QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! Mother Duck and
her two babies floated across the pond. "Honey, you need to stay closer to
me. Why are you so far away?" she asked the duckling.
Honey quacked, "I like to swim over
here. I like being by myself."
"Oh dear," Mother Duck sighed. "Look
at Blossom. She’s staying near me. She’ll be much safer. I can help her if
something goes wrong, but I won’t be able to help you unless you move
closer to me."
"I’ll be all right. I’m not that far
from you," Honey said.
Mother Duck swam all over the pond,
always keeping an eye on Honey. Blossom stayed near her mother. Two
butterflies fluttered by. Mother Duck looked at them. She knew Honey was
safe. Butterflies can’t harm ducks. A big bumblebee flew by. Mother Duck
watched as it buzzed around Honey’s feathered head. She didn’t worry. She
knew the bumblebee wouldn’t harm her duckling. A big fish jumped out of
the water and splashed all over the ducks. Blossom started to cough. Honey
gasped for breath and choked. The fish jumped again. Honey started to sink
under the water. Mother Duck swam over and grabbed her by the tail
feathers. The fish swam away to the other side of the pond. "That was a
big fish! I nearly drowned. I think I should swim near you," Honey said to
her mother. "If the fish comes back, I’ll be much safer if I’m close to
Mother Duck quacked happily as she
swam around the pond with Honey and Blossom nearby. |