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Weekly Mailing List Archives
1st December 2006

It's your Electric Scotland newsletter meaning the weekend is nearly here :-)

You can view what's new this week on Electric Scotland at and you can unsubscribe to this newsletter by clicking on the link at the foot of this newsletter.

See our Calendar of Scottish Events around the world at 

Electric Scotland News
The Flag in the Wind
Speaker of the Scottish Parliament visits Toronto
Highland Dancing
The Scottish Nation
The Celtic Monthly
History of the Burgh of Dumfries
A Group of Scottish Women
The Southern States of America
History of the Royal Caledonian Society of Melbourne
Children's Story by Laura Lagana
The Scottish-Canadian Newspaper (1890/1)
Standard Settings of Pipe Music of The Seaforth Highlanders
Clan Newsletters
Bits of Electric Scotland - Food and Drink

Having a hard time getting caught up on everything as I've spent 4 days in Toronto this week. One day was taking videos of Highland dancing, one day attending the visit of the Speaker of the Scottish Parliament to Toronto and another evening taking in the Canadian Heraldry Society dinner. More on the first two events below.

And so just for a change this newsletter is being brought to you from Toronto :-)

I'm also sorry to learn that Microsoft has decided to filter out our newsletter so that anyone with Microsoft or accounts are not getting our newsletter. It's a bit like the Post Office refusing to deliver some bits of your mail. Guess this is the result of trying to eliminate spam :-(

Some of the stories in here are just parts of a larger story so do check out the site for the full versions. You can always find the link in our "What's New" section at the link at the top of this newsletter and pick up poems and stories sent into us during the week from Donna, Margo, Stan, John and others.

This weeks edition is by Jim Lynch and he is launching the new look which means from the new index page you can now select either the Political Flag or the Cultural Flag. I'm told the political junkies are keen to download just the Political edition onto their blackberry's.

Peter is always bringing us some interesting information and here is a bit from his Cultural section...

December sees once again the approach of The Daft Days (24 December to 6 January) and its great highlight, in Scottish terms, which is Hogmanay (31 December). There is great debate over how the last day in the year gained that name in Scotland, most answers lean towards a French connection, but there is no doubt that it has played a significant part in Scottish life over many centuries. But why, for example in Burghead on the Moray Firth, is Hogmanay not celebrated until the 11th of January? It all goes back to 1752 when the Westminster Government decided to harmonise Britain’s calendar with the continental Gregorian one, which required eleven days to be dropped from the calendar. Consequently eleven days were simply drooped from the calendar in September of that year. The public were incensed and calls were made to be given back the eleven days which they felt had been stolen from them. In many areas people just ignored the government decree and stuck with the Old Style calendar – hence in Burghead their New Year Clavie burning is still held on the old date.

Burghead and its fire-burning ceremony is a reminder of how important fire was to our fore-bears as a sign of renewal. Fire continued to play a large part in welcoming the New Year up to the first quarter of the 20th century and in towns and villages bone-fires were a common sight the length and breadth of Scotland. Nowadays fire ceremonies can still be enjoyed in Biggar, Comrie and Stonehaven on 31 December, and as noted eleven days later in Burghead.

Another Hogmanay tradition was to supply a hugh copper kettle of Het Pint, basically mulled ale, which was carried through the streets for the benefit of revellers. Our recipe this week is non-alcoholic but is like Het Pint, a warming refreshment, and in its own right another Hogmanay tradition. Ginger Wine is a great favourite of bairns of all ages and it packs a punch but without the fear of a hangover!

Ginger Wine or Cordial

Ingredients: 2oz (50g) root ginger; 2 lemons; 2 oranges; 1 gallon (3.8 litres) water; 3 1/2 lbs (1.5 kg) sugar; small pinch of cayenne pepper

Method: Break the ginger up, .and boil it with one gallon of water and the rind of the oranges and lemons. Add a small pinch of cayenne pepper during boiling. Strain the liquid into a container holding the sugar. Add the juice of the lemons and oranges. Strain and bottle, Makes approximately one gallon – if you wish a milder brew use rather less ginger and miss out the cayenne pepper.

