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Weekly Mailing List Archives
3rd Nov 2006

It's your Electric Scotland newsletter meaning the weekend is nearly here :-)

You can view what's new this week on Electric Scotland at and you can unsubscribe to this newsletter by clicking on the link at the foot of this newsletter.

See our Calendar of Scottish Events around the world at 

Electric Scotland
The Flag in the Wind
The Scottish Nation
The Celtic Monthly
Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce
History of the Burgh of Dumfries
A Group of Scottish Women
Reminiscences of the Early Settlement of Dunedin and South Otago
Scots Minstrelsie
Scots Humour and Heroism
Family Tree DNA - Article from Bruce MacIntyre
Misc. - Craft Stories and Poems
The Scot in America
Prehistoric Scotland
The Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment
Mini Bio
The Scotch-Irish in America
Bits of Electric Scotland - Online Scottish Books

Well I'm now down in Kentucky working on migrating the web sites to a new web server which is way faster than the old one and has much more storage space. As I mentioned in that wee announcement I sent out we may be unavailable for a wee while and some programs like our scotgenealogy, scotsearch and our Electric Scotland Forums might be down for a wee while while we get them moved over. As this is a physical migration it does mean we need to unload the IP addresses to be able to transfer them to the new machine. This is why things might be down for a wee while.

Steve says hello to you all and promises he'll do his best to get everything working fine on the new servers :-)

I've also got my books "The South in the Building of a Nation". This is a 12 volume publication printed in 1909. I am looking at doing the first 3 volumes which mostly contain the histories of those southern states. Viginia and the states formed from her original territory: Maryland, Kentucky, Wesr Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Georgia and the states formed from its original territory: Alabama and Mississippi. Florida, which, though it contains the oldest town in the United States, is not treated in its historical order since it did not become a part of the United States till 1819, but is placed after the Georgia group on account of its proximity. The states west of the Mississippi River in the order of their admission to the Union.

I won't be starting on those until I get back to Canada but this will provide us background information as to what the Scots and Scots-Irish moved into when they emigrated to America. You will also see many Scots and Scots-Irish names mentioned through the histories. I have noted the many references to England and English whereas it should really be Britain and British but I think that's fairly obvious from the text.

I have also acquired a years copies of the weekly Scottish Canadian newspaper for 1890/1 but it's going to take some thinking on how to get these up on the site. They are around A3 in size so my A4/Letter scanner is just too small. I also think I'll need to unpick the binder to be able to get these scanned. Don't suppose there is anyone out there able to do these larger scans? :-)

And just a note about this newsletter. I am considering whether it might not be easier for you to get it through an RSS feed. It seems that every site I visit these days offers an RSS feed and so shoulf you think this would be easier for you I'd be prepared to look at this. Perhaps you could let me know?

Some of the stories in here are just parts of a larger story so do check out the site for the full versions. You can always find the link in our "What's New" section at the link at the top of this newsletter and pick up poems and stories sent into us during the week from Donna, Margo, Stan, John and others.

This weeks edition is by Jim Lynch who is also editor of the Scots Independent newspaper. He tells us that we will now be getting a copy of the regular Scots language column from the newspaper to read in the Flag. I thought I'd carry the first issue here for you to read...


Gin this airticle haed been written a month syne, A micht hae cad it “The triumph o Tammy”; at that time, the jury i the Coort o Session haed juist cum oot on Tammy Sheridan’s side. They fund he wes tellan the truith whan he denyit the houghmagandie the “News of the World” haed chairgit him wi – an, in effeck, that mony o the heich-heid-anes o his ain pairty war wrang ti threip that he haed telt thaim the contrair. This wes Tammy’s moment. S.S.P. memmers haed spent the lest month miscaain ilk ither wi aa the warst names i the Marxist vocabular. Nae doot at this pynt a sleekit, bourgeois politeecian wad hae cad on aabody ti lat byganes be byganes. Weel, “Magnanimity in victory” micht hae been Winston Churchill’s slogan, bit it wadnae dae fir Tammy. He yaisit his victory speech ti blecken the names o the S.S.P. leadership a bit mair. It’s a guid thing that nane o the ither faction war cairryin an ice aix…

An sae the fecht went oan, een mair sairly than afore. An uphaud o the S.S.P. Executive said “a state of war now existed between Mr. Sheridan and the party’s executive committee”. Tammy hissel said that a curn o his unfriens i the S.S.P. haed gane sae faur as ti burn an eemage o him. In aa this, it seems, there wes nae wird o ony muckle poleetical tulzie: the haill quaistion wes whuther it wes Tammy or the Executive that wes tellan the truith.

Efter this stushie, it wes nae surpreese ti fin Tammy stertin up his ain pairty “Solidarity”. (The name is aither a sample o the Socialist sense o humour, or a pruif that Marxists hae forgotten the history o the twintiet century.) We are telt that twice as mony fowk cam ti his meetin as ti the rival S.S.P. ane the day afore. Needless ti say, mony a haurd wird wes spoken at ilk ane aboot the personalities on the ither side: no sae mony aboot thaim castin oot owre policies. Marxists yist ti threip that Socialism wes aa aboot the advance o the warkan cless as a haill, an that personalities didnae maitter. In that case A cannae see hou aither pairty can claim ti be uphaudan Marxist principles; bit than A’m ainly a bourgeois naitionalist deviationist, sae whit wad A ken aboot it?

The Gaelic column is also available in this weeks issue.

Peter also reminds us that St. Andrews Day is celebrated on 30th November and here is what he says...

This month we will once again celebrate our Patron Saint's Day, St Andrew, on 30 November. Pressure to make Andermas a Public Holiday has finally made progress with a surprising turn-aroundby the Scottish Executive which will allow employees to take 30 November as a holiday from 2007.

Our National Flag also bears the name of our Patron Saint - the Saltire or St Andrew's Cross, is the oldest in the Commonwealth and Europe, possibly in the world. According to tradition it was adopted following a battle fought in 832AD near Althelstaneford in East Lothian. The Scottish flag Trust, who have done much good work in promoting The Saltire, give the following account of how the 832AD battle resulted in The Saltire becoming the flag of Scotland -

'An army of Picts under Angus mac Fergus, High King of Alba, and aided by a contingent of Scots led by Eochaidh, King of Dalriada ( Kenneth mac Alpin's grandfather ) had been on a punitive raid into Lothian ( then and for long afterwards Northumbrian territory ), and were being pursued by a larger force of Angles and Saxons under one Athelstan. The Albannach/Scots were caught and stood to face their pursuers in the area of Markle, near modern East Linton. This is to the north of the modern cillage of Athelstaneford ( which was resited on higher ground in the 18th century ), where the Peffer which flows into the Firth of Forth at Aberlady, forms a wide vale. Being then wholly undrained, the Peffer presented a major obstacle to crossing, and the two armies came together at the ford near the present day farm of Prora ( one of the field names there is still the Bloody Lands ). Fearing the outcome of the encounter, King Angus led prayers for deliverance, and was rewarded by seeing a cloud formation of a white saltire ( the diagonal cross on which St Andrew had been martyred ) against a blue sky. The King vowed that if, with the saint's help, he gained the victory, then Andrew would thereafter be the patron saint of Scotland. The Scots did win, and the Saltire became the flag of Scotland. When Kenneth mac Alpin, who may have been present with his grandfather at the battle, later united Picts and Scots and named the entity Scotland, Andrew did indeed become the patron saint of the united realm.'

