JOY of my earliest days,
Why must I grieve thee?
Theme of my fondest lays,
Mary, I maun leave thee!
Leave thee, love, leave thee, love,
How shall I leave thee?
Now absence thy truth will prove,
For oh ! I maun leave thee!
Think aft on the time that's gane,
When twa happy bairnies,
We played at penny stane
Amang the green fairnies.
Cauld an' hot, ear' an' late,
There we forgather'd ;
Where yows wander'd on the knowes,
And Hawkie was tether'd.
When on yon mossy stane,
Wild weeds o'er growin',
Ye sit at e'en your waefu' lane,
And hear the burnie rowin';
Oh ! think on this partin' hour,
Down by the Garry,
And to Him that has the pow'r
Commend me, my Mary!