From the shore, eyes gaze
anxiously out across the storm-tossed sea. Will they be safe? Has there
been a mishap? For the wives and relatives of all fishermen there are
periods of stress and worry. At the mercy of the elements, a drifter or
trawler is small craft indeed.
Fishermen are a breed of
their own. They have their own beliefs and superstitions. They have
their own special methods of catching fish, and they have to be admired.
Surrounded on all sides by the sea, the British Isles have long been
dependent on the treasures it holds. Other countries have also gleaned
from the sea, providing food, money and a living.
The superstitions exist
because of two Actors. Firstly there is a necessity of calming the fury
of the sea, which is regarded as being either a divinity in itself or
else inhabited by good and evil spirits. Secondly, there is the need of
taking the greatest number of fish with a minimum of effort, this being
best achieved by securing the co-operation of the supernatural beings
which live in the sea and control its movements.
Peter Anson's book
reveals all about Fishermen and their ways in a spellbinding manner. For
as long as the sea exists there will be fish, barring pollution, and
there will always be fishermen.
"The fish shone white in
the water came up shining and large in the net, like grains of corn on
an interminable ear. Yard after yard came up, solid with fish. We got
wet through, and we didn't care".
The copyright holder of
this book is Father Mark Caira, Abbot of
Nunraw, Haddington, Scotland, EH41 4LW
He has kindly allowed us to publish this book on our site.
We would also like to
acknowledge the help of David Thomson of
Lossiemouth for supplying us with a copy of this book and for supplying
us with the contact details of the copyright holder.

Due to the hundreds of
illustrations we are scanning in this book and making it available in a
series of pdf files...

Peter Anson Sculpture unveilling 28th May
2011, Maritime Garden, Macduff.
Left to right Anne Robertson (Leader of Aberdeenshire Council), Stewart
Stevenson MSP, 2 monks from Pluscarden Abbey (Aelred and Brother Meinrad
Gibson) , Stan Bruce (BMHA Secretary), Liam Sparke (BMHA Vice-chair),
Bill Howatson Provost of Aberdeenshire, Malcolm Smith (Committee),
Deacon Brian Kilkerr, Tina Haris. (Photo by Andrew Taylor).