You can read this weeks issue, see the pictures and listen to the Scots language at 

MSP Linda Fabiani's weekly diary can be viewed at 

Speaker of the Scottish Parliament visits Toronto
George Reid, the speaker of the Scottish Parliament, was in Toronto supporting The Scottish Funds charity event. I was able to take a few pictures but more important also managed to record almost his entire speech which was most interesting and very well received.

I got a chance to talk to him and he asked why I'd moved to Canada. I told him that I'd been able to purchase a 3 bedroom detached house with huge basement and walk in attic for only 39,000 pounds and he agreed that you couldn't buy anything for that money in Scotland. In fact he thought the very cheapest price for a 1 bedroom flat would be more like 85,000 pounds. I also mentioned that the price of living in Canada was a lot cheaper so in Canada I had a very good standard of living whereas if I went back to Scotland at best I'd have a very frugal living.

You can watch the video and see the pictures at

Highland Dancing
I mentioned before that I intended to do a decent section on Highland Dancing and you can now see this at

My thanks to Dr Kirsty Duncan for doing an excellent introduction to Highland Dancing in which she starts...

Highland Dancing, which requires the endurance and strength of an athlete and the artistry of a dancer, is the traditional solo dancing of Scotland, and should not be confused with Scottish country dancing—the social dance of the country. The latter shares elements with ballroom and formation dance (i.e. dance, in which an important element is the pattern of movement across the dance floor, such as in square dancing).

Unfortunately, the origins of Highland Dancing are shrouded in antiquity, legend--and even the mists of the mountains. Little academic research has been undertaken into this beautiful and important art form—in part, because very little was recorded, as Highland culture was largely an oral culture, with song and traditions passed down by word of mouth, and part because dance masters passed their steps down to young protégées. Consequently, steps and dances took on the regional character of the diverse and magnificent regions.

As a result, numerous stories abound regarding the source of the dances, and many are in conflict with each other. I will therefore give both the ‘history’, which is commonly accepted among teachers and judges, as well as some of the legends and stories with which I grew up—in order that more information is not lost. Many of the legends are beautiful and inspiring to young dancers, and should be recorded for the future. It is therefore my hope that dancers and teachers will contribute to the history in order that we develop a more complete database of the rich past.

In previous centuries, Scottish regiments used Highland Dancing as exercise to keep the troops in shape, and ready for battle. The dances are indeed excellent exercise; for example, in a typical six-step Highland Fling, a dancer will jump vertically 192 times, while performing complicated and intricate footwork, and using the muscles from head to toe. Highland dancing is therefore akin to sprinting, with dancers using fast-twitch muscle, which is also required by soldiers.

Today, Highland Dancing is one of the premiere events at Highland Games throughout the world; for example, in Canada, Japan, Scotland, South Africa, and the United States of America. Until the early 1900's, only men entered Highland Dancing competitions. However, the tradition changed during the World Wars, as women wanted to preserve their rich culture and history, while the men were defending their homeland.

Competitive female dancers now outnumber male dancers by about one hundred to one, although the dancing community is always eager to welcome more men, for their strength is very much celebrated. This year at the 2006 World of Highland Dancing Conference in Las Vegas, a special luncheon was held to honour the ‘Men of Highland Dancing’.

In order to be a successful competitive dancer, students require many hours of practice and training over a period of numerous years, as Highland dancing has much in common with ballet in terms of its technique. Students also require mastery of the four basic Highland dances, namely, the Highland Fling, the Sword Dance, Seann Truibhas (pronounced ‘shawn trewes’), and the reel—all of which are performed in the traditional kilt.

You can read the rest of this article at

I might add that I find it amazing that Highland Dancing was done only by men and now the girls out number boys by 100:1. I guess Highland Dancing is too hard for the boys these days!? :-) Kirsty does say that they would very much welcome more boys on the Highland dance curcuit and at the Highland Games.

I also managed to get a number of videos of various dances to let you see what they are like which you can see at

I also invited any Highland Dancers to send me in any comments on how they got started and what they get from dancing. So far I have only received one communication and here it is for you to read here...

"I like Highland Dance because you can jump a lot. It is really fun. When I am excited I can dance and use up my energy even when I cannot go outside. Highland dancing gives me both strong muscles and a lady's posture."
Miss Robertson, 9 years

And so I both hope you will enjoy learning about Highland dancing and that more of you will share information with us :-)

The Scottish Nation
My thanks to Lora for transcribing these volumes for us.