See The Scottish Flag Trust at

The Saltire flies all year round, beside the Saltire Memorial erected in 1965 in Althelstaneford Kirkyard, to commemorate the event of 832AD. Thanks to the efforts of the Scottish Flag Trust a doocote, beside the Kirk, has been restored and converted in 1996 into the Flag Heritage Centre and visitors can enjoy a short audio visual dramatisation of the traditional origins of the Battle Flag of Scotland. There are spectacular views northwards towards the site of the battle and earlier this year, 27 April 2001, Dr Winifred M Ewing MSP officially opened a new viewpoint/seating area and restoration of copper panels, depicting the battle, in the Heritage Centre. The Church and Saltire Memorial can be visited at any time. The Heritage Centre is open daily between 10am and 5pm from April to September. Admission is free. Althelstaneford lies some 20 miles from Edinburgh and is easily accessed from the A1. The B1347 turn-off is a mile to the eat of Haddington and is well signposted. There are many interesting places to visit in East Lothian but make sure that you do visit Athelstaneford. This weeks recipe comes from East Lothian and shares its name with another well known landmark, the ruined stronghold of Tantallon Castle, several miles east of North Berwick. Tantallon Cakes, a good shortbread variance, is a tasty reminder of the part of Scotland which gave us our National Flag.

Tantallon Cakes

Ingredients: 8 oz plain flour ( 225 g ); 1 oz caster sugar ( 25 g ); 1 tbsp rice flour; 1 tsp grated lemon rind; 4 oz butter ( 100 g )

Method: Preheat oven to 325 deg F/170 deg C or gas mark 3

Sift the flour into a bowl. Take out one tablespoonful and replace this with one tablespoonful of rice flour. Now add the sugar and lemon rind. Finally work in the butter with your hands into a lump the consistency of putty! Place on a floured board and press with your hands not a rolling pin, till it is about half inch ( 1 cm ) thick. Cut into rounds about one and half inch ( 4 cm ) diameter. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake in a cool oven for about 25-30 minutes. Sprinkle thickly with caster sugar while still hot.

You can read this weeks issue, see the pictures and listen to the Scots language at 

Have now heard from MSP Linda Fabiani who tells me she is now back at work and plans to do a wee summary to bring us up to date and then she'll resume her regular weekly diary. So should get the summary during the next few days. You'll be able to read all this at

The Scottish Nation
My thanks to Lora for transcribing these volumes for us.

We haw compted the C's with Cumming, Cunningham, Currie and Curteis. Now onto the D's and added this week are Dale, Dalgarno, Dalgety, Dalgleish, Dalhousie, Dallas and Dalmahoy.

The Cumming entry is quite large and here is how it starts...

CUMMING, properly COMYN, or DE CUMYN, a surname derived originally from the ancient house of de Comines in France. Wyntoun (who wrote about 1420) absurdly states that the first of the name of Comyn in Scotland, a keeper of the royal chamber, acquired his designation from saying to all who knocked at the king’s door, “Cum in!” It is impossible to attribute to ignorance alone this exquisite blunder, as the antecedents of the noble family were too familiar to be utterly forgotten in that age, especially by the prior of Lochleven, any more than the fact that French had been the exclusive language of the court and nobles of Scotland for upwards of two centuries, during which period the family held sway. But they had been the vanquished party, and it was the fashion of that age to vilify the unfortunate. This incident shows how little reliance is to be placed on our earliest Scottish historians, especially where national or party prejudices are concerned. John count de Comyn in Normandy, descended from Charlemagne, on being appointed governor of the chief towns in that duchy, assumed the name of De Burgo. His eldest son, Hubert de Burgo, married Arlota, mother of William the Conqueror, and from their son Robert the noble house of Clanricarde in Ireland, and all the families of the name of De Burgh or Burke, in that kingdom, are said to derive their descent.

In 1068, William the Conqueror, learning of an invasion on the part of the Danes, in conjunction with the disaffected English, aided by Malcolm the Fourth of Scotland, appointed Robert de Comyn governor of Northumberland, who by a rising of the natives was massacred with his whole garrison at Durham shortly after. The earliest mentioned in Scottish annals was William de Comyn. He had been educated for the church under Gaufred, bishop of Durham, sometime chancellor to Henry the First of England. He held the lands of Northallerton and others in England, and from Prince Henry, the son of King David, he obtained a grant of the estate of Linton-Roderick in Roxburghshire, which is said to have been the first place of settlement in North Britain of the powerful family of the Comyns. In 1133, he was, by David the First, nominated chancellor of Scotland. His name appears as such in some of the charters of that monarch. In 1142, he seized on the bishopric of Durham, under a grant from the empress Maude, but soon after resigned that see, reserving only certain of the episcopal estates for behoof of his nephew and heir, Richard. In the reigns of Malcolm the Fourth and William the Lion, the name of Richard de Comyn, appears among the witnesses to some of the charters of those monarchs. In the reign of the former, he was a man of great power and authority in Scotland, and by King William he was created “justiciar” of Scotland, as only what is now the northern part of the kingdom was then called. He married Hexilda, great-grand-daughter of King Duncan, and died about 1190.

His son William was, in 1200, sent as envoy by William the Lion to congratulate King John on his succeeding to the throne of England. He was also engaged in several other embassies to the English court. He was sheriff of Forfar, and, like his father, also held the office of justiciary for Scotland, and various grants of land were made to him. He distinguished himself by putting down a rebellion of the native tribes under Guthred, of the family of Heth, otherwise MacWilliam, who had landed from Ireland, and whom he put to death. Through his marriage, in 1210, with Marjory, countess of Buchan in her own right, he became earl of Buchan. This was his second marriage, and his son by it, Alexander Comyn, succeeded him in the earldom, on his death in 1233, (see earldom of BUCHAN, ante). By his first wife (a lady whose name has not descended to us), William earl of Buchan had two sons, Richard and Walter. In 1230, Walter, who had become earl of Menteith in right of his wife, acquired the extensive lordship of Badenoch by a grant from Alexander the Second, (see BADENOCH, surname of, and MENTEITH, earl of,) and thus became the founder of the senior branch of the Comyns. He possessed large estates in the south of Scotland, and nearly caused a war between Alexander the Second and Henry the Third, by erecting two castles, one in Hermitage in Liddesdale and another in Galloway, without the consent of the king of England, to whom the suzerainty of these districts of right pertained. As he died without leaving heirs male of his body, all his possessions went to the descendants of his brother Richard.

