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Internet Marketing
A web site must be part of the whole marketing process

A web site should not stand alone as a separate part of your marketing process. It should be integrated with your marketing strategy.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Do you include your web site address on your product packaging?
  • Do you include your web site address on ALL your company stationery?
  • Do you include your web site address on ALL your marketing literature?

And what about your marketing plans?

  • If you are doing a marketing drive on a new product launch are you using your web site to obtain feedback from visitors?
  • Have you considered offering to send a money off voucher, free sample, or other literature in return for the visitor giving you their address?
  • Have you considered using your web site to gather a focused group of people that will help you test market new products or services?
  • Have you considered using your web site to offer in-store competitions where the customer has to visit your web site to enter?

A mix of traditional marketing and web marketing is a powerful combination. It also allows buyers to quickly refer to your product or service portfolio.  I keep getting told that sales people prefer to visit the customer direct.  The only problem with this is that when buyers are looking for products and services they are increasingly finding it easier to refer to a web site for that information.  Should your company not have one then you may well be missing out on sales.

Using feedback on your web site you can quickly identify what's missing. I've often heard that people get irritated with emails from there web site as they keep getting asked the same question over and over. It surprises me that these folk don't realize it's because they don't provide that information on their site.  After all if lots of people are asking you the same question does that not ring bells that you need to provide that information on your site?  And don't forget for every person that asks you the question there are likely 10 that didn't bother asking and just went away.

A web site adds to your marketing options.  Why miss another sales opportunity by ignoring the web as a sales tool or a customer support vehicle? You can also use your web site to help sales through your customer channels after all there is little point in selling lots of product only to have it sit on shelves.



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