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Scottish/Celtic Music
Music Radio Stations on the Net

You should note that with live music radio you can have problems such as net congestion and buffering problems. This is nothing to do with your own set up but simply that the net access is very heavy and thus causes delays in downloading the music. Also some stations have a limit on how many people can listen at one time but if you try again later you will likely get on.

Scottish Radio Stations

  • BBC Radio Scotland
    Live radio from Scotland - music and talk.
  • Scottish Community Radio
    This is a Scottish Community Radio from New South Wales in Australia. These are recorded programs that you can listen to on Electric Scotland.
  • Scottish Internet Radio
    The main focus of the station is the promotion of Scottish culture and language and broadcasting programmes in both English and Gaelic. The station will also run a unique online Gaelic learning program, and in association with Sabhal Mor Ostaig the Gaelic collage located on the Isle of Skye we will provide listeners with an opportunity to learn our native language.
  • Andy's Ceilidh
    Andy Ross presents his weekly show from Dingwall Scotland; the Heart of the Highlands
  • Radio Clyde
  • Forth One
    For Edinburgh and the East Central area of Scotland
  • Radio Tay
  • Northsound
  • Celtic Music Radio
    Contemporary and traditional Scottish music and song, as well as the wider genre of Celtic music.

Other Radio Stations


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