The son of the latter, John Comyn, who was the first of the name known as the “Red Comyn,” acted a conspicuous part during the minority of Alexander the Third. He was justiciary of Galloway, and joined the other barons who demanded security from Henry the Third of England, before they would allow his daughter the young queen of Scotland to go to London for her accouchement. In 1264, with John Baliol and Robert de Bruce, he led a body of Scots to the assistance of Henry against his rebellious barons. He died about 1274. William, his eldest son, appears to have married his cousin, the heiress of Menteith, but left no issue. John, the second son, known as the “Black Comyn,” became lord of Badenoch, and was named among the magnates of Scotland who settled the Norwegian marriage of the princess Margaret in 1281. In 1286, on the decease of Alexander the Third, he was chosen by a parliament which met at Scone, one of the six guardians or regents of Scotland, during the minority of the Maiden of Norway, his cousin, the earl of Buchan, being also one of them.

On the death of the infant queen, the “Black Comyn” became one of the original candidates for the crown, as descended from King Duncan by the daughter of his son Donald-bane; and at the meeting of Edward the First with the competitors at Holywell-haugh, on 2d June 1291, he readily took the oaths offered to him, acknowledging Edward as feudal superior of Scotland. He afterwards, with the other competitors, the regents of the kingdom, and many other barons, swore fealty to the English king. After the election of Baliol to the vacant throne, he seems to have retired from public life. It is uncertain when he died, but he was alive in 1299. He married Marjory, sister of King John Baliol. Their son, John, also, like his grandfather, styled the “Red Comyn,” possessed the same right to the Scottish throne which was vested in Baliol himself, had the latter died without issue. He adhered to the English interest as long as Edward supported his kinsmen the Baliols, but when his insulting treatment of John Baliol drove the Scots nobles to arms, he joined the army which, in 1296, under the leadership of the earl of Buchan, invaded England, and carried fire and sword through the county of Cumberland. Soon after he was among the Scots nobles and knights who, with a strong force of followers, were admitted into the castle of Dunbar by the countess of March, (Marjory Comyn, daughter of Alexander, earl of Buchan,) and held in check the large army which Edward despatched under Warrene, earl of Surrey. After the battle of Dunbar, April 28, 1296, the castle surrendered to Edward himself. On this occasion Comyn was taken prisoner but was soon released.

After the signal defeat of the English by Wallace at the bridge of Stirling, in 11th September 1297, Comyn joined the patriot army, and at the battle of Falkirk, July 22, 1298, he commanded the cavalry, but scarcely had the battle begun when the whole body under his command turned their horses’ heads, and shamelessly fled from the field. He afterwards threatened to impeach Wallace for treason for his conduct during the war, and that hero in consequence voluntarily resigned the office of governor of Scotland, on which Comyn and John de Soulis were chosen regents, and after some time Bruce earl of Carrick and Lamberton bishop of St. Andrews were associated with them in the government.

IN 1300, when Edward again invaded Scotland, the earl of Buchan and John Comyn of Badenoch had an interview with that monarch, when they demanded that Baliol their lawful king should be permitted peaceably to reign over them, and that their estates, which had been unjustly bestowed upon the English nobles, should be restored. Edward treated these propositions with an unceremonious refusal; and, after declaring that they would defend themselves to the uttermost, the king and the Scottish barons parted in wrath. In 1302 he joined forces with Sir Simon Fraser of Tweeddale, and on the Muir of Roslin defeated the English in three battles in one day, the 25th February 1303. The English came up in three divisions, one after the other, each exceeding the Scots in number, and they were successively defeated as they advanced; the first under Sir John de Segrave, the English governor of Scotland; the second led by Sir Ralph de Manton, styled Ralph the Cofferer from his office as clerk of Edward’s wardrobe; and the third headed by Sir Robert de Neville. After that threefold victory he continued at the head of the patriots, with Sir Simon Fraser and Sir William Wallace, throughout the unequal and terrible struggle that ensued, thus nobly redeeming his character, which had been tarnished by his flying from the brunt of battle at Falkirk. Scotland having been again overrun by a fresh army under Edward in person, Comyn, Wallace, and Fraser, unable to make head against him, were driven into the wilds and fastnesses, where they still carried on a sort of guerilla war against the convoys of the English. Langtoft, the English historian, thus writes:

“The lorde of Badenauh, Freselle, and Walais,
Lived at Thieves’ law, ever robbing alle wayes.”

Edward is said at this time to have penetrated as far north as Cromdale, and to have staid some time in the castle of Lochindorb, then the chief stronghold of the Comyns. Stirling castle was almost the only fortress which remained in the hands of the Scots, and the regent Comyn, with the view of preventing a siege, attempted to defend the passage of the Forth against Edward, but his small force was routed and dispersed by the English; and on 9th February 1304, the earls of Pembroke and Ulster, with Sir Henry Percy, met Comyn at Strathurd (probably now Struthers) in Fife, and a negotiation took place, in which the late regent and his followers, after stipulating for the preservation of their lives, liberties, and lands, delivered themselves up, and agreed to the infliction of any pecuniary fine which the conqueror should impose. From this negotiation Wallace and some others were specially excepted. Comyn’s conduct in the subsequent revolution which seated his great rival Robert the Bruce on the throne, has already been referred to (See art. BRUCE, or DE BRUS, ante). It was he who was stabbed by Bruce before the high altar of the church of the Minorite Friars at Dumfries, and slain, with his uncle Sir Robert Comyn, by Bruce’s attendants, Lindsay and Kirkpatrick, on the 4th of February 1305-6. Besides his claim to the crown of Scotland, he was also allied by blood to the royal family of England having married Joan, sister and coheir of Aymer de Valance, earl of Pembroke, whose father was uterine brother of Henry the Third.

John, his only son, died in 1325, without issue, and with him terminated the male line of the principal family. He had two sisters; one of whom, Joan, married the earl of Athol of the time, who obtained with her some small share of the vast domains of the once powerful family of the Comyns of Badenoch, but having revolted against Bruce, his estates were forfeited. The power of the Comyns was effectually broken after the battle of Inverury, 22d May 1308, in which King Robert the Bruce, although very ill at the time, took the field in person against the third earl of Buchan of the Comyn family, and defeated him and his followers with great slaughter. The name afterwards sunk into an obscurity from which it did not emerge for centuries.

You can read the rest of this account at

You can read the other entries at 

The Celtic Monthly
A magazine for Highlanders

Added the September 1903 issue which contains...

The Nicolson Institute Stornaway, Evicted, The Fairy Man, The Return of the Men to "Bonnie Strathnaver", The Martial Music of the Clans, Strathnaver: The Return, Skene as an Historian, Lady Lude of the "Forty Five", Armorial Bearings of MacLean of Dochgarroch, Highlanders - United England Loyalists, The Early Celtic Church, Concerning Aunt Betsy and Some Others, Highland Scenery and Climate in Relation to National Music and Poetry.

You can read this issue at

You can see the issues to date at 

Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, Esq
A Military Officer, in the services of Prussia, Russia and Great Britain (1783)

Added Book 9 this week which contains...

