of individuals slain in some highland foray for cattle into the lowlands; for which the upper districts were at one time so famous. On such occasions, the hills and mountains of this parish, lying as they do betwixt the north and the south country, must often have been the scene where the fugitives and the pursuers encountered each other, and disputed the prize; and these tumuli would indicate that the encounters did not always pass over without blood. This idea derives some probability of truth, from the circumstance, that there is a mountain pass leading through this parish, across the Grampians, to the south country, known to this day by the name of the "Cattrin road," or perhaps "raid,"—a clear proof that this district was at one time well known to, and frequented by, the "Cattrin," in their excursions from the higher and more northern districts to and from the south.

You can read the rest of this account at

On the index page of this volume you can see a list of the 85 parishes and also a map at 

Book of Scottish Story
Our thanks to John Henderson for sending this in for us.

This week have added...

The Battle of the Breeks by Robert Macnish

And here is how the story starts...

I often wonder when I think of the tribulations that men bring upon them-sels, through a want of gumption and common independence of speerit. There now was I, for nae less than eighteen years as henpeckit a man as ever wrocht at the loom. Maggie and me, after the first week of our marriage, never forgathered weel thegither. There was something unco dour and imperious about her temper, although, I maun say, barring this drawback, she was nae that ill in her way either,— that is to say, she had a sort of kindness about her, and behaved in a truly mitherly way to the bairns, giein them a' things needfu' in the way of feeding and claithing, so far as our means admitted. But, oh, man, for a' that, she was a dour wife. There was nae pleasing her ae way or anither; and whenever I heard the bell ringing for the kirk, it put me in mind of her tongue— aye wag, wagging, and abusing me beyond bounds. In ae word, I was a puir, broken-hearted man, and often wished myself in Abraham's bosom, awa frae the cares and miseries of this sinfu' world.

I was just saying that folk often rin their heads into scrapes for want of a pickle natural spunk. Let nae man tell me that gude nature and simpleecity will get on best in this world; na—faith na. I hae had ower muckle experience that way; and the langer I live has proved to me that my auld maister, James Currie (him in the Quarry Loan), wasna sae far wrang when he alleged, in his droll, gude-humoured way, that a man should hae enough o' the deil about him to keep the deil frae him. That was, after a', ane of the wisest observes I hae heard of for a lang time. Little did I opine that I would ever be obligated to mak use o't in my ain particular case:—but, bide a wee, and ye shall see how it was brocht about between me and Maggie.

You can read the rest of this story at

The other stories can be read at

Good Words - 1860 Edition
Edited by Rev. Norman MacLeod

You should note that as this is a weekly publication you'll find larger articles are continued week by week.

This week have added articles on...

Dr Wichern and The Rauhes Haus (Pages 377-380)
Penny Savings Banks (Pages 381-383)
Good Words for Every Day of the Year (Pages 383-384)
St. Columba (Pages 385-389)
A Summer's Study of Ferns (Pages 390-391)
The Grave (Page 391)

Here is how the account of "St. Columba" starts...

Hy, Y, Iona, Icolumkill, Isle of Colum of the Cell, to the outward eye one of the least noticeable of the Hebrides, has to the inward eye a beauty and a sanctity which belong to no other Scottish ground. From our childhood the very name has been invested with an old ideal reverence, which, unless scared away by vulgarising steamboat visits and tourist crowds, lives on still when we are grown men. We think of it as a beacon burning all alone, but bright and blessed, in the deep midnight of Celtic heathenism; or rather as a solitary peak, already struck golden by the coming day while deep darkness lay yet unbroken on all the mainland and islands of Albyn. And the impression is not decreased, but deepened by the contrast we feel when, thinking of its old sanctity, we gaze on its now forlorn abandonment. Elsewhere, the spot on which some first missionary settled has grown, in time, into cathedral town, commercial mart, even into metropolitan city. But Iona— though the fight first kindled there is not yet disowned, yea, rather has been growing and spreading till now—Iona has become as utter a desolation as if it had been some heathen oracle long gone dumb, or the shrine of some out-worn religion.

To those to whom it has long been a cherished imagination, one cannot but feel apprehensive lest all that can be advanced of fact and illustration should only mar its ideal consecration. But to others, who may have gone there without thought, and returned without interest—laughing, perhaps, at all things they heard there as fictions of Highland story-tellers, at best disregarding them as intangible myths—something I hope may be adduced to convince them that Iona had a real history, compared with which its oldest existing ruin is but modern, and that Columba stands out in tolerably clear outline, by several centuries the earliest human figure we can descry against the dim dawn of Scottish history.

