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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stories for Younger Children
The Uninvited Guest

Romper went out to gather nuts and seeds. When he came back to his tree, he found a baby raccoon sleeping in his hole. Romper put the seeds and nuts down in a pile on the ground and stared at the sleeping raccoon. It was gray, with black and white around its eyes. Its tail had stripes and it looked very tired.

Romper wondered what he should do. He was just about to say something when the raccoon woke up. It opened its eyes wide and looked at the squirrel. It started shaking with fear; then it saw the pile of seeds and nuts. Its eyes lit up.

Seeing this, Romper picked a few seeds and held them out for the raccoon to eat. It gobbled them down. Romper gave it a few more. The raccoon gobbled them down too. He shared all his food with the hungry little raccoon.

As they finished up the last nut, Romper heard a mother raccoon calling for her little one. The small raccoon ran to the hole and looked out. When it saw her, it made some raccoon noises and jumped out of the tree and ran towards her. When it was safely in its mother's arms, it turned, waved goodbye to Romper and then ran off into the forest with its mom.

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