Progress up the Wolga to Czaritza. - The Gost there. - A short history of the Cossacks. - Stephen Ratzin's Rebellion. - Ordered to survey the Caspian Sea, on which he proceeds to Taik and Yembo. - Island of Kula, and Turkistan Tartars. - Gulf of Iskander. - River Oxus and the Usbeck Tartars. - The Gulf of Carabuga. - River Darta. - River Ossa. - Gulf of Astrabat. - Provinces of Terebat and Massenderan. - Gulf of Sinfili and City of Resbt. - Difficult path of the Pyles. - The Rivers Ardeschin and Linkeran, and the famous naphtha oil-pits. - The River Cyrus, or Kur. - The city of Baky. - City of Shamachie. - City of Derbent. - The river Sulack. - Gulf of Agrechan, Island of Trentzeni and city of Terki. - General description of the Caspian Sea. - Watch tower on John's Island. - General Matuskin's marriage to the window in tears. - Contest among the Kalmucks, and expedition against them. - Description of their kibbets. - A battle with the Kalmucks. - Some odd Customs among them. - The Baranetz, or Lambskin. - Returns for Moscow up the Wolga. - A narrow escape from the ice. - Proceed by land. - A cruel robbery in the woods. - A remarkable discovery of a town, with an account of it. - A wild girl taken in the wood. - Arrival at Moscow.

You can read this book 9 at

You can read this publication at 

History of the Burgh of Dumfries
Got up two more chapters from this book. The previous chapters can be read at 

Now up to Chapter 50 and 49 & 50 contain some interesting accounts of Robert Burns. Here is how Chapter 49 starts...

TOWARDS the close of 1791, Dumfries could number among its citizens a man who had already made some noise in the world, and who came to be recognized as one of Scotland's most illustrious sons. His figure was remarkable ; so that even a cursory observer must have at once seen that it was the outward framework of an extraordinary individual. Five feet ten in height, firmly built, symmetrical, with more of the roughness of a rustic than the polish of a fine gentleman, there was a something in his bearing that bespoke conscious pre-eminence; and the impress thus communicated was confirmed by his swarthy countenance, every lineament of which indicated mental wealth and power: the brow broad and high; the eyes like orbs of flame; the nose well formed, though a professional physiognomist would have said that it was deficient in force; the mouth impassioned, majestic, tender, as if the social affections and poetic muse had combined to take possession of it; and the full, rounded, dimpled chin, which made the manly face look more soft and lovable. When this new denizen of the Burgh was followed from his humble dwelling in Bank Street to some favourite friendly circle where the news of the day or other less fugitive topics were discussed, his superiority became more apparent. Then eye and tongue exercised an irresistible sway: the one flashing with emotional warmth and the light of genius-now scathing with its indignant glances, anon beaming with benignity and love ; the other tipped with the fire of natural eloquence, reasoning abstrusely, declaiming finely, discoursing delightfully, satirizing mercilessly, or setting the table in a roar with verses thrown off at red heat to annihilate an unworthy sentiment, or cover some unlucky opponent with ridicule. Need it be said that these remarks apply to Robert Burns?

His first appearance in Dumfries was on the 4th of June, 1787, two months after the second edition of his poems had been published. He came, on invitation, to be made an honorary burgess; neither the givers nor the receiver of the privilege dreaming, at that date, that he was destined to become an inhabitant of the town. All honour to the Council that they thus promptly recognized the genius of the poet. Provost William Clark, shaking hands with the newly-made burgess, and wishing him joy, when he presented himself in the veritable blue coat and yellow vest that Nasmyth has rendered familiar, would make a good subject for a painter able to realize the characteristics of such a scene. The burgess ticket granted to the illustrious stranger bore the following inscription:-" The said day, 4th June, 1787, Mr. Robert Burns, Ayrshire, was admitted burgess of this Burgh, with liberty to exercise and enjoy the whole immunities and privileges thereof as freely as any other does, may, or can enjoy; who being present, accepted the same, and gave his oath of burgess-ship to his Majesty and the Burgh in common form." Whilst tenant of Ellisland, a farm about six miles distant from Dumfries, Burns became, by frequent visits to it, familiarly known to the inhabitants. Soon after Martinmas, 1791, accompanied by Bonnie Jean, he took up a permanent residence_ in the Burgh, and there spent the remainder of his checkered life; so that Dumfries became henceforth inseparably associated with his latest years. He had just seen thirty-one summers when he entered upon the occupancy of three small apartments of a second floor on the north side of Bank Street (then called the Wee Vennel). After residing there about eighteen months he removed to a self-contained one-story house of a higher grade in Mill Street, which became the scene of his untimely death, in July, 1796.

What varying scenes of weal and woe, of social enjoyments, of literary triumphs, of worldly misery and moral loss, were crowded within the Dumfries experiences of the illustrious poet! There he suffered his severest pangs, and also accomplished many of his proudest achievements. If the night watches heard at times his sorrowful plaint, and the air of the place trembled for a moment with his latest sigh, it long burned and breathed with the immortal products of his lyre; and when the striking figure we have faintly sketched lay paralyzed by death, its dust was borne to old St. Michael's, and the tomb of the national bard became a priceless heritage to the town for ever.

Dr. Burnside says of his parishioners, at the time when Burns became one of them:-"In their private manners they are social and polite; and the town, together with the neighbourhood a few miles around it, furnishes a society amongst whom a person with a moderate income may spend his days with as much enjoyment, perhaps, as in any part of the kingdom whatever." Other evidence tends to show that the society of the Burgh was more intellectual than that of most other towns of the same size in Scotland. Soon after Burns came to reside in it, various circumstances combined to make it more than at any former period, perhaps, a gay and fashionable place of resort. A theatre was opened, which received liberal patronage from the upper classes of the neighbourhood; several regiments were at intervals stationed in the Burgh, the officers of which helped to give an aristocratic tone to its society; and the annual races in October always drew a concourse of nobles, squires, and ladies fair to the County town.

The Theatre was opened for the first time on the evening of Saturday the 29th of September, 1792, under the management of Mr. Williamson, from the Theatre-Royal, Haymarket, London, assisted by Mr. Sutherland, from the theatre of Aberdeen ; "when," says the Dumfries Weekly Journal, [The Journal was owned and edited by Provost Jackson; and it is to his grandson, Mr. Robert Comrie of Largs, that we are indebted for the passages quoted from it.] "the united elegance and accommodation of the house reflected equal honour on the liberality and taste of the proprietors, and design and execution of the artists, and conspired with the abilities of the performers in giving universal satisfaction to a crowded and polite audience. In a word, it is allowed by persons of the first taste and opportunities, that this is the handsomest provincial theatre in Scotland." It is added that Mr. Boyd was the architect of the building, and that the scenery was from the pencil of Nasmyth.

You can read the rest of this chapter at 

The whole book can be read at 

A Group of Scottish Women
by Harry Graham (1908).
Our thanks to Julie for transcribing this for us.