For of him we possess, what we have not of any other Scot for five centuries afterwards, two lives, which may be called contemporary, written by two monks of his brotherhood, who had every means of knowing the truth. One of these is a short Latin life by Cumin, supposed to have been written about sixty years after the saint's death; the other, composed about eighty-five years from his death, is the longer and well-known life by Adamnan, which has been lately edited by Mr Beeves, an Irish antiquary, with a rare fulness of erudition and accuracy of Hebridean topography. Perhaps there was no man in Europe of Columba's time of whom we have so authentic a record—certainly no native of Scotland till after the year 1000.

You can read the rest of this account at

You can read the other articles at 

Clan Information
Clan Home Association has a new web site at

Poetry and Stories
Further articles have been added to our Articles Service where the likes of Donna have been adding poems and recipes at 

Got in "Unburdened Through Song" another doggerel in from John Henderson but this time in English which you can read at

Sketches of The Character, Manners, and Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland
by Major-General David Stewart (1822)

We have now moved on to Volume II and the next several chapters are now covering the Fencible Regiments.

This week we've added...

Dumbarton, 1794
Reay, 1794
Inverness, 1794
Fraser, 1794
Lochaber, 1799
Clan Alpine, 1799
Regiment of the Isles, 1799

Here is how the account of Regiment of the Isles starts...

No name could be more appropriate for a regiment, commanded by a Macdonald, having a number of officers and men of the same name, and nine-tenths of both composed of Islanders, than the "Regiment of the Isles." In the traditions of the Highlanders, the Isles are so associated with chivalry, deeds of valour, and chieftainship of a superior order, that their imaginations are immediately thrown back to those days when the Lords of the Isles, assuming sovereign authority over their insular domains, frequently entered into treaties, and contracted alliances, with the Kings of England. But their possessions were not confined to the Islands. They held extensive domains on the Mainland of Scotland, great part of which is to this day possessed by their descendants, Glengarry, Clanranald, Glenco, and other families of the clan. It was in the Isles, however, where they could not be so easily attacked, that they possessed their principal power. There, as petty sovereigns, they supported a sort of regal state, being equal in power to several states in Germany, and certainly exceeding many Continental principalities in the number of disposable men at arms.

It was in Islay, the most southerly of these insular possessions, that the Macdonalds had their principal residence. A small island in Loch Finlagan, in Islay, was "famous for being once the court in which the great Macdonald, King of the Isles, had his residence. His houses, chapels, &c. are now ruinous. His garde-de-corps, called Luchtach, kept guard on the lake side nearest to the isle. The walls of their houses are still to be seen there. The high court of judicature, consisting of fourteen, sat always here; and there was an appeal to them from all the courts in the Isles. The eleventh share of the sum in debate was due to the principal judge. There was a big stone of seven feet square, in which there was a deep impression made to receive the feet of Macdonald; for he was crowned King of the Isles standing in this stone, and swore that he would continue his vassals in the possession of their lands, and do exact justice to all his subjects; and then his father's sword was put into his hand. The Bishop of Argyle and seven priests anointed him King, in presence of all the heads of the tribes in the Isles and Continent who were his vassals."

You can read the rest of this chapter at

You can read the other chapters at 

Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland 1884
This week have added annother large account of The Agriculture of the County of Dumbarton and here is how it starts...

Dumbartonshire is a small county, lying chiefly on the western seaboard of Scotland. Though twenty-fifth in respect of size, it is one of the first Scottish counties in respect of interest and importance, possessing as it does features of note for intelligent men of every class. To the historian, it presents, besides much else, clear intimation of Roman supremacy and civilisation; to the geologist, it exhibits a variety of rock formations, and one or two special phenomena, such as Dumbarton Castle rock and the ancient sea-margins of Roseneath and Cardross. The economist can find in it an epitome of all the industries; the tourist will remember it as the county of Loch Long and Loch Lomond; and the agriculturist will be interested to note that it combines, as perhaps no other county does, three principal branches of his profession, viz., sheep, dairy, and arable farming. It is chiefly in the last capacity that we mean to treat of the shire at present. Our purpose is, to give an account of the various modes of farming pursued within it, and report on the progress made by the agricultural and other industries during the last five-and-twenty years. To this end, we will commence with a few general notes and statistics. The county covers, exclusive of water and foreshores, a space of 154,542 acres, and comprises twelve parishes. Unlike most other counties, it is not an undivided whole, but consists of two portions, removed apart six miles. The western, or principal portion, containing ten parishes, lies along the waters of the River and Firth of Clyde. In shape it rudely resembles a segment of a circle, cut off by an irregular broken line; and in length, between extremes, it measures about 35 miles, in breadth 18 miles. Its boundaries are - on the north, Perthshire; on the east, Stirlingshire and Loch Lomond; on the south, Lanarkshire, and the River and Firth of Clyde; and on the west, Loch Long and Argyllshire. Of the 138 miles, which measure the bounds of its landward portion, 82 are along water—a circumstance having an important agricultural bearing, as it infers a great part of the land to lie on the slope, and, in so far as the water is sea-water, it implies an amelioration of the winter climate.