Now onto the D's and added this week are Donaldson, Dougal and Dougall.

With all the typing Lora is doing she has an injury to one of her fingers and is getting that attended to so slowing down a wee bit on the entries. We wish her a quick recovery!

DONALDSON, WALTER, a learned professor of the seventeenth century, was a native of Aberdeen. He was in the retinue of Bishop Cunningham of Aberdeen, and Peter Junius, grand almoner of Scotland, when sent on an embassy from King James the Sixth to the court of Denmark and the princes of Germany. Subsequently he returned to the continent, and delivered a course of lectures on moral philosophy at Heidelberg. One of his students having taken notes of these lectures, published them, and several editions of the work were printed both in Germany and Great Britain, under the title of Synopsis moralis Philosophiae. Donaldson was afterwards professor of philosophy and the Greek language, and principal of the university of Sedan, where he remained for sixteen years. He was then invited to open a college at Charenton, but the proposed establishment was objected to as illegal, and was never commenced. [Boyle’s dict. vol. iv. p. 626.] His works are:

Synopsis Locorum communium, in qua sapientiae humanae imago representatur, &c. Franc. 1612. Her he reduces into common places, and under certain general heads, all that lies scattered in Diogenes Laertius, concerning the same thing. Printed in Greek and Latin.

Synopsis Economica. Paris, 1620, 8vo. Reprinted Rost. 1624, 8vo.

Synopsis Philosophiae Moralis, lib. iii. Ex Offic. Palth. 1604, 8vo. Francf. 1622, 12mo.

DONALDSON, JOHN, an eminent but eccentric painter, the son of a glover in Edinburgh, was born there in 1737. He early exhibited an extraordinary talent for drawing, and we are told that before he was twelve years of age he was enabled to contribute to his own support by drawing miniatures in India ink. Removing to London, while yet young, he for some time prosecuted his profession as a miniature painter with remarkable success, both in enamel and water colours. His celebrated historical picture, ‘The Tent of Darius,’ which was purchased by the earl of Buchan, gained him the prize from the society of Arts. He also received prizes from the same society for two paintings in enamel, representing ‘The Death of Dido,’ and ‘The Story of Hero and Leander.’ He occasionally also amused himself with the point, and etched several plates of beggars after Rembrandt. Having, however, become disgusted with his profession, from mistaken notions of philanthropy, he occupied himself almost exclusively in proposing fanciful projects for the improvement of the condition of the human race, in consequence of which his business forsook him, and he was reduced to great misery. He died in the utmost indigence, October 11, 1801, leaving a large quantity of manuscripts in an unfinished state. His only acknowledged works are, ‘An Essay on the Elements of Beauty,’ Edin. 1780, 8vo; and a volume of poems. Mr. Edwards, in his Anecdotes of Painters, ascribes to Donaldson a pamphlet published anonymously, under the title of ‘Critical Observations and Remarks upon the Public Buildings of London.’

DONALDSON, JAMES, a printer of Edinburgh, bequeathed the greater part of his estate, exceeding £200,000, for the endowment and erection of an hospital in that city, for the maintenance of three hundred poor boys and girls. He died in October 1830. Donaldson’s Hospital, which occupies a commanding position at the west end of Edinburgh, is a spacious quadrangular structure, in the Elizabethan style, from a design by W. H. Playfair. It was completed and opened in the end of 1850.

DONALDSON, JOSEPH, author of the ‘Eventful Life of a Soldier,’ and ‘Scenes and Sketches of a Soldier’s Life in Ireland,’ was born in Glasgow towards the end of the last century, but the exact date of his birth is not stated. Having gone over to Paris in 1830, he took an active part in the Revolution of July, and died October 5th of that year, in consequence of disease brought on by his exertions and fatigue on that occasion.

You can read the other entries at 

The Celtic Monthly
A magazine for Highlanders

Added the February and March 1903 issues which contain...

Archibald Fergusson, A Highland Romance, Jennie Cameron of the '45, Gaelic names in Braemar, An Ode on the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Glenfruin, A favourite Sutherland Angling resort, The Pass of the Shadow, The MacLeans of Crossapol, The Anglicising of the Highlands, The Eight Men of Moidart, The Martial Music of the Clans.