We now have more chapters up and here is a bit about Mrs. Alison Cockburn (1713 - 1796)

It is not easy to believe that the name of Alison Cockburn would have become a household word in Scotland had her only claim to fame rested upon the song with which it is always associated. “Flowers of the Forest” is surely not worthy of the excessive praise that has been lavished upon it by most of the compilers of Scottish song-books. Its success supplies but another instance of how little need there is for a song to possess unusual literary merit in order to become popular. The original words – for the ballad is of very ancient date – have been lost long ago, but the simple air to which they were wedded, after being handed down from generation to generation, has inspired several writers to compose appropriate lyrics. Mrs. Cockburn’s attempt is perhaps the most successful, but it would not be hard to pick holes in her poem. The very obvious flaws in its scansion and rhyme are sufficiently apparent.


I hae seen the smiling o’ fortune beguiling;
I hae felt all its favours, and found its decay:
Sweet was its blessing, kind its caressing:
But now ‘tis fled – fled far, far away.

I hae seen the forest, adorned the foremost,
With flowers of the fairest, most pleasant and gay,
Sae bonnie was their blooming; their scent the air perfuming;
But now they are wither’d and a’ wede away.

I hae seen the morning with gold the hills adorning,
And loud tempest storming before the mid-day.
I hae seen Tweed’s siller streams, glittering in the sunny beams,
Grow drumly and dark as they row’d on their way.

O fickle fortune! Why this cruel sporting?
Oh, why still torment us, poor sons of a day!
Nae mair your smiles can cheer me, nae mair your frowns can fear me;
For the Flowers of the Forest are a’ wede away.

Walter Scott and Robert Burns unite in praising this poem to the skies, so it is perhaps rather presumptuous to find fault with it. “A fine set of verses,” Scott calls it in one of his letters. But then Sir Walter was prejudiced in its favour by being personally acquainted with the author. He was forced, indeed, to admit that Mrs. Cockburn’s with and conversational talents made a stronger impression upon her contemporaries than her writings were ever likely to produce upon her descendants.

Burns, too, was a not altogether impartial critic. “‘Flowers of the Forest’ is charming as a poem,” he wrote, in 1793, to Thomson, when the latter had asked his advice as to the projected publication of a series of songs to suit a collection of the best Scottish airs. “The three stanzas beginning –

“’I hae seen the smiling of fortune beguiling’

Are worthy of a place, were it but to immortalise the author of them, who is an old lady of my acquaintance.” (Once more we note the velvet glove of the friend lightening the touch of the critic’s iron hand.) “What a charming apostrophe,” he adds, “is

“’O fickle fortune! Why this cruel sporting?
Why, why torment us – poor sons of a day!’”

A charming apostrophe perhaps; but the rhyming of “fortune and “sporting” is distinctly less charming. Burns, however, could not well avoid feeling a kindly interest in this poem without exposing himself to a charge of gross ingratitude. He had known it from the days of his youth. He entertained, in fact, a sort of semi-paternal interest in it; for he himself had once made use of it as the foundation of a juvenile set of verses. It was therefore natural that he should keep a warm corner in his heart for a song which he had plagiarised at the early age of seventeen when he wrote:-

“I dream’d I lay where flowers were springing
Gaily in the sunny beam;
List’ning to the wild birds singing,
By a falling, crystal stream;
Straight the sky grew black and daring;
Thro’ the woods the whirlwinds rave;
Trees with aged arms are warring,
O’er the swelling, drumlie wave.

Such was my life’s deceitful morning,
Such the pleasure I enjoy’d;
But lang or noon, loud tempests storming,
A’ my flowery bliss destroy’d.
Tho’ fickle fortune has deceived me,
She promis’d fair, and perform’d but ill;
Of monie a joy and hope bereav’d me,
I bear a heart shall support me still.”

A comparison of those verses with those of Mrs. Cockburn, which had appeared, eleven years earlier, in a paper called The Lark, shows that not only did Burns steal the idea of his poem from “Flowers of the Forest,” but that many of the actual words were taken bodily from the text of that song. The most that can be said for this offspring of his youthful pen is that it was quite as good, and as much deserving of immortality, as the source of its inspiration. After all, the same thing is true of songs as of verses, of which Dr. Johnson very truly said that it was easy enough to write them; the difficulty was to know when you had written a good one!

Had Mrs. Cockburn done nothing beyond writing “Flowers of the Forest” her name would have been forgotten years ago. Had this ballad been written by a less noteworthy woman, it would not long have survived the date of its birth. But Mrs. Cockburn made her mark upon the social history of her day by other and far more effectual means than as a mere writer of songs. She was for many years one of the best known and best loved characters in Edinburgh society. Her house was the rendezvous of all the interesting persons who inhabited or visited the Scottish capital. Her parties were characterised by an absence of formality, which did not detract form their charm; her hospitality was of that simple kind which insures the comfort of guests without laying them under too deep and obligation. The distinguished company she kept made up for an occasional scarcity of food, and she herself was fond of saying that her little repasts, at which such men as David Hume and Lord Monboddo were often to be met, resembled those of Stella:-

“A supper like her mighty self,
Four nothings on four plates of delf.”

And you can read the rest of this entry at 

The other chapters can be read at 

Reminiscences of the Early Settlement of Dunedin and South Otago
Compiler and Editor John Wilson (1912)

We are now up to Chapter 7 of this publication and note that each chapter is a .pdf file. The chapters include...

Chapter I
The New Zealand Land Company - Whaling Trade - Free Church Association - Reports - Selection of First Ships.

Chapter II
Incidents on the Voyages of Several of the Early Ships, together with an Account of the Voyage of the "Bengal Merchant," in 1839-40, to Wellington.

Chapter III
Arrival of First Ships - Dunedin and Neighbourhood - Work Begun - Selections - First Houses - Work and Wages - Rural Lands - South and North - Law and Order - First Anniversary - General Notes.

Chapter IV
Incidents, Anecdotes, and General Descriptions compiled from Accounts of some Early Settlers.

Chapter V
Church Matters, and some of the Early Ministers.

Chapter VI
Some of the Pioneer Women of Early Otago.

Chapter VII
The Early Settlement of Tokomairriro Plain.

Here is a wee bit from Chapter 2...

0N the 28th October 1839, Mr Dunlop of Graigton, then Lord Provast of Glasgow, and a large party attended by some of the officers and the band of the 1st Royals, sailed from Glasgow in a steamboat hired for the occasion, to the barque "Bengal Merchant," lying off Greenoclr, and then chartered in London, for the purpose of conveying the first Scotch colony to New Zealand.

On board the steamer there was served a sumptous repast, at which champagne flowed in abundance. On reaching the vessel, his Iordship delivered an appropriate address to the emigrants. He told them that, though going to a beautiful country, and to enjoy a salubrions climate, they must lay their account with many enduring hardships, and must labour hard before getting fairly established in their adopted country. He exhorted them to cherish kindly feelings towards each other; reminded them that, as their tenure of life was short and uncertain, they wonld derive great consolation, when traversing the stormy deep and when tossed by mighty waters. from the hopes which the Christian religion afforded. He told them they were going to lay the foundation of a colony, which in time might become a great nation - a.second Britain.

