Jesse's dad was very handy
with his hands. He could build practically anything. One day he
built a digidometer, which helped Jesse with his homework. Another
time his dad built a pickleodon, to help Jesse's mom open jars of
pickles. Jesse's dad had been spending a lot of time in the garage
with the door locked. He wouldn't let Jesse or his mom in to see
what he was doing.
Jesse tried peeking through
the key hole, but his dad had put tape over it. "I wonder what my
dad is building in there."
A few days later Jesse's dad
opened the garage door. "Jesse, you and your mom can come and see
what I've done."
They both ran into the garage.
"Wow! It's a spaceship. Does it work?" Jesse ran his hands over the
green paint and the glass dome.
"Of course it works, Jesse.
I'm going to take a flight in it. If it works all right, then I'll
take you both for a ride."
Jesse's dad put on a special
pink and green suit he'd made. He climbed into the spaceship and
turned it on. Vroom. Vroom. He flew out of the garage and straight
up into the sky. "Wow! Look at Dad go!"
The spaceship flew past Mars
and Venus and Saturn and through stars and past comets. When Jesse's
dad landed, he opened the lid. "It worked and it was fun. Climb in
Jesse and you too," he said to his wife.
They flew up into the sky and
through the stars. Jesse was so excited. He saw the rings of Saturn
and the moons of Neptune and even got to see Pluto. Zoom. Zoom.
Zoom. They flew across the heavens.
When they returned to Earth,
they flew back into Jesse's garage. "Now what should I invent,"
Jesse's dad said.
"How about a googimometerscope,
for the space ship," Jesse said.
"Great idea."
Jesse and his mom went back
inside and heard him making all sorts of noises.
"Dad is cool, isn't he, Mom."
"He sure is," she said.