The Camerons of Worcester, Rev. George H. Cameron of Russia, The anglicising of the Highlands, There is a voice that haunts me still, A Highland Romance, The Pass of the Shadow, Macara Clan, Glen Eagles, The Seven Men of Glenmoriston, The Wanderer, Place Names in Braemar, The Martial Music of the Clans, Some Traditions of the Beatons or MacBeths, Our Musical page.

You can see the issues to date at 

History of the Burgh of Dumfries
Got up more chapters and the appendix which now completes this book. The previous chapters can be read at 

Here is how the final Chapter 60 starts...

WE now proceed, in the briefest possible terms, to notice the leading events in the history of the Burgh, from the date of the Reform Act till our own day. It was thought at one time that Toryism would be extinguished by the operation of that measure; but this was far from being the case. The Town Council elected by the ten-pounders contained a fair proportion of Conservatives, who, under the leadership of Mr. John Fraser, grew in strength till they were able for a while to "turn the tables" upon the Liberal party. The last save one of the Dumfries provosts under the old system, he was a member of the first Council under the new; and in 1840 he was once more chosen to fill the civic chair. ["Mr. Fraser," says the Dumfries Standard, in noticing his death, which took place in 1856, "must have possessed no common ability, when, from being a perfect stranger, he could in ten years raise himself to the position of principal magistrate of Dumfries."] Several Conservative provosts have since held rule in the Burgh; but the Liberals more generally possess a majority in the Council than their political opponents.

Mr. Ewart's able and influential agent, Mr. William M'Gowan, writer, was long recognized as the leader of the Liberals. He was elevated to the provostship in 1855, and died in office on the 17th of November, 1856. He was preceded and also succeeded by Mr. Miles Leighton (now the oldest merchant in Dumfries) who was a Reformer when to be so was the reverse of popular. He has been three times chosen as the chief magistrate of the Burgh-a triple distinction conferred on no other burgess since the abolition of the old close system. The Conservatives of the Council were strong enough in 1860 to carry the election of one of their number, Mr. James Gordon, writer, as provost; and so acceptable did he prove, that he was re-elected in 1863.

After the passing of the Reform Bill, the most exciting occurrence in the town was a contest for the representation of the Five Burghs, at the general election in February, 1835. The same gentlemen who had encountered each other two years before, again entered the arena. General Sharpe was proposed by Mr. Philip Forsyth of Nithside, and seconded by Mr. John M'Diarmid; and Mr. Hannay was nominated by Mr. Robert Scott, manufacturer, and seconded by Mr. Miles Leighton, merchant. The gallant Laird of Hoddam was re-elected; but his majority, which was 112 on the first occasion, was reduced to 52. [The following was the state of the poll:-" Sharpe: Dumfries, 220; Annan, 135; Kirkcudbright, 19; Sanquhar, 26; Lochmaben, 22; total, 422. Hannay: Dumfries, 270; Annan, 9; Kirkcudbright, 72; Sanquhar, 8; Lochmaben, 11; total, 370.]

You can read the rest of this chapter at 

The whole book can be read at 

A Group of Scottish Women
by Harry Graham (1908).
Our thanks to Julie for transcribing this for us.

Now completed this book with the final chapter and here is how the chapter on Miss Clementina Stirling Graham (1782 - 1877) starts...

In olden days the practice of “masquerading” was universally popular. During the reign of Charles II. it was carried on to an extent which evoked the just censure of contemporary historians. Bishop Burnet describes how “that both the king and queen and all the court went about masked, and came into houses unknown, and danced there, with a great deal of wild frolic.” [History of His Own Times, vol. i. p.368.] And later on we hear of the Queen, the Duchess of Richmond, and the Duchess of Buckingham dressing themselves as rustics and attending a country fair in the neighbourhood of Audley End. On this occasion the disguises were so overdone that the appearance of the royal party excited general notice. A huge crowd collected, and followed the masqueraders about, until the Queen and her friends were glad to mount their horses and beat a hasty and rather undignified retreat.

The witty but unprincipled Earl of Rochester used often to disguise himself as a beggar or a porter, either for his own amusement of for the purpose of prosecuting his illicit amours. He once set up for some time as an “Italian Mountebank” or Astrologer in Tower Street, London, where he was consulted by many ladies of the court. [Burnet’s Life of Rochester, p.14 (1774.)] The latter would themselves masquerade as orange-girls in order to pay a clandestine visit to the soothsayer, thereby inviting insults from the men of fashion whom they met upon their way and who naturally concluded from their appearance that the ladies were no better than they should be. [Memoirs of Count Grammont, p.283.]