On the 31st October the "Bengal Merchant" weighed anchor, and the emigrants bade adieu to their native land.

"We left our native land, and far away
Across the waters sought a world unknown;
But did not know that we in vain might stray
In search of one so lovely as our own."

You can read this book at 

Note: Just as a wee tip... when you bring up the appropriate chapter you'll find the filename is early2s.pdf but if you were to delete the "s" to just get early2.pdf then you'll get a larger .pdf file which will likely be clearer to read. I have reduced the file sizes so that dialup visitors can more easily download them.

Scots Minstrelsie
Have now made a start at getting up some songs from the 5th volume of this publication where all songs have the sheet music to go with them. This week I got up...

A Guid New Year To Ane An' A'!
My Heart's In The Highlands
The Braes O' Yarrow
Where Are The Joys?
The Laird O' Cockpen
Last May A Braw Wooer
Corn Rigs
Kenmure's On And Awa', Willie!
Afton Water
The Siller Crown
Oh Were I On Parnassus Hill
Young Peggy Blooms Our Bonniest Lass
Wha'll Be King But Charlie?
The Lily Of The Vale Is Sweet

You can see these at 

You can see the whole publication at 

Scots Humour and Heroism
by Cuey-Na-Gael (1902).

Now completed this book with the final Appendix - Some Dates in Scottish History

For readers who may wish to have a general oversight of Scottish History we subjoin a few dates.

86. The Roman General Agricola defeated Galgacus, the leader of Caledonians, and occupied the southern part of Scotland.
407. The Romans withdraw from Scotland, leaving the country to Celtic tribes, viz: the Picts, North of Forth and Clyde, and the Scots from Ireland in Argyleshire.
550. Saxons settled in South of Scotland, and Danes and Norsemen formed colonies round the coast. The Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland, belonged to Norway.
563. St. Columba from Donegal settled in lona, and introduced Christianity among the Picts.
844. Historical monarchy established under Kenneth McAlpin, King of the Picts.
1124. David I. introduced Norman feudalism, and Scottish nobles grew dangerously strong.
1291. Disputed succession. Edward I. choosing the side of Baliol, interferes in Scotland.
1314. Bruce defeated Edward II. of England at Bannockburn, vindicating the independence of Scotland.
1513. James IV. of Scotland was defeated at Flodden.
1542—78. Mary Stuart.
1603. James VI. of Scotland became heir to the English. throne as James I.
1638. National Covenant, (religious) signed at Edinburgh.
1643. Solemn League and Covenant (political and religious) adopted.
1644—50. Montrose’s Rebellion in aid of Charles I.
1660. Restoration of Charles II. Persecution of the Covenanters begins and continues 28 years. Thousands flee for refuge to Ho!-land. The "killing time".
1688—9. Claverhouse’s Rebellion in aid of James II.
1707. The Parliamentary Union of Scotland and England.
1715. The Earl of Mar’s Rebellion on behalf of the "Old Pretender", James, the son of King James II.
1745. Rebellion of greater part of .the Highlands headed by Charles Edward, the "Young Pretender", the grandson of James II.
1746. The Massacre at Culloden. Prince Charlie’s escapes.

You can read the other chapters at 

Family Tree DNA
I got in a private email from Bruce MacIntyre and as it contained, what to me anyway, was some interesting information I asked if he'd mind sharing it with our newsletter readers. While her agreed to this he did however ask that I note that if he'd done this for public use he would have toned down some of his comments about Oppenheimer's book :-) Here is what he had to say...

Robert & Alastair,

Robert you are correct that Oppenheimer's book and other DNA uncovered lately also backs up SIX MILLENNIA, but I count Mr. Oppenheimer to be a "Spin Master" who does not always tell the whole story and such is true within his book. With this in mind I find it easier to use my own DNA and Haplogroup information to support SIX MILLENNIA.

As previously discussed between us, the majority of current DNA based Migratory Charts are indeed far off in terms of overall, definitive, accuracy in their current state, contrary to what some DNA scientists would have us all believe. Mr. Oppenhiemer is exploiting some of the facts he espouses in his Book to his own end. The vast majority of European Celts are R1bxx Haplogroup, the vast majority of Celt descendants tested today within England, Ireland & Scotland's test R1bxx. Most European Royal Families are R1a Haplogroup (myself included, along with my Cousins the Chiefs of Clan Donald, etc.) and this was a very small group by percentage of population who also further tended to intermarry within their own, i.e., Royal to Royal, even in most ancient times as backed up by the Irish annals, etc.

Galatae of Spain/Basque Region was indeed where my own ancestors lived for a time and not all of us left to conquer Eirinn in 400 BC. What Opennheimer is claiming, Basque/Spanish, is certainly "mostly" true, yet can also be misleading as there were/are already R1bxx Celts in England, Scotland & Ireland. Most scholars would hold that these are descendants of the Fir Bolg, and other ancient Continental Celtic Clans. Fir Bolg being the ancient root word from which we get our modern Country place name of Belgium. By their own ancient record the Fir Bolg were forced to mine and carry "bags" of ore (Tin) hence their Clan name. I personally believe that the original inhabitants of the Western Isles came from both Belgium and Galatae. Some scholars further claim that the Continental tin mines were waning in 400 BC hence my ancestor's "migration" to Ireland, although I know the motivation to be a we bit different. To me the most objectionable two claims in Oppenhiemer Book is that the Basque were not/are not "Celts" which is patently untrue, and that all, if not the vast majority of ancient Western Islanders, i.e., England, Scotland & Ireland were/are of Basque lineage.

As you know my own small ruling Clan of Milesian Celts migrated from Scythia (Prussia to the DNA crowd) to Egypt, then to Galatae of Spain (in modern terms the Basque region) and finally in 400 BC to Ireland. However, when we conquered Eirinn we were absolutely a relatively small number numerically speaking, perhaps 225 -400 strong. The numerically superior native population of Island peoples greatly outnumbered us. The native Clanns, already dwelling in England, Ireland, Scotland, et al. in 400 BC were absolutely Celtic by our ancestor's accounts, excepting the De Dannon rulers of Eirinn. That large group of native Clanns, De Dannon excepted, test R1bxx, primarily R1b1 Haplogoup, and perhaps the then ruling De Dannon would also test R1b1. With this said, I should not fail to mention the Cruithnee, whom the Romans called Picts, our ancestors have them arriving first in Eirinn about 385 BC and then shortly thereafter being relocated by agreement into NW Alba/Scotland. However, they too must have been R1bxx haplogroup according to the overwhelming numbers of R1b's now living in the Western Isles.

As you both know sensationalism and controversy sell books and that is the game Mr. Oppenheimer is playing. Its "the same old story" that many of these DNA scientists are trying to publish or perish, even if wrong or misleading in their message, in order to make money and further their own careers. When they are caught misleading the DNA crowd merely says things like "its a new science and things will change" which then absolves them from any wrongdoing or mal intent!


