To strengthen
the ties of kinship among MacIntyres of the world, through:
Locating, safeguarding, and memorialising historical MacIntyre sites and
antiquities. 2. Supporting MacIntyre historical, genealogical and
cultural research and non-profit publications. 3. Sponsoring MacIntyre
world gatherings 4. Acquiring legal title to a portion of Glen Noe, the
ancestral home of Clan MacIntyre. 5. Obtaining grants and donations to
fulfil the above goals.
On 20th
July 2008, the incorporation documents of the Clan MacIntyre Trust (CMT)
were signed by five founding members at Glen Noe, Argyllshire, Scotland.
Their signatures were witnessed by one of two honorary trustees, Ian
Malcolm MacIntyre, 17th
Chieftain of Camus-na-h-Eire. The other honorary trustee is Donald Russell
MacIntyre, 10th
Chief of Glenoe. The Trust was formally incorporated on 5th
August 2008 as “A company limited by guarantee
and not having a share capital.”
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Clan Macintyre Trust [the
Company]” No. 346619. The full Memorandum and
Articles of Association (Constitution and By-laws), Meeting Minutes,
Treasurer’s Reports and Application Form are posted at
On 29th
August 2008 CMT was granted charitable status No. SC03980 by the Office of
the Scottish Charity Regulator (“OSCR”). As such, The Clan MacIntyre Trust
can claim relief from various types of taxation and can accept donations
that may provide the donor with tax deductions if permitted by
their tax code.
There are
two levels of at which a person can join CMT – Member or Friend.
Members are individuals who want to have responsibilities in
maintaining the Trust. They have voting privileges and are expected to
attend electronic general meetings, which are held at least annually or
more frequently, as needed. The number of members is limited to twenty-one
(21) with further limitations according to location of residence and by
the ability to meet electronically. There are currently only the five (5)
founding members who are also the Officers of record. The Articles of
Association require a minimum of fourteen (14) members at the end of the
first three years. As members you must be willing to be a Director or
Officer, if requested by the membership.
Friends are simply individuals who subscribes to the Purposes and
Goals of the Trust. Friends do not have voting privileges, but otherwise
can fully participate in activities where they have an interest and can
fulfil their duties.
To become
a CMT Member or Friend please complete the Application Form and send it to
The CMT Secretary as directed. You are required to complete all sections of
the application including your reason(s) for joining and any special
interest(s), experience or abilities. Membership is by vote of the
Directors at their next regularly scheduled meeting and applicants shall
be informed of their decision within 14 days after that meeting.
The founding Board of
Directors/Trustees consists of five volunteers, the minimum number
required by the Incorporation documents. Trustees are not paid for their
services and don’t represent any other MacIntyre organisation. At least
one trustee must be a resident of the following locations:
Scotland and Europe. – Colin McIntyre – Edinburgh, Scotland, (Treasurer)
2. Canada and South America – Mary Thow, Trenton, Ontario, Canada,
(Secretary) 3. United States – Martin MacIntyre, San Francisco,
California, USA, (Chairperson) 4. Asia, Australasia and Africa – John
Sinclair McIntyre, Yackandandah, Victoria, Australia (Vice Chairperson)
5. At Large, anywhere in the world - Archibald McIntyre, Ardchattan, Lorn,
Argyll, Scotland (Gentleman Piper)
must be a minimum of seven (7) and maximum of fourteen (11) Directors.
There are presently five Officers.
Update 30th December 2017
Hello Alastair,
The segment above on Electric Scotland is a bit out of date regarding
the offices held by those listed.
The secretary is Alison Macintyre of Brisbane, not Mary Thow.
Martin is not Chairperson, this office is held by Archie McIntyre.
The Vice Chairperson is Bruce McIntyre of Melbourne.
I hold the position of Gentleman Piper.
Our AGM will be held in either January or
February. I’ll let you know any changes to the offices held.
Moran taing,
The Board
of Directors makes decisions within the mandate of the Trust and meets as
often as they deem necessary. The Officers may meet between Board
Meetings. There is an annual general membership meeting.
All meetings are held electronically via the Internet. At present meetings
are held via SKYPE
of all meetings shall be posted within one month after the meeting on the
CMT web site.
There are no dues to be a
Member, Director, Officer or a Friend of CMT. Funding operations and
projects depends on voluntary donations of time and money. Monetary
donations will be used for:
Establishing the Trust.
Annual cost for an independent oversight review as required by laws
covering charity corporations.
Communications (mailing, website)
Projects approved by the Board of Directors and Members.
Funds are
held in a Treasurer’s Bank Account at The Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh.
There is a PayPal account for accepting donations in most international
currencies. An independent executor will make a
quarterly report to the Board which will be available to Trust Members and
Friends. When there are sufficient funds,
on-going expenses will be drawn from endowment-generated income. An
alphabetical list of donors will be published
annually without identifying the amount of the donation. The legal
costs for establishing the Trust have been advanced by anonymous donors to
avoid time-consuming fund-raising that would have delayed its
establishment. To the extent that the law permits, the establishment
expense will be reimbursed to the donors, if they so wish.
There are
a number of possible projects that have been suggested and you are welcome
to suggest others.
Representation of the Trust and Clan MacIntyre at the Homecoming to
Scotland that is being held in Edinburgh 25 & 26 July 2009. This has
been successfully accomplished.
Listing of
MacIntyre sites, antiquities, documents and items of interest to
future generations.
of those sites and physical items that need protection from
plaques for the Cairn, Stone, and the grave of Duncan I of Glenoe at
Ardchattan Priory.
Identification of the Stone of the Fatted Calf on the official
Ordinance Survey Map. The Cairn at Glen Noe is already on the map.
genealogy repository.
Suitable recognition of MacIntyres who have honourably contributed to
society. The CMT Board has already approved an annual award
recognizing the best Gaelic students in the Taynuilt/Oban area to be
announced at the Taynuilt Highland Games starting in 2010. Names of
the winner will be placed on a plaque to be displayed at the Taynuilt
Village Hall in addition of small prize awards for first, second and
third place.