The eastern, or smaller division of the county, containing two parishes, is an irregular, somewhat oblong tract of land, covering 19,030 acres; its length 12 miles, and its breadth averaging 4½ miles. Its boundaries are—Stirlingshire and Lanarkshire, the former enclosing on the north, the latter on the south.

You can read the rest of this chapter at

The other articles can be read at

Household Encyclopaedia
I have added a few more pages to the B's which you can see at

The index page of this publication can be seen at 

Antiquarian Scottish Books in Adobe Reader format
I said I'd do my best to add a book each week and so this week I've added...

Scotch-Irish in New England
A short 55 page book by the Rev. A. L. Perry published in 1891.

It starts of by saying...

The Scotch-Irish did not enter New England unheralded. Early in the spring of 1718 Rev. Mr. Boyd was dispatched from Ulster to Boston as an agent of some hundreds of those people who expressed a strong desire to remove to New England, should suitable encouragement be afforded them. His mission was to Governor Shute, of Massachusetts, then in the third year of his administration of that colony, an old soldier of King William, a Lieutenant-Colonel under Marlborough in the wars of Queen Anne, and wounded in one of the great battles in Flanders. Mr. Boyd was empowered to make all necessary arrangements with the civil authorities for the reception of those whom he represented, in case his report of the state of things here should prove to be favorable.

As an assurance to the governor of the good faith and earnest resolve of those who sent him, Mr. Boyd brought an engrossed parchment twenty-eight inches square, containing the following memorial to his excellency, and the autograph names of the heads of the families proposing to emigrate:

"We whose names are underwritten, Inhabitants of ye North of Ireland, Doe in our own names, and in the names of many others, our Neighbors, Gentlemen, Ministers, Farmers, and Tradesmen, Commissionate and appoint our trusty and well beloved friend, the Eeverend Mr. William Boyd, of Macasky, to His Excellency, the Eight Honorable Collonel Samuel Suitte, Governour of New England, and to assure His Excellency of our sincere and hearty Inclination to Transport ourselves to that very excellent and renowned Plantation upon our obtaining from His Excellency suitable incouragement. And further to act and Doe in our Names as his prudence shall direct. Given under our hands this 26th day of March, Anno Dom. 1718."

To this brief but explicit memorial, three hundred and nineteen names were appended, all but thirteen of them in fair and vigorous autograph. Thirteen only, or four per cent of the whole, made their "mark" upon the parchment. It may well be questioned, whether in any other part of the United Kingdom at that time, one hundred and seventy-two years ago, in England or Wales, or Scotland or Ireland, so large a proportion as ninety-six per cent of promiscuous householders in the common walks of life could have written their own names. And it was proven in the sequel, that those who could write, as well as those who could not, were also able upon occasion to make their "mark".

You can read this book at

The index page for this section can be reached at

The Scottish Tradition in Canada
Edited by W. Stanford Reid

This week have added three chapters...

Patterns of Settlement in the East K. J. Duncan
Scottish Settlement of the West Alan R. Turner
The Highland Catholic Tradition in Canada R. MacLean

Here is how The Highland Catholic Tradition in Canada starts...

The largest groups of Scottish Catholics settled in the Glengarry district of eastern Ontario, Prince Edward Island and eastern Nova Scotia. Though there were other pockets of settlement in Ontario, Quebec, at the Red River, and other western communities, it was mainly in the above-named regions that their traditions developed. While it may be risky to write on a tradition it must also be borne in mind that history must include attitudes and impressions, the material from which traditions are made.