You can purchase a copy of Bruce's Six Millenia from

Donna sent in three craft articles about

Her Back Porch at
We Were Indians at
Sewing Room at

Also a poem, There are Creepy Crawlies, at

John sent in a doggerel, Sneddin Gress at Meiklewood Cricket Ground, at

The Scot in America
By Peter Ross, L.L. D. (1896)
[Transcribed by Judy Lowstuter of Celtic Jouneys, with many thanks -]

Got in Chapter 2 - Pioneers - and here is hpw it starts...

AS might be expected of a race which began, so far as we know to the contrary, in Greece, sojourned in Egypt, Portugal, and other places, and at presernt has it's headquarters in the northern portion of the island of Great Britain, the Scots early began to turn their attention to America. Indeed, it has been gravely argued that America was really discovered long before Columbus was heard of by a band of Scotch mariners who were driven by stress of weather on the coast of Newfoundland, and a full account of the discovery now reposes in the "transactions" of some learned society. It is alleged that the mariners' boat was too much battered by the waves to be of any more practical service out at sea, and as the Scots got a hearty welcome from the natives they concluded there was no use of struggling with wind and weather any longer and they settled down, were adopted by the aborigines, and married among them. The Captain, as was natural, married a princess. Most all Europeans of whom we have record who married into Indian families got princesses for their brides, and from that we infer that princesses were more plentiful than were young women of ordinary degree. Had the Captain only written home an account of the adventures of himself and his crew, what priceless documents the epistles would have been to-day! His name would have been revered as the discoverer of America, while we would have been erecting statues in his honor and celebrating his anniversary! But he missed his opportunity, and, as Scotsmen, Scotsmen abroad especially, very seldom do that, we are rather inclined to doubt the whole story.

Mr. J. M. Moine, in his interesting paper on "The Scot in New France," suggests that among Cartier's crew, when that discoverer made his first acquaintance with Canada, were several Scots seamen. "Herue, Henry," he says, "seems to us an easy transmutation of Henry Herue, or Hervey." Again, in reference to another, he remarks that "michel Herue sounds mightily in our ears like Michael Harvey, one of the Murray Bay Harveys of Major Nairn." With reference to the facility with which names may be changed or adapted to circumstances, Mr. Le Moine gives an illistration which came under his own observation. "We once knew, at Cap Rouge, near Quebec, a worthy Greenock pilot whose name was Tom Everell. In the next generation a singular change took place in his patronymic; it stood transformed thus: Everell Tom. Everell Tom in the course of time became the respected sire of a numerous progeny of sons and daughters -- Jean Baptiste Tom, Norbert Tom, Henriette Tom, and a variety of other Toms."

In the same interesting monograph, Mr. Le Moine brings to our notice a veritable Scotch pioneer in the following words: "Who has not heard of the King's St. Lawrence pilot, Abraham Martin dit l'Ecossais -- Abraham Martin alias the Scot. Can there be any room for uncertainty about the nationality of this old salt -- styled in the Jesuits' 'Journal' 'Maitre Abraham,' and who has bequeathed his name to our world-renowned battlefield (the Plains of Abraham). * * * The exhaustless research of our antiquarians has unearthed curious particulars about this Scotch seafaring man -- the number, sex, and age of his children; his speculations in real estate; his fishing ventures in the Lower St. Lawrence. Sometimes we light on tid-bits of historical lore anent Master Abraham not very creditable to his morality. Once he gets into chancery; as there is no account of his being brought to trial, let us hope the charge was unfounded -- a case of blackmail originated by some 'loose and disorderly' character of that period or by a spiteful policeman. On September 8, 1664, the King's pilot closed his career at the ripe age of seventy-five."

There is, however, something mythical and unsatisfactory in all we know of this industrious and enterprising personage, and we turn with satisfaction to consider a greater man in every respect, although by a curious freak of fortune his name has not been immortalized by any world-renowned landmark like the Plains of Abraham. This was the Earl of Stirling, in many ways one of the most extraordinary men of his time, a man who was restless in his activity, who won fame in many walks of life, who was one of the most extensive landowners of which the world has any knowledge, yet who died poor -- a bankrupt. William Alexander was born at Menstrie, Stirlingshire, in 1580. Through the influence of the Argyll family he obtained a position at Court, and became tutor to Prince Henry, eldest son of James VI. He soon won the good graces of the sovereign by his learning, his shrewdness, and his poetical abilities, and when the crowns of Scotland and England were united Alexander followed the King to London. That Alexander enjoyed much popular favor and high reputation during his lifetime as a poet is undoubted, although few except students of literature venture to read his productions now. They are heavy, discursive, and, with the exception of a few of his sonnets and his "Paraenesis to Prince Henry," rather monotonous. But the evidence that he was a slave to the mannerisms and affectations of the age cannot blind us to the fact that he was really possessed of a rich share of poetic ability. With his poetical writings or his merits as a poet, however, we have nothing to do in this place, nor do we need to discuss the question as to whether or not he wrote King James's "Psalms," or even the nature of his statesmanship as exemplified in his official relations with his native country. We have to deal with him simply as a colonizer -- one of the first to colonize America. His career at Court may be summed up by mentioning that he was knighted in 1609, created Lord Alexander of Tullibody and Viscount Stirling in 1630, Earl of Stirling and Viscount Canada in 1633 and Earl of Dovan in 1639. A year later he died.

Lord Stirling found that the English were striving to establish colonies on the American seaboard, and thought, like the patriot which he undoubtedly was, that his own countrymen should have a share in the rich lands across the sea. Early in 1621 he sent a petition to King James for a grant of territory in America on which he hoped to induce Scotsmen to settle. "A great number of Scotch families," he told his sovereign, "had lately emigrated to Poland, Sweden, and Russia," and he pointed out that "it would be equally beneficial to the interests of the kingdom, and to the individuals themselves, if they were permitted to settle this valuable and fertile portion of His Majesty's dominions."

The petition was granted by the King -- probably that was satisfactorily arranged before it had been committed to paper -- and indorsed by the Privy Council. When these formalities had been gone through, Lord Stirling entered on formal possession of what is now mainly included in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, a goodly portion of the State of Maine and of the Province of Quebec. This territory was to be known as New Scotland -- Nova Scotia the charter dignifiedly called it -- and over it the new owner and those acting for him were supreme even to the establishment of churches and of courts of law. For some reason, not now exactly known, Lord Stirling at once handed over a part of his new dominion to Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar. That part is known as Cape Breton, but it was then given the more national name of New Galloway.

You can read the rest of this chapter at

You can read the rest of this book at

Prehistoric Scotland
By Robert Munro, M.A., M.D.
[Book transcribed by Regina Puschelik for which many thanks]

Got in Chapter IX - Abodes of the Living - Social Life

You can reads this chapter as a .pdf file at

The Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment
Thanks to Nola Crewe for letting me know of this information.

As the intro paragraph says...

The United Empire Loyalists who settled in the county of Hastings and Prince Edward organized the first local Militia units for self-defense. The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment is the modern descendant of those Militia units...