In the eighteenth century we find further examples of this craze for “dressing up.” Anne Mackenzie, who afterwards married Sir William Dick of Prestonfield, and was the daughter of Lord Royston and granddaughter of the famous Earl of Cromarty, used to array herself and her maid in male attire and sally forth into the streets of Edinburgh in search of adventure. [Wilson’s Memorials of Edinburgh, p.169.] This the pair of masqueraders generally managed to find, and would not infrequently end the night in the company of a number of intoxicated noblemen in the old Guard House in the High Street.

The Lady Euphemia Montgomerie, daughter of the 9th Earl of Eglinton by his first countess, provides another instance of an inveterate woman masquerader. She married the celebrated “Union” Lockhart, whose notorious intrigues on behalf of the exiled Stuarts were no doubt furthered by his wife’s clever disguises. Dressed as a man, she frequented the taverns and coffee-houses of Edinburgh, and thus often obtained political information of the greatest value to her husband. On one occasion a budget of important paper destined for the Government was in the hands of a Whig named Forbes. “Lady Effie” determined to dispossess him of these dispatches. She accordingly disguised her two sons as women, and bade them waylay the guileless messenger and induce him to accompany them to a neighbouring alehouse. Here they speedily drank Mr. Forbes under the table, after which they relieved him of his precious papers at their leisure. [Ibid., p.241.]

Regular “masquerades,” at which all the guests arrayed themselves in fancy dress, were of course one of the chief amusements of that day in London. During the food riots in 1772 an entertainment of this kind was given at the Pantheon in Oxford Street, and 10,000 guineas were spent by the revellers in dress and other luxuries, much to the indignation of the starving populace. [Oliver Goldsmith appeared on this occasion in “an old English costume.” (See Timbs’s Curiosities of London.)]

And you can read the rest of this entry at 

The other chapters can be read at 

The Southern States of America
Published in 1909.

Now have The History of Virginia - Chapter I - The Beginnings of Virginia, 1584 - 1624 up for you to read and here is how it starts...

WHEN Columbus sailed westward from Spain in 1492, had any writer attempted to picture the results which were to follow from his voyage, his views would have been regarded as the utterances of an insane man. Nevertheless, it is true that Columbus pointed the way for the development of great continents, the possibilities of which it took Europe more than two hundred years to grasp. The goal was India, whose wealth was being sought, and a new world was far from the thoughts of Columbus. The lands that he reached he regarded only as a barrier to India, which, doubtless, lay near by.

Having established the fact that a westward voyage might be made to the oriental countries, explorers by the score were soon traversing the high seas, each hoping to be the first to reach, by sea, the long coveted goal. Among these explorers was Americus Vespucius, who, having sailed far south, touched the mainland of South America. In the year 1507 he promulgated his view that the western lands which Columbus and the other explorers had reached were not portions of Asia but a new continent. In the meantime, some ten years before, Vasco da Gama had sailed southward along the coast of Africa passing the Cape of Good Hope, and striking across the Indian Ocean had reached India. Thus an all-water trade route had been discovered to the east while the explorers were still searching for the westward passage. Da Gama's success, however, did not deter others from looking for the western passage; in fact, it only stimulated western voyages.

While Spain and Portugal were sending out explorers, England was not unmindful of her own development, and desired to participate in whatever good results might come from the discovery of such a passage, and she, therefore, under the direction of her business-like king, Henry VII., sent out expeditions commanded by John Cabot and his son, Sebastian Cabot, in the years 1497 and 1498. These voyages resulted in the discovery of the shores of North America, extending from Labrador as far south as Florida. Though the northwest passage was not found other English explorers continued the search, among them Martin Frobisher, who touched the coast of Labrador some eighty years later than the days of Cabot. But during the reign of Henry VIII., Edward VI. and Mary practically nothing was done towards following up the explorations which had been made in earlier years. It remained, therefore, for the reign of Queen Elizabeth to see the expansion of England in all directions. Along with the growth of English towns, English industries and the development of a splendid literature came a commercial spirit which looked to the encompassing of the globe-a spirit which has made England the foremost nation of the Twentieth century. This spirit grew out of opposition to Spain, a desire to prevent her from being the most powerful nation of Europe as the result of the riches which she was securing from South America. English merchant knights and sea-rovers were soon found in all directions upon the high seas, among them being Hawkins, Grenville, Drake and Gilbert. Hawkins and Drake plundered Spanish commerce on the oceans and frequently touched new lands. Drake on one voyage went as far north along the Pacific coast as the mouth of the Columbia River, and circumnavigated the globe.

