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Internet Marketing
Work with other sites!

We are in a global market and there will be many web sites out there doing outstanding jobs in various areas.  You really don't need to duplicate all their work on your own site. 

Should you decide that a certain amount of information on a topic is important for your site and another site already has this content then talk to them.  You might find it worthwhile to link to each other as both of you will benefit.  You might also purchase content from them which may well be a lot cheaper than adding it yourself.

Remember you are not an island.  Should your web site be there to encourage more visitors then think how you get them. I remember well talking to a radio station who's web designer looked down his nose at even the thought of linking to another site.  However he completely forgot the purpose of his site was to attract new listeners.  So if people other than his local listeners don't even know of the web site how on earth is he going to encourage more visitors and regular listeners to the station? One of the powerful options they have is to link to community web sites in their area.. even provide some daily or weekly news items for them. In return the community site would regularly feature the radio station on their site. Both sides win.

So do consider using the strengths of other web sites as part of your web marketing process. It can add greatly to your content and site visitor numbers and for little cost.



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