1800 Col. A Macdonnell forms the 1st Regiment of Prince Edward Militia.
1804 Col. J Ferguson forms the 1st Regiment of Hastings Militia.

The above Regiments provided units which served in the War of 1812 and the McKenzie Rebellion of 1837-8. During the 1860's, time of the Fenian threat, the Canadian Government authorized the formation of new independant infantry companies.

You can read the rest of this account at

Mini Bio
Added a mini bio of the Murison Family of Gamrie at

The Scotch-Irish in America
Found an interesting online book, "The Scotch-Irish in America: proceedings and addresses of the 1st-10th congress, 1889-1901." while searching for another book. You can read this at 

Bits of Electric Scotland
It was suggested that I might highlight bits of the site that I thought might be of general interest.

This week I thought I'd highlight the "Online Scottish Books" section at

As the page says... "This is a list of Scottish book sites where either I've discovered them while browsing or have been told about them by visitors to the site. In this case these books have been scanned in so you actually load a picture of each page to read it." All of these links are to external sites and here is a list of what we have...

A tour through some of the islands of Orkney and Shetland ...
Patrick Neill

The Center for Retrospective Digitization, Göttingen State and University Library
This is the center where the above book came from and has many other English texts of Scottish history. Thanks to Wolfgang Schlick for letting me know about this resource.

Early Canadiana Online
Early Canadiana Online (ECO) is a digital library providing access to over 1,279,000 pages of Canada's printed heritage. It features works published from the time of the first European settlers up to the early 20th Century.

Travels in the interior inhabited parts of North America in the years 1791 and 1792
This is a book by Patrick Campbell about his travels in North America in the years 1791 and 1792. He was most interested in visiting Scots who had settled in this area to find out how they were doing and so his account is reckoned very accurate as to the economic situation at this point in history.

The Battle of Moores Creek
On the morning of February 27, 1776, Patriot militia at Moores Creek Bridge defeated a Loyalist army marching to rendezvous with a British force on the North Carolina coast. This early Patriot victory during the American Revolution helped delay a full-scale British invasion of the southern colonies for several years.

This is a site that carries online books and by clicking the link you'll get a list of Scottish History books that they carry.

David Thompson's narrative of his explorations in Western America, 1784-1812
Thompson, David, 1770-1857 ; edited by Tyrrell, Joseph Burr, 1858-1957

Lord Selkirk's diary, 1803-1804
A journal of his travels in British North America and the Northeastern United States.

The Canadian journal of Lady Aberdeen, 1893-1898
Aberdeen and Temair, Ishbel Gordon, Marchioness of, 1857-1939. Saywell, John, 1929.

The journal of Alexander Henry the Younger, 1799-1814, Vol. I
Henry, Alexander, 1739-1824. Gough, Barry M., 1938.

The journal of Alexander Henry the Younger, 1799-1814, Vol. II
Henry, Alexander, 1739-1824. Gough, Barry M., 1938.

The Pioneer Exploration of Scotch Boy John Tod
The life and times of John Tod, a pioneer fur trader and one of British Columbia's founding citizens.

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
Here you will find volumes 53 (1843) through to 94 (1863).

Alexander Begg's Red River journal
And other papers relative to the Red River resistance of 1869-1870

Colin Robertson's correspondence book, September 1817 to 1822
Containing accounts of his exploration of Western parts of Canada and the United States and includes interesting information on the Hudson Bay Company and its amalgamation with the North-West Company.

An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760, Vol. I
By Knox, John, d. 1778. Covering the battle for Quebec.

An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760, Vol. II
By Knox, John, d. 1778

An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760, Vol. III - Appendix
By Knox, John, d. 1778

Customs of the American Indians compared with customs of primitive times, Vol I.
Lafitau, Joseph François, 1681-1746.

Customs of the American Indians compared with customs of primitive times, Vol. II.
Lafitau, Joseph François, 1681-1746. Fenton, William Nelson, 1908

Notes of a twenty-five year's service in the Hudson's Bay territories
McLean, John, 1799-1890

Part of dispatch from George Simpson Esqr, Governor of Ruperts Land to the Governor & committee of the Hudson's Bay Company, London, March 1, 1829 : continued and completed March 24 and June 5, 1829
Simpson, George, Sir, 1786

The diary of Simeon Perkins, 1766-1780
Perkins, Simeon, 1735-1812 giving account of the history of Nova Scotia.

The diary of Simeon Perkins, 1780-1789
Perkins, Simeon, 1735-1812 giving account of the history of Nova Scotia.

The diary of Simeon Perkins, 1790-1796
Perkins, Simeon, 1735-1812 giving account of the history of Nova Scotia.

The Hargrave correspondence, 1821-1843
Hargrave, James, 1798-1865

The journal of Major John Norton, 1816
Norton, John including his accounts of travelling through Cherokee country.

The letters of John McLoughlin, from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee ; first series, 1825-38
McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857. The story of the Hufson Bay's activities on the Pacific Coast.

The letters of John McLoughlin, from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee ; second series, 1839-44
McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857

The letters of John McLoughlin, from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee ; third series, 1844-46
McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857

The letters of Letitia Hargrave
MacLeod, Margaret Arnett, 1877-1966. Letters sent to her family in Scotland.

The logs of the conquest of Canada
Wood, William, 1864-1947 includes accounts of the seven years war and in particular the battles for Louisberg and Quebec.

The town of York, 1793-1815: a collection of documents of early Toronto
Firth, Edith G., 1927 The account of how Toronto came into being.

The town of York, 1815-1834: a further collection of documents of early Toronto
Firth, Edith G., 1927

The Valley of the Trent
Guillet, Edwin Clarence, 1898. Explores the settlements on Lake Ontario covering the Trent area.

Chamber's Book of Days
A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar.

The Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, Volume I,
The succession of Scottish ministers in the Church of Scotland from the Reformation, by the Rev. Hew Scott, D.D.

Chamber's Book of Days
A miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdotes, biography & history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character and all searchable on the site.

The Historie of Scotland
By Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580

British Agent
by R. H. Bruce Lockhart. 1933. This is a first person account of times in Malaysia and Russia and an insiders account of WW! and the Lenin era.

Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia
Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County 1745-1800 by Lyman Chalkley.

Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill
In 1832 they emigrated with their Scottish husbands to Canada, settling in the backwoods of what is now Ontario, near present-day Lakefield. They recorded and interpreted their experiences as pioneers in books.

Cassell's Old and New Edinburgh
by James Grant, was printed as a periodical in the 1880s and is now seen as a set of three or six volumes, and describes its history, its people, and its places by using anecdotal historical text with endless illustrations.

The Canadian settler's guide
By Catherine Parr Traill

University of Guelph
This is a collection of books that have been scanned in from the rare book department at the McLaughlin Library at the University of Guelph under the Open-Access Text Archive project.

The Scotch-Irish in America
proceedings and addresses of the 1st-10th congress, 1889-1901

You can get the links for all these books at

And that's all for now and I hope you all have a great weekend :-)


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