As opposition to Spain increased, a feeling grew for the establishment of an English colony in North America. Among the first to undertake it was Sir Humphrey Gilbert, who was undoubtedly stimulated by his half-brother, Raleigh. In 1578 Gilbert started out with his first colony, but on account of a storm was forced to return to England. Five years later he planted a colony on the coast of Newfoundland, but was forced to abandon it, and on his return to England was lost at sea. The next year, 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh secured, in his own name, the patent which Queen Elizabeth had granted to Gilbert for the planting of a colony in the new world. Raleigh had been Gilbert's mentor in his colonization scheme, and now he took upon himself the obligation, as he saw it, of planting an English nation in America as a bulwark against Spanish aggression. The letters patent granted to Raleigh gave all the colonists the rights of English subjects, and allowed Raleigh, his heirs or assigns, to provide such governments for the colony, or colonies, as were in harmony with the English constitution.

The Roanoke Colony.

Having secured the letters patent Raleigh sent out two experienced sea-captains, Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlow, who, sailing from England in April, 1584, finally reached the coast of North Carolina July 2 of the same year. A few days later they entered Albemarle Sound and landed on Roanoke Island. A glowing report they made of the new world on their return to England, telling of the excellent timber and fruits, and of the game to be found in the new land. It is said that when the report was made to Queen Elizabeth she decided to name the country in honor of herself, the Virgin Queen, and called it "Virginia." Thereupon Sir Walter proceeded to secure settlers to go to the new land. Some one hundred men set sail from England in a fleet of seven small ships under the command of the famous fighter and sea-rover, Sir Richard Grenville. The last of July, 1585, the colony landed on Roanoke Island and proceeded to build a small town under the direction of Ralph Lane, who had been sent by Raleigh as governor of the colony. Lane was a man of wisdom and good judgment, and he opposed the selection of Roanoke Island as the site of the colony, and sent out two parties, one by land and one by sea, to meet on the Chesapeake Bay for the selection of a better site. With Lane was Thomas Cavendish, afterwards to become renowned as an explorer; John White, the artist and afterwards governor of the second Roanoke colony; Thomas Hariot, the historian and one of the best known mathematicians of England. Under Lane's direction a fort was built and the lands in the neighborhood of Roanoke Island explored as far south as eighty miles. Exploring parties went 130 miles north and northwest.

You can read the rest of this chapter at

The book index page is at

History of the Royal Caledonian Society of Melbourne
Thanks to the society for letting us publish this book.

We are now up to Chapter 15 and here is how that starts...

IF it were possible to assess the amount of money raised for charitable and patriotic purposes by Melbourne's Caledonian Society, from 1858 to the present day, what an imposing figure would be presented!

In the present record it has been shown that "benevolence" was one of the objects of the original Society, that a great deal of social service was rendered by the reconstructed Society from 1884 onward, and that the Royal Caledonian Society raised considerable sums for patriotic purposes during World War I. Now it is to be indicated that much national work, of a social character, was carried out by the Society during and after World War II.

Here are figures relating to some of the Society's donations during a few years:

1941-42 . . . . £220
1942-43 . . . . £266
1943-44 . . . . £194
1944-45 . . . . £217
1945-46 . . . . £353
1946-47 . . . . £95
1947-48 . . . . £403
Total . . . . . £ 1,748

In the war years the Society's benefactions went to such worthy causes as the Prisoners of War Fund, the Red Cross Society, the Merchant Navy, etc. Later the Orthopaedic Hospital at Frankston benefited to the extent of £135 and the Food for Britain appeal was given £427.

But those figures, worthy as they are, tell only part of the story. The other portion relates to the work of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Society.