Canadians have usually referred to the Scottish presence in Canadian history without making any strong distinctions between Highlander/ Lowlander or Catholic/Protestant. The general effect of this lack of categorization has been beneficial, for it has largely ignored certain aspects of the Scottish historical past which might possibly have led to a re-opening of old wounds in the New World.1 For most Scots in Canada it has been sufficient that they be known as Scots or as Canadians of Scottish origin. The common homeland bound them together, regardless of their former geographical or religious situation in Scotland. Yet for anyone who has made any attempt to understand the Scottish-Canadian character it is quite evident that there are definite differences among those of Scottish background and that such distinctions have in part determined their attitudes and roles in Canada. In effect, they have helped to mould views concerning man and his role in Canadian society. They should not therefore be lightly dismissed.

One of the most obvious differences in those with a Scottish background has been the factor of religion, particularly the views held by Presbyterians and by those of the Roman Catholic faith. Those within Presbyterian-ism have been numerous and have occasioned remarks on the propensity of Presbyterians to dispute fine theological points.2 It may also be argued the tensions within this denomination3 have been creative. Certainly there was, in the Presbyterian fold, an opportunity for the concerned individual to express his views. The organization allowed for a greater participation in church affairs through the realm of debate and discussion. Such was not the tradition in the more tightly-structured church of the Roman Catholics; the hierarchical pyramid distributed authority from the peak downward and assembly meetings were not a part of the system. They were, however, assured of security and therefore had little compulsion for debate and discussion. This basic difference in style and orientation, it is suggested, had a definite influence on the subsequent roles played by Presbyterians and Roman Catholics in Canada.4 Often criticized as being motivated by the cult of success, the individual Presbyterian would be described by some as the typical Canadian. This is both unfair and inaccurate, for while Presbyterians have made an enormous contribution to Canada's historical development, other groups of different religious and ethnic backgrounds have counterbalanced this stereotyped Presbyterian projection. One such group has been the Roman Catholic Highlanders.5 Like other Scots, they are found in every province and territory of Canada.

You can read the rest of this chapter at

You can read the other chapters at

Information from the St. Andrews Society of Singapore
I'd like to thank the St. Andrews Society of Signapore for arranging to send in various bits of information about Scots activities in Signapore including some scans of some very old issues of the Signapore Chronicle from 1836. The account starts with...

Origins of the Singapore St Andrews Society

First formal public celebration of St Andrews day in Singapore was 1835.
Second formal public celebration of St Andrews day in Singapore was 1836.

A meeting of patriotic Caledonians took place at the Reading Room on Tuesday the 24th of November 1835 where it was determined to give a public dinner in honour of St Andrew. The dinner was to take place on the following Monday 30th November 1835 at half past Six. The venue was the upper apartments of the Court House and the numbers expected would be no less than seventy(1).

At the St Andrews Dinner, Dr Montgomerie and Mr William Napier presided, and Messrs. Spottiswoode, Lorrain, Carnie and Stephen were Stewards(2). The dinner was a great success and was reported that the party did not break up till daylight (3).

By the following year in 1836, Mr Napier had been elected chairman and Mr Duncan, Croupier, while Messrs. Lewis Fraser, Charles Spottiswoode, Drysdale and Davidson were the Stewards(4). There was a public invite in the 26th November 1836 edition Singapore Chronicle. The following week edition of the Singapore Chronicle mentioned that contrary to expectation there were less people than the previous year. This was however not down to a lack of people who wanted to attend but rather down to the fact that there were no public buildings large enough to accommodate so many people(5). Although the reporter from the Singapore Chronicle did not attend it was reported that “The company finally broke up at sunrise after having partaken of a third supper, when they parted with the upmost harmony and good fellowship” (6).

You can read all the information sent into us at

Fallbrook Farm
We've had more updates in on this conservation project and if you'd like to help you just need to email them your support as the more emails they can produce in support of the project the better chance they have in making it happen.

One wee quote in this week is...

"Life was not easy in those years but they were fortunate to live in a community of relatives who were noted for helping each other when needs arose"

"I knew the family to be one most highly regarded and respected in the community, good old Scottish presbyterian stock, who with a number of other families, formed a nucleus of the community of Ballinafad, that was the very bedrock of society. He and his family carried on the tradition of gracious hospitality of the McKay family of the previous years. The pictures of Donald and Jessie are very significant."

Do visit their page and keep up to date with their findings and activity at 

As a final article to this newsletter might I direct you to a fun site called VoteStop where you can do loads of polls and find out what other people think on a whole range of topics.

This is the site of Verity Crewe-Nelson who is the daughter of friends of mine in Toronto and I think she's done an outstanding job. She's even added some polls on Scottish subjects under her travel section. You'll find polls of current events, news, music and all kinds of other topics.

You can visit the site at

And that's it for now and I hope you all have an enjoyable Easter break :-)


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