Formed late in 1940, mainly for the purpose of working in aid of the Fighting Forces, this band of loyal and devoted women did much valuable service during the war years. With Mrs Dixon, Mrs Eddy, and Mrs Burgess acting in turn as president; with Mrs Miscamble, Miss B. Dixon, and Miss M. Seed filling from time to time the secretarial position, and with Mrs McPhee serving as treasurer throughout, the ladies laboured long and earnestly in many ways, and as a result they gave money or valuable gifts in kind to the Scottish Regiment, the Limbless Soldiers' Association, the Merchant Navy, the Comforts Fund, and other organizations.

Annual reports of the Society reveal that in one period of three years the Auxiliary raised, by its own efforts, £555 for national purposes.

With the ending of the war the ladies took cognisance of the need to send food to Britain. Accordingly, they concentrated most of their efforts on this work and within a brief time they developed marked skill in the selecting of goods and the packing of parcels.

Following the forwarding to Britain-not to Scotland alone-of more than 100 parcels up to August 1947, no fewer than 500 parcels were sent during the ensuing twelve months, and more than 100 additional parcels went off within the next few months.

In brief, the ladies of the Royal Caledonian Society were responsible for the buying of material, the packing, and the posting of 727 food parcels to Britain between April 1946 and October 1948.

That, clearly, is a remarkably meritorious record, and it need scarcely be added that hundreds of letters expressing warm gratitude have been received by the Ladies' Auxiliary from recipients of food parcels in all parts of Britain.

You can read the rest of this chapter at

You can read this book at

Children's Story
Laura Lagana sent me in a children's story "Santa Retires" which you can read at

Bard of Banff has sent in a poem, A Desperate Attack at

John sent in two doggerels...

New Brithers at
Hungert Bairns at

Scottish Canadian Newspaper
This is the weekly newspaper that I acquired a years issues of. Some pages are missing but not a lot so hopefully you'll enjoy reading this. Due to the size of this newspaper I have no option but to photograph each page and post it up as a picture.

Got up the weekly issue for November 13, 1890 at

And the one for November 20, 1890 at

Standard Settings of Pipe Music of The Seaforth Highlanders
Have made a start at getting this publication up onto the site. We are now up to page 48. This is all sheet music so hopefully those interested in playing the bagpipes will enjoy this.

Clan Newsletters
We got several newsletters in this month...

Clan Leslie Society of Australia & New Zealand at
Clan Ross Association of Canada at
Utley Family at

The town of Fergus has lost a piece of its heart with the death of Cape Breton musician John Allan Cameron, who served as honorary chieftain of the Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games for more than 20 years.

For more information see

Atlas Dean Hall, Died Saturday, November 11, 2006, at Randolph Hospital in Asheboro. He was a Floyd County, Ky. native, had been employed as a prison counselor and was an ordained minister of the Baptist Faith. He was also President of the Clan Hall Scottish Society, and was a chaplain for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Reece Clark Craven Camp #1966.

Bits of Electric Scotland
This week I'm covering the page "Food and Drink" at

More than anything I first created this page to record some of my families old recipes and then it just kind of grew. As Christmas is that time of year where we tend to do more cooking and baking than normal I thought this might be a good time to highlight this section :-)

Electric Scotland Recipes
Our own recipe collection which are mainly Scottish recipes.

Visitors Recipes
This is where our visitors have shared some of their favourite recipes with us and we're always happy to receive your own favourite recipes which we'll add to this collection :-)

Stories and Stovies at
A unique book by Charlotte Bleh which not only includes stories of her being brought up in Dundee but also includes some great recipes of family favourites.

Wenona Flood's Recipes
Sent in by Donna Flood

Donna's Recipes
A collection of Donna Flood's recipes from a Scots-Indian background.

Donna's Newest Recipes
Donna's own recipes she's created

Jeanette's Recipe Collection
Thanks to Jeanette for this and for sharing her tea party recipes.

Kooking for Kids
A collection of recipes for young children.

The Practice of Cookery
An old recipe book, Adapted to the Business of Every-Day life by Mrs. Dalgairns published in 1840.

All About Tea
Learn about it's history and how to give a tea party.

Kitchen Measurement Guide
Giving you a kitchen measurement conversion table

E-Texts of Recipe Books
Some really excellent reading in these old recipe books.

And that's all for now and I hope you all had a great St. Andrews Day on 30th November :-)


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